

羅伯特.梅森,美國退役軍官,因發表越南回憶錄《怯鷹-Chickenhawk 》而入獄。梅森說:“我從一開始就知道這是犯罪的,但我冒了這個險。我覺得就像在越南執行任務一樣,我知道這是件壞事,但我堅持做到底了。”

梅森的越南回憶錄《怯鷹-Chickenhawk 》
羅伯特.梅森Robert Mason在回憶中,向人展現了現代戰爭的殘酷,這是在一般同類書籍中少見的,至少有些我聞所未聞。越南戰爭中,美空軍創下了人類戰爭的殘酷之最,在雨林中大面積使用燃燒彈之最、動用直升機保障戰場運輸之最……
Robert Mason was born in 1942 and grew up on farms in New Jersey and Florida. His boyhood dream of becoming a pilot was finally realized when he earned his private
pilot's license prior to his graduation from high school. After studying at the University of Florida from 1960 to 1962 and then working at a variety of jobs for the next two years, he enlisted in the army in 1964. He flew more than 1,000 helicopter combat missions in Vietnam before being discharged in 1968. Chickenhawk: Back in the World, a sequel to
this book, was published by Viking in March, 1993. Mr. Mason is married and the father
of one son.


