James G.C. Shi, Associate Professor, Program Coordinator
行政與管理學院 Faculty of Management and Administration
學歷 Academic Qualification:
博士學位 Ph.D. in Marketing (Hong Kong Baptist University)
碩士學位 Master in Management Engineering (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
學士學位 Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering (Jiangxi University of Science and Technology)
教學科目 Teaching Area
Marketing Research
Pricing Strategy
Marketing Management
Global Marketing
研究方向 Research Area
Relationship Marketing
Service Marketing
Strategic Marketing
Pricing Strategy
Business Ethics
工作經驗 Working Experience
Associate Professor of Marketing (July 2008-- Now) , Assistant Professor of Marketing (Aug. 2005--June 2008), Macau University of Science and Technology
Associate Professor of Marketing (Oct.1996 -- Nov.2002), Qingdao University
Visiting Scholar of Marketing (Sept.2000--Aug. 2001), York University (Canada)
Lecturer of Marketing (Feb.1991 -- Sept.1996), Qingdao University
Visiting Scholar of Business Studies (Feb.1990-- Jan 1991), Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Director of Qingdao Office, Senior Supervisor (Sept. 1995--Aug.1997), Sole Agent of Qingdao District (Sept.1997--July 2000), ACNielsen (China) Ltd.
Asistant General Manager & Manager of International Trade Department (Feb. 1993--Aug. 1995), Qingdao Pleno Group Company
學術成果 Academic Publication
Refereed Journal Papers
Lam, K.C. & Shi, G. C. (2008). Factors affecting Ethical Attitudes in Mainland China and Hong Kong, Journal of Business Ethics, 77(4):463-479.
G. C. Shi & Ping, Y. (2008). A Study on the Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Catering Industry of Macao, Journal of Macau University of Science and Technology, 2 (2): 13-19.
Shi, G. C., Wang, Y. G. & Liu, X. Y. (2007). The Impact Of Customer Relationship Strength on Sales Effectiveness and Relationship Profitability in Services Selling. International Journal of Business Research, 7, 152-160
Shi, G.C., Chan, A. K., Shi, Y.Z., & Wang, Y. G. (2006). Dimensions and Determinants of Customer Relationship Strength in Services Selling. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 6, 140-154.
Wang, Y. G., Kandampully, J., Lo, H. P., & Shi, G. C. (2006). The Roles of Brand Equity and Corporate Reputation in CRM: A Chinese Study, Corporate Reputation Review, 9(3), 179-195.
Wang, Y. G., Shen, J. Y., & Shi, G. C. (2005). How Brand Assets Drive the Performance of Customer Relationship Management: An Empirical Research from an Analytical perspective. Journal of Management, 6, 706-711. (In Chinese)
Shi, G. C., Wang, Y. G., Xing, J. G., & Yu, B. (2005). Relationship strength: Scale development and construct validation. Nankai Business Review, 8 (3), 74-82. (In Chinese)
Shi, G. C. (2002). On the competence of the Chinese multinational companies in the international market. Reform of Economic System, 2002.9, 111-113. (In Chinese)
Shi, G. C. (2000). A starting point for the Chinese foreign trade companies to develop foreign markets directly. Inquiry Into Economic Problems, 213, 57-58. (In Chinese)
Shi, G. C. (1996). On focus group: A marketing research approach. Factory Management, 1996. 12, 35 (In Chinese)
Shi, G. C. (1996). How can Chinese enterprises make use of marketing research. Shanghai Enterprises, 1996.10, 42-43 (In Chinese)
Hu, L. X. & Shi, G. C. (1996). On economy of entrusting-operation. Journal of Qigndao Institute of Architecture and Engineering, 1996.9, 62-66 (In Chinese)
Conference Proceedings
Wang, Y. G., Xing, J. G., & Shi, G. C. (2007). Managing Customer Relationship Activities for the Favorable Relationship Strength: A Competence-based Perspective in the Context of a Chinese Service Industry. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Services Management, Volume4, 231-6.
Wang, Y. G., Zhang, X., Shi, G. C., Dong, Y. R., & Yao, Z. (2006). A Moderated Model of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Market Performance: A Chinese Study. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Services Management, Volume3, 674-80.
Wang, Y. G. & Shi, G. C. (2006). Customer asset management orientation and its performance implications: the role of NPD. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology. June 21-23, Singapore.
Sun, L. Y., Shi, G. C., & Gao, H. (2006). Organizational Culture Moderating the Market Orientation: Employees’Intrapreneurial Behaviors Relationship and Performance Implication. Proceedings of 2nd International Association for Chinese Management Research. June 15-18, Nanjing, China.
Shi, G. C., Chan, K. A., Shi, Y. Z., & Wang, Y. G. (2005). Customer relationship strength in service selling: Construct definition, scale development, and validation. AMA Educators’ Conference Proceedings, Volume 16, 317-318.
Wang, Y. G., Han, S. P., & Shi, G. C. (2005). The dimension of customer loyalty and its key drivers: An integrated framework in perspective of customer equity management. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Services Management, Volume2, 204-210.
Shi, G. C. & Chan, K. A. (2004). Relationship strength in relationship marketing: A conceptual framework for its measurement, antecedents and consequences in Chinese setting. Proceedings of Annual World Business Congress of IMDA, Volume 13, 927-935.
Book Chapters
Huang, S. Q., Wen, W., & Shi, G. C. (1998). A Practical Course of Business English, (ISBN: 7-5064-1415-5), Beijing: China Textile Press.
Jiang, J. G., Kang, Q. Q., & Shi, G. C. (1997). Modern Enterprise, (ISBN: 7-5436-1422-7), Qingdao: Qingdao Press.
Li, J. Y., Shi G. C. & Chen, X.W. (1996). International Trade and Public Relations, (ISBN: 7-5436-1335-2), Qingdao: Qingdao Press.
專業認證與獎項 Professional Certification and Awards
The chartered Institute of Marketing (U.K.) HK Award 2004
專業學會資格 Professional Society Membership
Member of American Marketing Association (AMA)
貴港,位於廣西壯族自治區東南部,西江流域中游,潯郁平原中部,是大西南出海通道的重要門戶,中緬油氣管道天然氣管道終點。 貴港港為中國西部地區內河第一大港,...
歷史沿革 行政區劃 地理環境 自然資源 人口民族 -
成宮寬貴(Hiroki Narimiya),1982年9月14日出生於東京都,日本影視演員,隸屬於Top Coat事務所。2000年,成宮寬貴通過參演宮...
演藝經歷 個人生活 主要作品 獲獎記錄 人物評價 -
1、村莊變新。 3、村民變喜。 貴石溝村的環境越變越美,村民生活越來越好。
簡介 經濟發展 -
姓氏源流 得姓始祖 遷徙分布 郡望堂號 歷史名人 -
彩石種類 彩石象徵 彩石耳環 壽山石 -
前沿 序言 熱心人芳名 石曼卿祠 寧遠石氏考 -
基本信息 歷史沿革 行政區劃 地理環境 人口數據 -
二、三月間,中共貴西工委派虹鋪區委書記楊友華率一個連進入貴石邊境,成立了中共貴石工委。 書記楊友華、委員米濟群、錢世慶。 8月,抗日戰爭勝利後,楊友華率部北撤。
劇情簡介 角色介紹 創作背景 分集劇情 動畫音樂