出版社: 科學出版社; 第1版 (2010年8月1日)
外文書名: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience:Consciousness and Emotion
叢書名: 神經科學百科全書(12)
精裝: 726頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7030280784, 9787030280787
條形碼: 9787030280787
尺寸: 26.8 x 19.4 x 3.8 cm
重量: 1.5 Kg
作者:(美國)斯奎爾(Larry R.Squire)
主編為著名神經科學家、美國神經科學學會前主席Larry R.Squire。內容平易,本科生即可讀懂。深度和廣度獨一無二,足可滿足專家學者的需要。導讀版精選原書中的部分主題,按內容重新編排,更適合國內讀者購買和閱讀。
Awareness:Functional Imaging
Blindsight:Residual Vision
Coma and Other Pathological Disorders of Consciousness
Consciousness:Neural Basis of Conscious Experience
Consciousness:Neurophysiology and Visual Awareness in
Consciousness:Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience
Consciousness:Theories and Models
The AIM Model of Dreaming,Sleeping,and Waking Consciousness
Vegetative State
Depression and the Brain
Emotion in Speech
Emotion Systems and the Brain
Emotion:Computational Modeling
Emotional Control of the Autonomic Nervous System
Sexual Behavior:Neuroendocrine Control
Amygdala:Contributions to Fear
Aversive Emotions:Genetic Mechanisms of Serotonin
Aversive Emotions:Molecular Basis of Unconditioned Fear
Fear Conditioning and Synaptic Plasticity
Genetics of Human Anxiety and Its Disorders
Learned Flavor Aversions and Preferences
Panic Disorder
Pharmacology of Fear Extinction
phobia and Human Evolution
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder as an Emotional'Disorder
Appetitive Systems:Amygdala and Striatum
Emotion and vigilance
Emotional Hormones and Memory Modulation
Emotional Influences on Memory and Attention
Social Interaction Effects on Reward and Cognitive Abilities in Monkeys
Aggression:Hormonal Basis
Aggression:Neurochemical and Molecular Mechanisms
Emotional Learning in Humans
Neuroendocrinology of Social/Affiliative Behavior
Pheromones in Humans and Social Chemosignals
Social Brain:Evolution
Social Emotion:Neuroimaging
Social Interaction
Addiction:Neurobiological Mechanism
Connectivity of Primate Reward Centers
Cortical Processing of the Reward Value of Food
Dopamine: Cellular Actions
Drug Addiction:Behavioral Neurophysiology
Drug Addiction:Behavioral Pharmacology of Drug Addiction in Rats
Drug Addiction:Cellular Mechanisms
Drug Addiction:Neuroimaging
Drugs Addiction :Actions
Electrical serf-Stimulation
Energy Homeostasis:Endocannabinoid System
Goal-Directed Behavior Theories
3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine(MDMA, "Ecstasy")
Neuropsychology of Primate Reward Processes
Prefrontal Contributions to Reward Encoding
Psychopharmacology of Reward and Appetite in Rats
Representation of Reward
Reward and Learning
Reward Decision-Making
Reward Neurophysiology and Orbitofrontal Cortex
Reward Neurophysiology and Primate Cerebral Cortex
Reward Processing:Human Imaging
Reward Systems:Human
Serotonin-Related Psychedelic Drugs
Substance.Abuse and Dependence
Transcription and Reward Systems
adrenal Steroids:Biphasic Effects on Neurons
Circumventricular Organs in Neuroendocrine Control
Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone:Integration of Adaptive Responses to Stress
Diabetes Type 2 and Stress:Impact on Memory and the Hippocampus
Gene Therapy and Protection from Stress-Induced Brain Damage
Mother-Infant Interaction in the Variable Foraging Demand Model
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder:Overview
Social Stress in Adult Primates
Stress and Cognition
Stress and Neural Involvement in Metabolism
Stress and Neuronal Plasticity
Stress and Parasympathetic Control
Stress and SUICIDE
Stress and Vulnerability to Brain Damage
Stress Response and Self-Esteem
Stress Response:Genetic Consequences
Stress Response:Neural and Feedback Regulation of the HPA Axis
Stress Response:Sex Differences
Stress,Cytokines and depressive Illness
Stress,Dopamine,and puberty
Stress,Sex and Adolescent Nicotine Response
Stress,the HPA Axis and Depressive Illness
Stress:Definition and History
Stress:Homeostasis,Rheostasis, Allostasis and Allostatic Load
Sympathetic Noradrenergic and Adrenomedullary Hormonal Systems in Stress and Distress
Sympathoadrenal System:Neural Arm of the Stress Response
TIP39(Tuberoinfundibular Peptide of 39 Residues)