In the body of literature on WWII, THE FATAL DECISIONS stands alone. The work has its origins in interviews with German officers conducted in the years 1946-48; not easily accomplished, for at the time, interviewees were technically under arrest. Eventually, critiques of the gathered material were written by (among others) Generals Von Rundstedt and Speidel.Continuing research eventually led to this book, first published in 1956. For accuracy's sake, the seven generals and as many of their staff members as could be located were interviewed. Little new was learned from them on the reasons for German battles lost (Britain, El Alamein, Stalingrad, Moscow, Normandy, Ardennes), as military defeat can usually be attributed to trying to accomplish too much with not enough resources and men.
Of greatest value here are insights gleaned on the structure of the German high command, its functioning and the sometimes odd relationships between individuals within that Nazi inner circle. (摘自Amazon)