美國 "ACS" 會員;
“Journal of Catalysis”,“催化學報” 等學術期刊通迅審稿人;
(1)國家自然科學基金 “納米銀催化劑的研製及其在氮氧化物消除反應中的套用”(2003-2005年),20萬,負責人:石川;
(2)國家自然科學基金“負載銀催化劑上甲烷的臨氧活化轉化研究”( 2006-2008年),24萬,負責人:石川;
(3)國家自然科學基金“烴類選擇催化還原氮氧化物過程中表面中間體研究”( 2007-2009年),30萬,負責人:石川;
(1)國家“十五”“863”計畫青年基金“納米級過渡金屬氮化物的合成及其在NO催化還原反應中的套用”(2004-2006年),20萬,負責人:石川;參加者:朱愛民; 個人承擔經費:15萬
(3) 國家“十五”“863”計畫前沿探索類課題 “電漿淨化室內氣態污染物實用化新技術”(2007-2010年),100萬,研究骨幹;
● 人才類項目:
● 省部級項目:
(2) 遼寧省自然科學基金 “室內空氣污染物甲醛的存儲-氧化循環淨化新方法 ” 負責人: 石川; 金額:5萬;時間: 2011 -2013年。
自2004年來以第一、第二及通訊作者發表SCI收錄研究論文26篇,26篇全部發表在國際有影響力的刊物如Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Applied Catalysis A: General, Catalysis Today, Catalysis Letter, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, Catalysis Communications等,其中發表在Applied Catalysis B: Environmental和Catalysis Today上的論文分別獲得遼寧省自然科學學術成果(論文類)一等、二等獎;近5年以第一、第二和通訊作者發表的25篇文章被引用148次。
Recent publications:
1)Chuan Shi, Yaying Ji, Uschi M. Grahama, Gary Jacobs, Mark Crocker*, Zhaoshun Zhang, Yu Wang, Todd J. Toops, “NOx storage and reduction properties of model ceria-based lean NOx trapcatalysts”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2012, 119-120: 183-196
Impact Factor: 5.625 (5-Year Impact Factor: 6.052)
2)Chuan Shi*, Anjie Zhang, Xiaosong Li, Shaohua Zhang, Aimin Zhu, Yufei Ma, Chak Tong Au, “Ni-modified Mo2C catalysts for methane dry reforming”, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012, 431: 164-170
Impact Factor: 3.903 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.961)
3)Chuan Shi*, Bing-bing Chen, Xiao-song Li, Mark Crocker, Yu Wang, Ai-min Zhu, “Catalytic formaldehyde removal by ‘‘storage-oxidation’’ cycling process over supported silver catalysts”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012: 200-202: 729-737
Impact Factor: 3.461 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.681)
4)Chuan Shi*, Yu Wang, Aimin Zhu, Bingbing Chen, Chaktong Au*, “MnxCo3?xO4 solid solution as high-efficient catalysts for low-temperature oxidation of formaldehyde”, Catalysis Communications, 2012, 28: 18-22
Impact Factor: 2.986 (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.299)
5)Shi Chuan*, Xu Li, Ai-Min Zhu, Zhang Yuzhuo, Au Chak Tong, “Copper Oxide Clusters Stabilized by Ceria for CO, C3H6, and NO Abatement”, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2012, 33: 1455-1462 (封面文章)
Impact Factor: 1.171 (5-Year Impact Factor: 0.945)
6)Hong-Yu Fan, Chuan Shi, Xiao-Song Li, Shuo Zhang, Jing-Lin Liu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “In-situ plasma regeneration of deactivated Au/TiO2 nanocatalysts during CO oxidation and effect of N2 content”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2012, 119-120: 49-55
Impact Factor: 5.625 (5-Year Impact Factor:6.052)
7)De-Zhi Zhao, Chuan Shi, Xiao-Song Li, Ai-Min Zhu*, Ben W.-L. Jang*, “Enhanced effect of water vapor on complete oxidation of formaldehyde in air with ozone over MnOx catalysts at room temperature”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 239: 362-369
Impact Factor: 4.173 (5-Year Impact Factor: 4.553)
8)Lan-Bo Di, Chuan Shi, Xiao-Song Li, Jing-Lin Liu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Uniformity, structure and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 films deposited by 2 atmospheric-pressure linear cold plasma”, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2012, Accepted
Impact Factor: 1.796 (5-Year Impact Factor: 1.851)
9)Bin Zhu, Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, Jing-Lin Liu, Tian-Liang Zhao, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Pressurization effect on dry reforming of biogas in kilohertz spark-discharge plasma”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37: 4945-4954
Impact Factor: 4.054 (5-Year Impact Factor: 4.402)
10) Zhao Dezhi, Ding Tianying, Li Xiaosong, Liu Jinglin, Shi Chuan, Zhu Aimin*, “Ozone catalytic oxidation at room temperature of HCHO in air over MnOx”, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2012, 33: 396-401
Impact Factor: 1.171 (5-Year Impact Factor: 0.945)
(11) Zhao De-Zhi; Li Xiao-Song; Shi Chuan; Fan Hong-Yu; Zhu Ai-Min*, Low-concentration formaldehyde removal from air using a cycled storage-discharge (CSD) plasma catalytic process” CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2011, 66(17), 3922-3929.
Impact Factor: 2.533
(12) Anjie Zhang, Aimin Zhu, Bingbing Chen, Shaohua Zhang, Chatktong Au, Chuan Shi*, “In-situ Synthesis of Nickel Modified Molybdenum Carbide Catalyst for Dry Reforming of Methane”, Catalysis Communications,2011, 12(9) : 803-807.
Impact Factor: 2.906.
(13)Hong-Yu Fan, Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, De-Zhi Zhao, Jing-Lin Liu, Yan-Xia Liu, Ai-Min Zhu*, “Plasma catalytic oxidation of stored benzene in a cycled storage-discharge (CSD) process: catalysts, reactors and operation conditions”, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2011, 31: 799-810
Impact Factor: 1.819 .
(14) Xiaomei Chen, Aimin Zhu, C. T. Au, Chuan Shi* “Enhanced Low-Temperature Activity of Ag-Promoted Co-ZSM-5 for the CH4-SCR of NO”, CATALYSIS LETTERS 2011 141 (1) 207-212 .
Impact Factor: 1.974.
(15) Li Xiao-Song; Zhu Bin; Shi Chuan, Xu Yong; Zhu Ai-Min*. “Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane in Kilohertz Spark-Discharge Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure”, AICHE JOURNAL, 2011, 57(10), 2854-2860.
Impact Factor: 2.215.
(16) Xiaomei Chen, Aimin Zhu, C. T. Au, Xuefeng Yang,, Chuan Shi* “The Role of Active Sites of CoH-ZSM-5 Catalysts for the C2H4-SCR of NO” CATALYSIS LETTERS 2010 135 (3-4) 182-189
Impact Factor: 1.974.
(17) An-Jie Zhang, Ai-Min Zhu, Jun Guo, Yong Xu and Chuan Shi* “Conversion of greenhouse gases into syngas via combined effects of discharge activation and catalysis” CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 2010, 156 (3) 601-606
Impact Factor: 3.171.
(18)Jun Guo, Anjie Zhang, Aimin Zhu, Yong Xu, Chatktong Au, Chuan Shi*, “A Carbide Catalyst Effective for the Dry Reforming of Methane at Atmospheric Pressure”, ACS Symposium Series, Advances in CO2 Conversion and Utilization, American Chemistry Society: Washington, 2010, pp. 181-196.
(19)Fan, H. Y., C. Shi, X. S. Li, X. F. Yang, Y. Xu, and A. M. Zhu, Low-temperature NO (x) Selective Reduction by Hydrocarbons on H-Mordenite Catalysts in Dielectric Bar rier Discharge Plasma. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2009. 29(1): p. 43-53.
Impact Factor: 1.819 .
(20) Xiaomei Chen , Aimin Zhu, Chuan Shi* “The Nature of Active Sites of Co/Al2O3 for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with C2H4”, Catalysis Letters, 2009, 133 (1-2) 134-141.
Impact Factor: 1.974.
(21) Hong-Yu Fan, Chuan Shi, Xiao-Song Li, De-Zhi Zhao, Yong Xu and Ai-Min Zhu, “High-efficiency plasma catalytic removal of dilute benzene from air”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 (2009) 225105
Impact Factor: 2.332.
(22) Zhiwei Yao, Aimin Zhu, C. T. Au, Chuan Shi*, “Redox Properties of cobalt nitrides for NO dissociation and reduction”, Catalysis Letters, 2009, 130 (1-2) 63-71..
Impact Factor: 1.974.
(23) Xiao-Mei Chen, Xue-Feng Yang, Ai-Min Zhu, Hong-Yu Fan, Xin-Kui Wang, Qin Xin, Xin-Rui Zhou, Chuan Shi*,In situ DRIFTS study on the partial oxidation of ethylene over Co-ZSM-5 catalyst,Catalysis Communications,10 (2009) 428-432.
Impact Factor: 2.906.
(24) Zhiwei Yao, Chuan Shi*, “Development of a catalytic cycle in molybdenum carbide catalyzed NO/CO reaction”, Catalysis Letters, 2009, 130 (1-2) 239-245.
Impact Factor: 1.974.
(25) Xiaoqing Cheng, Aimin Zhu, Yuzhuo Zhang, Yong Wang, C.T. Au, Chuan Shi*, “A combined DRIFTS and MS study on reaction mechanism of NO reduction by CO over NiO/CeO2 catalyst”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2009, 90 (3-4) 395-404.
Impact Factor: 5.438 .
(26) Xiaomei Chen , Xuefeng Yang , Aimin Zhu, C.T. Au , Chuan Shi*, “In situ DRIFTS study during C2H4-SCR of NO over Co-ZSM-5 ”, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2009, 312(1-2), 31-39.
Impact Factor: 3.16.
(27) Di, L. B., X. S. Li, C. Shi, Y. Xu, D. Z. Zhao, and A. M. Zhu, Atmospheric-pressure plasma CVD of TiO2 photocatalytic films using surface dielectric barrier discharge. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2009 42(3) 032001.
Impact Factor: 2.332 .
(28)Li, X. S., C. K. Lin, C. Shi, Y. Xu, Y. N. Wang, and A. M. Zhu, “Stable kilohertz spark discharges for high-efficiency conversion of methane to hydrogen and acetylene”. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2008. 41(17)175203.
Impact Factor: 2.332
(29)Wang, K. J., X. S. Li, H. Wang, C. Shi, Y. Xu, and A. M. Zhu, “Oxygen-Free Conversion of Methane to Ethylene in a Plasma-Followed-by-Catalyst (PFC) Reactor”. Plasma Science & Technology, 2008. 10(5): p. 600-604.
Impact Factor: 0.553
(30)Yao, Z. W., A. J. Zhang, Y. Li, Y. Z. Zhang, X. Q. Cheng, and C. Shi, An investigation of the thermal stability, crystal structure and catalytic properties of bulk and alumina-supported transition metal nitrides. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008. 464(1-2): p. 488-496.
Impact Factor: 2.134
(31) Yong Wang, Aimin Zhu, Yuzhuo Zhang, C.T. Au, Xuefeng Yang, Chuan Shi* “Catalytic reduction of NO by CO over NiO/CeO2 catalystin stoichiometric NO/CO and NO/CO/O2 reaction”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 81 (2008) 141–149.
Impact Factor: 5.438.
(32) Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, Yong Xu, Xiu-Ling Zhang, Kang-Jun Wang, and Ai-Min Zhu, “Pulsed streamer discharge plasma over Ni/ZSM-5 catalysts for methane conversion to Aromatics at atmospheric pressure.” Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2007, 4:15-18.
Impact Factor: 2.447.
(33)Hongyan Zhang, Aimin Zhu, Xinkui Wang, Yong Wang, Chuan Shi*, “Catalytic performance of Ag-Co/CeO2 catalyst in NO-CO and NO-CO-O2 system.” Catal. Commun. 2007, 8: 612-8.
Impact Factor: 2.906.
(34) Xiao-Song Li, Chuan Shi, Yong Xu, Kang-Jun Wang and Ai-Min Zhu, “A novel process for high yield of aromatics from oxygen-free conversion of methane: combining plasma with Ni/HZSM-5 catalysts”, Green Chemistry, 2007, 9: 647-653.
Impact Factor: 6.056.
(35) Niu, J. H., A. M. Zhu, C. Shi, H. Y. Fan, X. M. Chen, and X. F. Yang, “The reactions and composition of the surface intermediate species in the selective catalytic reduction of NOx, with ethylene over Co-ZSM-5”. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2007. 33(6): p. 549-566.
Impact Factor :0.715 .
(36)Long-Hui Nie, Chuan Shi, Yong Xu, Qing-Hao Wu, Ai-Min Zhu, “Atmospheric cold plasma for synthesizing nanocrystalline anatase TiO2 using dielectric barrier discharge”, Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2007, 4:574-582.
Impact Factor: 2.447.
(37) Zhiwei Yao, Aimin Zhu, Jing Chen, Xinkui Wang, C.T. Au, Chuan Shi*, “Synthesis, characterization and activity of alumina-supported cobalt nitride for NO decomposition”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2007, 180: 2635-2640.
Impact Factor: 2.484.
(38) Zhang, X. L., L. H. Nie, Y. Xu, C. Shi, X. F. Yang, and A. M. Zhu, “Plasma oxidation for achieving supported TiO2 photocatalysts derived from adsorbed TiCl4 using dielectric barrier discharge”. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2007. 40(6): p. 1763-1768.
Impact Factor: 2.332 .
(39) Zhu, A. M., L. H. Nie, Q. H. Wu, X. L. Zhang, X. F. Yang, Y. Xu, and C. Shi, Crystalline, uniform-sized TiO2 nanosphere films by a novel plasma CVD process at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2007. 13(4): p. 141.
Impact Factor: 1.804 .
2006年, 大連理工大學教學質量優秀獎