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醫院簡介(Introduction of hospital)

福州現代醫院秉承“以人為本、患者至上” 的服務理念,賦予醫療行業一個全新的服務概念,以患者利益為最高宗旨,全方位開展人性化的診新模式,設有舒適的星級病房、周到溫馨的候診區、輕鬆便捷的導診服務,一人一室,私密獨立,處處體現了現代醫療的貼心服務和對患者隱私的尊重與保護!

Fuzhou modern hospital is a set of prevention, care, rehabilitation, medical care, teaching and research for an integrated hospital, its comfortable, comfortable hospital environment, international medical management and service level, to Fuzhou city and the surrounding district people out of province, city, not fatigued by a long journey, will be able to enjoy the international forefront of medical technology the convenient health services... ...
Modern hospital in Fuzhou adhering to the "people-oriented, the patient first " service concept, given the medical industry a new service concept, to the interests of the patients as the highest purpose, to carry out a full range of personalized diagnosis model, with comfortable star ward, warm and thoughtful waiting area and convenient guiding service, one person one room independent, private, embodies the modern medical service and the respect and protection of patient privacy!
Fuzhou Modern Hospital Dean Professor Fan Liubo, with the noble medical ethics, medical outstanding team of experts, the use of advanced detection equipment, accurate laboratory analysis equipment, to provide you with the most accurate diagnosis and safe treatment plan, so that patients in a safe, comfortable, warm medical environment dispel illness, to regain health.
In modern hospital, you will find "smile, love and dedication, service" throughout, let you in a relaxed atmosphere to meet the health need, this is the core of modern culture.
Hospital address: Fuzhou city Cangshan district after the bus station (Bai Huting Sakamoto passenger station south 200 )
Bus routes: 3 Road, 4 road, 21 Road, 30 Road, 31 Road, is the 57 Road, 67 Road, 83 Road, 90 Road, 124 Road, 135 Road, 305 Road, 306 Road, 309 Road, 501 Road, College Road, under the ocean, College Road, 502 Road, 503 Road ( after Ryo bus station to get off )

發展歷史(Development history)

Modern hospital in Fuzhou, referred to as the modern hospital, founded in 2010, under the Chang Gung Medical Group, is recognized as the best Fuzhou ENT Hospital, also in Fuzhou and the surrounding major hospital. At the same time, gynecology, male, Department of traditional Chinese medicine, neurology, and internal medicine as the characteristic of modern hospital departments, but also in a steady growth. As a modern hospital in Fuzhou characteristic Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Fuzhou city of Fujian province and the most authoritative treatment center, the expert team from China ent experts, Fuzhou CPPCC members and the benefits of the State Council expert Professor Zhuang Jinmei etc., enjoyed a high reputation and important position.
Hospital respected medical service quality, and process of simplification, treatment cost transparency. The hospital does not hold regular diagnosis and treatment activities, to benefit Fuzhou and surrounding urban residents, with practical action to return society.

專家團隊(Team of experts)

莊金梅 女,1943年5月出生,福州市人。漢族,93學社社員。1968年畢業於福建醫科大學醫療系,從事耳鼻咽喉科40多年,服務於福建中醫學院附屬人民醫院,現為耳鼻咽喉科科主任、教授、主任醫師,福建省政協委員。擔任中國中西醫結合學會耳鼻咽喉科專業委員會委員、福建省中西醫結合耳鼻喉科專業委員會主任委員、中國中西醫結合耳鼻咽喉科雜誌常務編委。擅長耳鳴、耳聾、聾啞、變應性鼻炎、喉炎等診療。在省級以上刊物已正式發表《遺體性聾223例調查分析》、《中西醫結合治療中耳積液203例療效分析》、《聾啞學生遺體因素致聾情況分析》、《中西醫結合治療喉炎療效觀察》等70多篇論文。《遺傳性聾調研及其與染色體形態關係的研究》獲95年度衛生部醫藥衛生科技進步三等獎。共獲取《遺傳性聾研究》、《聾啞人致殘病因、純音聽力及影響聾啞人語言發育的主要因素調查研究》、《中西醫結合治療中耳積液臨床研究》等15項省級醫藥衛生科技進步獎。《耳科鼓膜引流通氣管安置器》獲中華人民共和國實用新型專利(專利號89200068.6),1988年越級晉升副主任醫師,1994年超前晉升主任醫師,1993年晉升副教授,1997年晉升教授。《健康報》、《福建日報》、《福建衛生報》、《光明日報》等15家報刊曾先後對她的精湛醫術、高尚醫德及科研成果等進行了報導。事跡被收入《東方之子》、《世界名人》、《中國特色名醫大辭典》、《中國大陸名醫大典》、《世界優秀醫學專家與人才名典》、《中國當代學者大辭典》等。
Zhuang Jinmei was born in May, 1943, Fuzhou city. Han, 93 members of society. In 1968 graduated from the medical department of Fujian Medical College, engaged in Otolaryngology for 29 years, serving people's Hospital Affiliated to Fujian College of traditional Chinese medicine, is now the director of Department of Otolaryngology, Professor, chief physician, Fujian province CPPCC members. The position of Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine otorhinolaryngology professional members of the Commission, Fujian Province, combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine ent professional committee chairman, Chinese Journal of integrated traditional and Western medicine managing editor. At the tinnitus, deafness, deaf, allergic rhinitis, laryngitis, diagnosis and treatment. In journals above the provincial level has been officially published" the remains of deafness in 223 cases investigation"," integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine in treatment of otitis media with effusion : clinical analysis of 203 cases"," deaf students with deaf remains factor analysis"," combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment of laryngitis observation" and so on more than 70 papers. " Hereditary deafness research and chromosome morphology study of the relationship between" won the 95 annual health department medical and health science and Technology Advancement Prize three. To earn" hereditary deafness research"," deaf people with disabling etiology, pure tone hearing and deaf language development in the research on major factors"," integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine in treatment of otitis media with effusion clinical research" 15 provincial medical and health science and technology progress award. " Ear tympanic drainage ventilation tube placement device" by the people's Republic of China utility model patent (Patent No. 89200068.6), jumped 1988 deputy chief physician, 1994 lead Promotion Director, 1993 was promoted to associate professor and Professor 1997 promotion. "Health News", "Fujian daily", "Fujian Health News", "bright daily" and other 15 newspapers has for her superb medicine, noble medical ethics and research results were reported. Deeds are the" income", "world famous"," Chinese Medical Dictionary"," Chinese famous ceremony", "world outstanding medical experts and personnel code", "contemporary Chinese scholars dictionary".
婦科專家:陳楠 李凌月 何可珊
Fuzhou modern hospital expert team ( from left to right: )
Gynecological experts: Chen Nan Li Lingyue He Keshan
Director of gynaecology : Professor Liu Donge
Department of traditional Chinese medicine experts: Wu Min
Medical director : Professor Huang Zhenyin
Neurology, director: Professor Liu Langzhi
Andrology expert Professor Wang Ke.
Medical experts : Rao Huizhi
Gynecological experts: Chu Yufeng

醫院文化(Hospital culture)


Social responsibility: public services, social return ;
Responsibility to the patient : respecting and understanding, service-oriented;
The responsibility of staff : let the staff have the interdependence, the staff dedicated to the development of hospital, in the hospital.


