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白若思(Rostislav Berezkin),1982年生,俄羅斯聖彼得堡人,


1999-2004 聖彼得堡國立大學,東方系學士,學位論文導師孟列夫 (Lev N. Menshikov) 教授
2004-2006 聖彼得堡國立大學,東方系碩士,學位論文導師孟列夫 (Lev N. Menshikov)教授、謝別列科夫(Evgenii A.Serebryakov)教授。
2006-2009 聖彼得堡國立大學,東方系副博士,學位論文導師謝別列科夫(Evgenii A.Serebryakov)教授。
2006-2010 賓夕法尼亞大學,東方語言文明系博士,學位論文導師Victor H Mair (梅維恆)教授
2010-2012 台灣中央研究院近代史研究所博士後
2012- 復旦大學文史研究院的副研究員




Slovar’ kliuchei ieroglifov drevnego kitaiskogo pocherka siao chzhuan’ (小篆字型部首對照表),聖彼得堡: Skifiia, 2003.
Dragocennye svitki (Baotsiuan’) v duhovnoi kul’ture Kitaia: na primere Baotsiuan’ o Treh Voplosheniyah Muliania:Precious Scrolls(Baojuan) Functioning in the Culture of China, with Baojuan about Three Rebirths of Mulian as an Example(寶卷文獻在中國文化的作用:以《目蓮三世寶卷》為例子) (190 頁, Saint-Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg Center for Oriental Studies 【聖彼得堡東方學研究中心出版社】,2012)。


“Lu Sin’ i izuchenie kitaiskoi prostonarodnoi literatury (p’esa Mulian’ spasaet mat’) (Lu Xun and the study of Chinese Popular Literature (“Mulian rescues his mother” play))”, Problemy literatur Dal’nego Vostoka (Issues of Far Eastern Literature), 2. Proceedings of international conference, Saint-Petersburg State University, 2006. Vol. 1, pp. 9-18.
“Avtobiografiia Bo Tsuii ‘Zhizneopisanie gospodina, kotoryi lyubil vypiy’ i slagat’ stihi’ v svyazi s formirovaniem obraza poeta v istoricheskoi traditsii” (Autobiography of Bai Juyi ‘Maestro of Mellow Versification’ in connection with the formation of the poet’s image in the historical tradition). Problemy literatur Dal’nego Vostoka (Issues of Far Eastern Literature), 2. Proceedings of the 4th international conference, Saint-Petersburg State University, 2010. Vol. 1, pp. 25-31.
“Illiustratsii v kitaiskoi prostonarodnoi literature zhanra baotsziuan’ i religioznaia zhivopis’ Kitaia 14-19 vv” (Illustrations of Chinese popular literature baojuan and Chinese religious painting of 14th-20th centuries). Journal of Saint-Petersburg State University. Series 9. Philology, oriental studies, journalism. Vol. 2, part 1, June 2008, pp. 106-110.
“Novye vyvody ob istochnike episoda vosstaniia Huan Chao (875-884) v Baotsiuan’ o tom, kak Mulian’ v treh voplosheniiah spasal mat’” (New conclusions about the sources of the episode of Huang Chao’s rebellion (875-884) in Baojuan about Mulian Rescuing His Mother in Three Rebirths). Journal of A.I. Gertsen Russian State Normal University № 38 (82), 2008, pp. 55-59.
“Huan Chao i narodnaia kitaiskaia religiia v Baotsiuan’ o tom, kak Mulian’ v treh voplosheniiah spasal mat’” (Huang Chao and Chinese folk religion in Baojuan about Mulian Rescuing His Mother in Three Rebirths). Journal of A.I. Gertsen Russian State Normal University, № 12 (85), 2008, p. 295-298.
[Co-authored with Victor H. Mair] “Rol’ khudozhestvennyh proizvedenii iz Dun’huana v razvitii syuzheta o Muliane v literaturah stran Vostochnoi i Tsentral’noi Azii” (On the role of literary monuments from Dunhuang in the development of Mulian story in the literatures of East and Central Asia). Kitai i okrestnosti: mifologiia, fol’klor, literatura. K 75-letiiu akademika B.L.Riftina (China and the Surroundings: Mythology, Folklore, Literature. In Honour of the 75thAnniversary of Academician B.L.Riftin).Orientalia et Classica. Papers of the Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies. Issue XXV, 226-236. Moscow. 2010.


“Zheng Zhenduo’s Contribution to the Study of Baojuan (Precious Scrolls): Problems of the Origin and Early History of the Genre”. Book of Papers of 3rd International Scientific Conference “Issues of Far Eastern Literatures”. Saint-Petersburg, June 24-28, 2008. Saint-Petersburg University Press, 2008. Vol. 1, pp. 9-19.
[Co-authored with Victor H. Mair] “Autobiographical Features in Bai Juyi’s “Biography of the Maestro of Mellow Versification.”” In Text, Performance, and Gender in Chinese Literature and Music: Essays in Honor of Wilt Idema, edited by Maghiel van Crevel, Tian Yuan Tan, and Michel Hockx, 23-44. Leiden: Brill, 2009.
“Records on Rescuing Mother”: A Local Drama from Shaoxing (English translation of excerpt with introduction). In The Columbia Anthology of Chinese Folk and Popular Literature, edited by Victor H. Mair and Mark Bender, 303-306. New-York: Columbia University Press, 2010.
“Scripture telling (jiangjing) in the Zhangjiagang area and the history of Chinese storytelling” Asia Major 24, part 1, June 2011: 1-42.
“An analysis of “telling scriptures” (jiangjing) during temple festivals in Gangkou (Zhangjiagang), with special attention to the status of the performers”, CHINOPERL papers 30 (2011): 25-76.
“The lithographic printing and the development of baojuan genre in Shanghai in the 1900-1920s: on the question of the interaction of print technology and popular literature in China (preliminary observations) (上海二十世紀十至二十年代石印出版業的發展與寶卷文學形式的變遷:出版業與中國俗文學發展的關係Chongcheng University Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature 中正大學中文學術年刊,2011, 1 (cumulative 13): 337-368.
“Modern performances of “precious scrolls” as a part of folk religious and social life in the Shanghu area of Changshu city in Jiangsu province, China”, Issues of Far Eastern Literatures: Book of Papers of 5th International Scientific Conference, E.A. Serebryakov ad Fijita Rina, ed. Saint-Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia, 2012, vol. 2, pp. 128-145.


歷史故事在中國通俗說唱文學的演變(黃巢起義的故事在«五代史平話» 與«目連寳卷» 中的流傳)(Transformation of the historical material in the texts of Chinese popular prosimetric literature: story of Huang Chao rebellion in Pinghua of the Five Dynasties and Baojuan of Mulian) in 第六屆國際青年學者漢學會議“民間文學與漢學研究”論文集 (Proceedings of the Sixth International Junior Scholars' Conference on Sinology “Folk Literature and Sinology”), 401-417. Taibei: Wanjuan lou, 2008.
“Taibei guojia tushuguan suo cang baojuan – Che Xilun “Zhongguo baojuan zongmu” (2000 ben) buyi台北國家圖書館所藏寶卷 ──車錫倫《中國寶卷總目》(2000 本)補遺 (Baojuan collected at the National Library in Taipei – addendum for “Catalogue of Chinese Baojuan” by Che Xilun [the year 2000 edition]), 中國文哲研究通訊,二十一卷第三期 (2011年12月): 261-266.


[Review of] Che Xilun. Zhongguo baojuan zongmu (Catalogue of Chinese precious scrolls). Pismennye pamiatniki Vostoka (Oriental literary monuments, Journal of Saint-Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences)) 1 (2), Spring-summer 2005: 331-334.
[Review of] Wilt L. Idema. Personal Salvation and Filial Piety: Two Precious Scroll Narratives of Guanyin and Her Acolytes. University of Hawai'i Press, 2008; Journal of the American Academy of Religion (2011)79 (1): 248-250.
[Review of] Daniel L. Overmyer. Local Religion in North China in the Twentieth Century: the Structure and Organization of Community Rituals and Beliefs. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2009. Sino-Platonic Papers (February 2011) 208: 98-104.
[Review of] Chen Yunü陳玉女, Ming dai Fo men nei wai seng su jiaoshe de changyu 明代佛門內外僧俗交涉的場域 (The Field of Interchange between Clerics and Laity in and out the Buddhist Monasteries during the Ming Dynasty). Taipei, Banqiao: Daoxiang, 2010. Frontiers of History in China2011 (04): 607-609.
[Review of] Escape from Blood Pond Hell: the Tales of Mulian and Woman Huang, translated and introduced by Beata Grant & Wilt L. Idema. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2011. Asian Ethnology 71-1 (2012):135-137.
[Review of] Wang Jian 王健, Li hai xiang guan: Ming Qing yilai Jiangnan Su Song diqu minjian xinyang yanjiu 利害相關: 明清以來江南蘇松地區民間信仰研究 (Profit and Harm Inseparable: Research on the Folk Beliefs in the Suzhou and Songjiang Areas of Jiangnan since the Ming and Qing Dynasties). Shanghai: Shanghai renmin, 2010.History in China 2012 (03): 490-493.


