
[1] 衝擊振動機械系統的分岔、奇異性與混沌形成過程研究。甘肅省科技進步三等獎,2001年,主持
[2] 含間隙衝擊機械系統的振動、穩定與分岔研究。甘肅省高校科技進步二等獎,2002年,主持
[3] 含間隙和衝擊振動系統的動力學及其在機械工程中的套用。甘肅省科技進步二等獎,2005年,主持
[4] 超大抵抗線減弱拋鄭硐室大爆破數值分析及其工程套用研究。甘肅省科技進步二等獎.,2006,主持
[6] 分段光滑機械振動系統的周期運動和非常規分岔。甘肅省自然科學二等獎,2007,主持
[7] 非線性動力系統動態特性與參數匹配規律研究。甘肅省自然科學三等獎,2011,第二
[8] 電力機車整備作業安全監控系統。甘肅省科技進步二等獎,2011,第二
2002年獲華夏英才基金 資助出版專著:
5、專著基金,碰撞振動系統的周期運動穩定性及全局分叉, 2002-2003,主持
11、國家自然科學基金面上項目,衝擊振動系統的動力學及其在機械工程中的套用, 2002-2004,主持
16、專項基金,含間隙機械系統的動力學最佳化設計與全局分叉, 2000-2002,主持
在國內外權威刊物上發表論文134篇,其中 SCI收錄52篇, EI收錄74篇, 發表的論文被正面他引502次,其中被國內外學者在SCI源期刊上他引195次,被科技會議錄索引(CPCI-S)論文他引35次。21篇論文被美國韋恩州立大學Raouf A.lbrahim教授在其專著(Vibroimpact dynamics-Modeling,Mapping and Applications,Springger-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,2009)中引用。
[1] Luo Guanwei(羅冠煒), Xie Jianhua(謝建華) , Sun Xunfang(孫訓方). Quasi-periodic and chaotic behaviour of a two-dergree-of-freedom impact system in a strong resonance case. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 1999, 12(3): 279-282 (1999年SCI收錄)
[2] G.W. Luo, J.H Xie. Periodic motions and transition phenomena in a two-degrees-of- freedom system with perfectly plastic impact. Physics Letters A, 1999, 263: 83-90 (1999年SCI收錄)
[3] G. W. Luo , J. H. Xie. Hopf bifurcation of a two-degree-of-freedom vibro-impact system. J ournal of Sound and Vibration, 1998, 213(3): 391-408 (1999年SCI收錄,SA收錄)
[4] G. W. Luo,J.H. Xie.Bifurcations and chaos in a system with impacts. Physica D, 2001, 148: 183-200 ((2001年SCI收錄)
[5] G. W. Luo,J. H Xie. Hopf bifurcations and chaos of a two-degree-of-freedom vibro-impact system in two strong resonance cases. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 2002, 37(1):19-34 (2002年 SCI收錄,EI Compendex收錄)
[6] G.W. Luo,J.H Xie.Codimension two bifurcation of periodic vibro-impact and chaos of a dual component system. Physics Letters A, 2003,313: 267-273 (2003年SCI收錄)
[7] Luo Guanwei,Xie Jianhua.Research in stability of periodic motion, bifurcation and chaos in a vibratory system with a clearence. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2003, 16(2): 127-133. (2003年 SCI收錄)
[8] Luo Guanwei,Chu Yandong,Yanlong Zhang and Jianhua Xie,Codimension two bifurcation of a vibro-bounce system, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2005, 21(2): 197-206. (2005年 SCI收錄)
[9] G. W. Luo,J. H. Xie.Stability of periodic motion, bifurcations and chaos of a two-degree- of-freedom vibratory system with symmetrical rigid stops. J ournal of Sound and Vibration, 2004, (2004年 SCI收錄)
[10] G.W. Luo,Period-doubling bifurcations and routes to chaos of the vibratory systems contacting stops. Physics Letters A, 2004,323: 210-217 (2004年 SCI收錄)
[11] G.W. Luo, J.H Xie. Periodic motions and global bifurcations of a two-degree-of-freedom system with plastic vibro-impact. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2001, 240(5), 837-858 (2001年SCI收錄, EI Compendex收錄, SA收錄)
[12] Luo Guanwei, Chang Yingxiang, Zhang Shengchuan. Periodic and Chaotic Motions of an Impact Forming Machinery with Double Masses. Key Engineering Material, 2004, 274: 421-426 (2004年 SCI收錄)
[13] G. W. Luo, J. H. Xie. Periodic and chaotic behavior of a class of vibro-impact systems contacting a single stop. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Group Theory and Nonlinear Optics, 2002, 9(2): 99-127
[14] G. W. Luo, J. H. Xie. Subharmonic bifurcations and chaos of the vibro-impact systems in a strong resonance case. I nternational Journal of Theoretical Physics, Group Theory and Nonlinear Optics, 2002, 9(3): 239-254.
[15] G. W. Luo, J. H. Xie. Bifurcation and chaos in dynamics of the vibratory systems with a gap. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Group Theory and Nonlinear Optics, 2003, 10(3): 229-255
[16] Zhao Wenli, Zhou Xiaojun, Luo Guanwei. Bifurcation and chaos research on dry friction system in the spring fault condition. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 2003, 17(24): 4395-4401. (2003年 SCI收錄)
[17] Lu Huaiwei, Wei Yun, Wu Kaijun, Zhang Baoge, Luo Guanwei. Design of all-fiber asymmetric interleaver with 22 and 33 fiber couplers. Acta Optica Sinica, 2011
[18] Ding Wangcai, Li Guofang, Luo Guanwei, Xie Jianhua. Torus and its locking, doubling, chaos of a vibro-impact system. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2012
[19] Lu Huai-Wei, Wu Kai-Jun, Wei Yun, Zhang Bao-Ge, Luo Guan-Wei. Study of all-fiber asymmetric interleaver based on two-stage cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Optics Communications, 2012
[20] Yang Liu, Dehghan Mehdi, Yu Jian-Ning, Luo Guan-Wei. Inverse problem of time-dependent heat sources numerical reconstruction. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2011
[21] LUO G W, LV X H, LV XF. Zhu Dynamics of vibro-impact mechanical systems with large dissipation. International Journal of Mechanical Science. 2008(SCI)
[22] LUO G W, LV X H. Dynamics of a Plastic Impact System with oscilletory and Progressive Motions. International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics. 2008(SCI)
[23] G.W. Luo, Y.L. Zhang, J.H. Xie. 1:3 resonance bifurcation of a three-degree-of-freedom vibratory system with symmetrical rigid stops. Physics Letters A, 2008, 372(17):2026-2031 (SCI 收錄 )
[24] G.W. Luo, Y.L. Zhang, J.H. Xie. Bifurcation sequences of vibroimpact systems near a 1:2 strong resonance point. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2009, 10(1): 1-15 (SCI 收錄 )
[25] G.W. Luo, Y.L. Zhang, Y.D. Chu, J.G. Zhang. Codimension two bifurcations of fixed points in a class of vibratory systems with symmetrical rigid stops. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2007,8(4):1272- 1292 (SCI 收錄 )
[26] G.W. Luo, Y.L. Zhang, J.G. Zhang. Dynamical behavior of a class of vibratory systems with symmetrical rigid stops near the point of codimension two bifurcation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2006, 297(1-2):17-36 (SCI 收錄 )
[27] G.W. Luo, Y.L. Zhang, J.N. Yu. Dynamical behavior of vibro-impact machinery near a point of codimension two bifurcation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2006,292 (1-2): 242-278 (SCI 收錄 )
[28] Guanwei Luo, Yanlong Zhang, Jianhua Xie, Jiangang Zhang. Periodic- impact motions and bifurcations of vibro-impact systems near 1:4 strong resonance point. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2008,13(5):1002- 1014 (SCI 收錄 )
[29] Guanwei Luo, Yanlong Zhang. Analyses of impact motions of harmonically excited systems having rigid amplitude constraints. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2007,34(11):1883-1905 (SCI 收錄 )
[30] Luo Guanwei, Zhang Yanlong, Yao Huiming. Periodic Motions and Bifurcations of a Plastic Impact Machine. Key Engineering Material, 2007, 340-341,307-312 (SCI 、 EI Compendex 收錄 )
[31] Luo Guanwei, Zhang Yanlong, Xie, Jianhua, Zhang Jiangang. Vibro-impact dynamics near a strong resonance point. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2007, 23(3): 329-341 (SCI 、 EI Compendex 收錄 )
[32] G.W. Luo, Y.D. Chu, Y.L. Zhang, J.G. Zhang. Double Neimark–Sacker bifurcation and torus bifurcation of a class of vibratory systems with symmetrical rigid stops. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2006, 298(1-2):154-179 (SCI 收錄 )
[33] Guanwei Luo, Yandong Chu, Yanlong Zhang, Jianhua Xie. Codimension two bifurcation of a vibro-bounce system. Acta Mech Sinica, 2005,21(2): 197-206 (SCI 、 EI Compendex 收錄 )
[34] 羅冠煒, 謝建華, 孫訓方. 高維映射的Hopf分叉分析及其在衝擊振動系統中的套用. 振動工程學報, 1999,13(3): 360-366. (2000年 EI收錄)
[35] 羅冠煒, 謝建華, 孫訓方. 存在間隙的兩自由度振動系統的周期運動及全局分叉. 鐵道學報, 1999, 21(6): 24-29. (2000年 EI收錄)
[36] 羅冠煒, 謝建華, 孫訓方. 具有單側剛性約束的兩自度振動系統在強共振條件下的擬周期運動與混沌. 固體力學學報, 2000, 21 (2):138-144.
[37] 羅冠煒, 謝建華. 一類含間隙振動系統的周期運動穩定性、分岔與混沌形成過程. 固體力學學報, 2003, 24(3): 284-292.
[38] 羅冠煒, 謝建華, 孫訓方. 兩自由度塑性碰撞振動系統的動力學研究. 力學學報, 2000, 32(5): 579-586.
[39] 羅冠煒, 謝建華, 孫訓方. 單自由度塑性碰撞振動系統的周期運動及其分岔特點. 中國機械工程, 2001, 12(11): 1297-1300.
[40] 羅冠煒, 謝建華, 孫訓方. 具有單側剛性約束的塑性碰撞振動系統的周期運動與穩定性. 蘭州大學學報 ( 自然科學版 ), 2000, 36(3): 61-66. (2000年 EI收錄)
[41] 羅冠煒, 謝建華. 強共振情況下衝擊成型機的亞諧與Hopf分岔. 力學學報, 2003, 35(5): 592-598.
[42] 羅冠煒, 謝建華. 衝擊振動落砂機的周期運動穩定性與分岔. 機械工程學報, 2003, 39(1): 74-78. (2003年 EI Compendex收錄)
[43] 羅冠煒,俞建寧, 堯輝明, 謝建華. 含間隙振動系統的周期運動和分岔. 機械工程學報, 2006
[44] 羅冠煒,褚衍東, 朱喜峰, 謝建華. 塑性碰撞機械振動系統的周期運動和分岔. 機械工程學報, 2006
[45] 何忠韜, 羅冠煒.基於渦流管制熱原理的汽車清洗方法水. 機械工程學報,2005
[46] 羅冠煒, 謝建華. 一類衝擊振動系統在強共振條件下的亞諧分岔與Hopf分岔. 爆炸與衝擊, 2003, 29(1): 67-73. (2003年 EI Compendex收錄)
[47] 羅冠煒,徐岩, 謝建華. 衝擊消振器的概周期碰振運動分析. 爆炸與衝擊, 2003, 29(4): 360- 367.
[48] 羅冠煒, 謝建華. 雙質體衝擊振動成型機周期運動的穩定性與全局分岔. 工程力學, 2004, 21(1): 118-124.
[49] 羅冠煒, 張艷龍, 謝建華. 含對稱剛性約束振動系統的周期運動和分岔。 工程力學,2007
[50] 羅冠煒, 張艷龍, 張建剛, 謝建華. 衝擊振動成型機周期運動的Hopf-flip 余維二分岔與混沌. 工程力學, 2007
[51] 羅冠煒, 褚衍東, 謝建華. 多自由度含間隙振動系統周期運動的Hopf-pitchfork余維二分岔. 工程力學, 2006
[52] 羅冠煒, 張艷龍, 謝建華. 多自由度含間隙振動系統周期運動的二重Hopf分岔. 工程力學, 2006
[53] 羅冠煒, 俞建寧, 堯輝明, 褚衍東. 小型振動衝擊式打樁機的周期運動和分岔. 工程力學, 2006
[54] 羅冠煒. 碰撞振動系統的複雜分叉與混沌. 工程力學, 2001
[55]羅冠煒. 客車轉向架蛇行運動的Hopf 分叉. 工程力學, 2001
[56]任萬勇, 羅冠煒. 轉8A貨車轉向架重要承載部件的模態試驗與分析. 工程力學, 1999
[57]任恩恩, 魯彥, 魯懷偉, 羅冠煒. 全光纖MZI型三信道波長交錯濾波器的改進. 光學 ・ 精密工程, 2010
[58] 羅冠煒, 謝建華. 具有單側剛性約束的兩自由度振動系統在強共振條件下的擬周期與混沌. 固體力學學報, 2000
[59] 羅冠煒, 謝建華, 康勝. 雙質體衝擊式成型機的周期運動在強共振情況下的亞諧分叉與 Hopf 分叉. 力學學報, 2003
[60] 羅冠煒, 謝建華. 存在間隙的兩自由度振動系統的周期運動及全局分叉. 鐵道學報,1999
[61]趙文禮, 鄭國忠, 羅冠煒. 乾摩擦車輛系統的周期運動和穩定性. 鐵道車輛, 2003
[62]魯懷偉, 馬莉, 蒲會蘭, 羅冠煒. 非平穩機械振動噪聲中瞬態故障信號的檢測. 鐵道學報,2003
[63] 羅冠煒, 褚衍東, 苟向鋒. 一類碰撞振動系統的概周期運動及混沌形成過程. 機械強度,2005,27(4):445-451
[64] 魯懷偉,張玉娥,羅冠煒。基於 2×2 和 3×3 耦合器的級聯馬赫曾德干涉儀型波長交錯濾波器. 光學 ・ 精密工程, 2007
[65] 魯懷偉, 褚衍東, 羅冠煒. 種新型級聯MZ 波長交錯器的設計與實驗. 光電子 ・ 雷射,2007
[66] 魯懷偉, 章寶歌, 李敏芝, 羅冠煒. 基於雙耦合器的平坦型全光纖波長交錯濾波器. 光學 ・ 精密工程, 2006
[67] 羅冠煒, 謝建華. 高維映射的Hopf分叉分析及其在衝擊振動系統中的套用. 振動工程學報, 1999
[68] 謝飛鴻, 羅冠煒, 關惠平, 王慶賢. 金屬爆炸焊接數值計算及工程套用. 焊接學報, 2005
[69] Luo Guanwei, Xie Jianhua. Complex dynamical behaviour of a vibratory system with a single stop. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference. 2001, 513-516.
[70] Luo Guanwei, Xie Jianhua, Sun Xunfang. Hopf bifurcations of two-of-freedom vibro-impcat system in week and strong resonance cases. The Third International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics (ICNM-III). 1998: 711-715. (1999年ISTP收錄, EI Compendex收錄)
[71] Luo Guanwei, Kang Sheng. Hopf bifurcation of periodic motion of an impact-forming machinery. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference. 2001, 85-88. (2002年ISTP收錄)
[72] Luo Guanwei, Yao Huiming, Gao Pu. Chaotic vibration of cutting lathe. Mechanics and Material Engineering for Science and Experiments. Science Press New York Ltd. 2001, 524-527. (2003年EI Compendex收錄, ISTP收錄)
[73] Luo Guanwei, Yao Huiming. Bifurcation and chaos in dynamics of railroad vehicle. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Vibration Engineering. 2002, 439-443. (2003年ISTP收錄)
[74] Luo Guanwei, Xie Jianhua. Periodic motion and global bifurcation of a two-degree-of- freedom vibratory system with a gap. The Fourth International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics (ICNM-IV), 2002, 1122-1126. (2003年ISTP收錄)
[75] Luo Guanwei, Yao Huiming. Unusual routes from periodic motion to chaos for a vibro-impact system. Third Interational Conference on Experimental Mechanics. SPIE-The International Society Optical Engineering, 2002, Vol.4537, 453-456. (2002年ISTP收錄, EI Compendex收錄)