

《管理經濟學——決策者的經濟學工具》是2018年中國人民大學出版社出版書籍,作者是保羅·基特 菲利普·揚 史蒂芬·艾弗爾。


作者:保羅·基特 菲利普·揚 史蒂芬·艾弗爾


定價:¥65 元

字數:1000 千字









保羅·基特(Paul G. Keat) 美國雷鳥全球管理學院名譽副教授,在雷鳥擔任全球商務教師長達近30年。此前,曾在IBM公司工作多年,擁有豐富的管理經驗。他在紐約城市大學獲得工商管理學士學位,在華盛頓大學獲得文學碩士學位,在芝加哥大學獲得經濟學博士學位。曾在美國多所大學任教,包括華盛頓大學、紐約城市大學和愛納大學,還在佩斯大學講授EMBA課程。

菲利普·揚(Philip K. Y. Young) 曾任美國雷鳥全球管理學院管理學教授,現為美國Nth Degree Systems諮詢公司的創始人兼總裁,該公司是一家為許多全球大公司提供定製教育和培訓的諮詢公司。擁有紐約大學經濟學博士學位。

史蒂芬·艾弗爾(Stephen E. Erfle) 美國Dickinson大學副教授,幫助創建了該校國際商務與管理系和專業,主講管理經濟學課程。擁有哈佛大學經濟學博士學位。


Preface i

ChAPtEr 1 Introduction 1

Introduction: Economics and Managerial Decision Making 2

A Brief Review of Important Economic Terms and Concepts 5

The Case of Global Foods, Inc.: Situations and Solutions 9

Summary of the Situations and Solutions 11

Global Application: The BRIC Countries 14

Summary 15

Important Concepts 16

Questions 16

ChAPtEr 2 the Firm and Its Goals 18

Introduction 19

Do Companies Really Try to Maximize Profits? 26

Maximizing the Wealth of Stockholders 29

Economic Profits 32

Global Application 34

Summary 35

Important Concepts 35

Questions 36

ChAPtEr 3 Supply and Demand 38

Introduction 39

Market Demand 39

Market Supply 42

Market Equilibrium 44

Comparative Statics Analysis 46

Supply, Demand, and Price: The Managerial Challenge 53

Global Application: The BRIC Countries and the Supply and Demand for Oil 53

Summary 56

Important Concepts 56

Questions 57

Problems 58

Appendix 3A The Mathematics of Supply and Demand 65

ChAPtEr 4 Demand Elasticity 68

The Economic Concept of Elasticity 69

The Price Elasticity of Demand 69



The Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand 86 Income Elasticity 87

Other Elasticity Measures 90 Elasticity of Supply 90

Global Application: Price Elasticities in Asia 91

Summary 93

Important Concepts 94

Questions 94

Problems 96

Appendix 4A Applications of Supply and Demand 100

ChAPtEr 5 Demand Estimation and Forecasting 114

Demand Estimation 115

Introduction 115

Introduction to Regression Analysis 117

Problems in the Use of Regression Analysis 125

Examples of Regression Analysis Across the Disciplines 129

Global Application: Food in Spain, Cigarettes in Chinese Taiwan 130

Forecasting 132

Introduction 132

Subjects of Forecasts 132

Prerequisites of a Good Forecast 133

Forecasting Techniques 133

Global Application: Forecasting Exchange Rates 156

Summary 159

Important Concepts 159

Questions 161

Problems 162

Appendix 5A The Demand for White Zinfandel in Los Angeles 167

ChAPtEr 6 the theory and Estimation of Production 175

The Production Function 176

A Short-Run Analysis of Total, Average, and Marginal Product 178

The Long-Run Production Function 188

The Estimation of Production Functions 191

The Importance of Production Functions in Managerial Decision Making 200

Going “Beyond the Curves”: Current Production Issues and Challenges for Today’s Managers 202

Call Centers: Applying the Production Function to a Service 204

Global Application: Shifting Trends in Global Outsourcing 205

Summary 206

Important Concepts 207

Questions 208

Problems 209

Appendix 6A Productivity in Services 215

Appendix 6B The Multiple-Input Case 226


ChAPtEr 7 the theory and Estimation of Cost 237

The Importance of Cost in Managerial Decisions 238

The Definition and Use of Cost in Economic Analysis 240

The Relationship Between Production and Cost 242

The Short-Run Cost Function 244

The Long-Run Cost Function 249

The Learning Curve 258

Economies of Scope 261

Economies of Scale: The Short Run Versus the Long Run 262

Supply Chain Management 262

Examples of Ways Companies Have Cut Costs to Remain Competitive 265

Cautionary Note to Managers About the Use of Cost-Cutting as a Strategy 268

Global Applications: Li & Fung Will Do It All for You 269

Summary 271

Important Concepts 271

Questions 272

Problems 274

Appendix 7A A Mathematical Restatement of the Short-Run Cost Function 280

Appendix 7B The Estimation of Cost 284

ChAPtEr 8 Pricing and Output Decisions: Perfect Competition and Monopoly 295

Introduction 296

Competition and Market Types in Economic Analysis 298

Pricing and Output Decisions in Perfect Competition 301

Pricing and Output Decisions in Monopoly Markets 314

The Implications of Perfect Competition and Monopoly for Managerial Decision Making 318

Global Application: The $736,000 Bluefin Tuna 320

Summary 323

Important Concepts 323

Questions 324

Problems 326

Appendix 8A The Use of Calculus in Pricing and Output Decisions 328

Appendix 8B Break-Even Analysis (Volume-Cost-Profit) 330

ChAPtEr 9 Pricing and Output Decisions: Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly 346

Introduction 346

Monopolistic Competition 348

Oligopoly 350

Pricing in an Oligopolistic Market: Rivalry and Mutual Interdependence 352


Competing in Imperfectly Competitive Markets 354

Strategy: The Fundamental Challenge for Firms in Imperfect Competition 357

Global Application: The World’s Market for Beer 363

Summary 365

Important Concepts 365

Questions 366

Problems 367

Appendix 9A A Mathematical Restatement of Monopolistic Competition 372

ChAPtEr 10 Special Pricing Practices 375

Introduction 376

Cartel Arrangements 376

Price Leadership 381

Revenue Maximization 383

Price Discrimination 384

Nonmarginal Pricing 395

Multiproduct Pricing 400

Transfer Pricing 405

Other Pricing Practices 407

Global Application: The Decline of European Cartels 408

Summary 411

Important Concepts 412

Questions 412

Problems 413

ChAPtEr 11 Game theory and Asymmetric Information 417

Introduction 418

Game Theory: Modeling the Strategy of Conflict 419

Asymmetric Information 428

Summary 438

Important Concepts 440

Questions 441

Problems 442

ChAPtEr 12 Capital Budgeting and risk 446

Introduction 447

The Capital Budgeting Decision 448

Time Value of Money 449

Methods of Capital Project Evaluation 449

Cash Flows 455

Cost of Capital 457

The Capital Budgeting Model 460

Capital Rationing 462

Risk Versus Uncertainty 462

Sources of Business Risk 463


The Measures of Risk 463

Capital Budgeting Under Conditions of Risk 468 Two Other Methods for Incorporating Risk 469 Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis 471

Simulation 472

Decision Trees 473

Real Options in Capital Budgeting 475

Global Application 478

Summary 483

Important Concepts 483

Questions 484

Problems 485

Appendix 12A The Value of a Corporation 492

ChAPtEr 13 Government and Industry: Challenges and Opportunities for today’s Manager 494

Introduction 495

The Rationale for Government Involvement in a Market Economy 495

Stabilization of the Aggregate Economy: Monetary and Fiscal Policy 502

Subprime Loan Financial Crisis of 2007 to 2009 503

Government Deregulation, Mergers, and Acquisitions 507

Government Protection of Intellectual Property (IP) 512

Global Application: The Failed Attempt to Merge by General Electric and Honeywell 514

Summary 515

Important Concepts 515

Questions 516

Appendix A Statistical and Financial Tables 517


