
白皮松散斑殼是由林英任定名,發布單位為安徽農學院, 合肥 230036。

拉丁菌名Ganoderma daiqingshangense Zhao sp. nov.
NomenclaZhao Jiding
ArticleStudies on the Taxonomy of Ganodertataceae in China IX. Subgen. Ganoderma Sect. Ganoderma
作者林英任 唐燕平
AuthorZhao Jiding
作者單位安徽農學院, 合肥 230036
摘要本文報導了松樹上散斑殼屬 (Lophodermium Chev.) 7個種, 其中3個新種: 安徽散斑殼 (Lophodermium anhuiense Y.R.Lin sp. nov.) 白皮松散 斑殼 (Lophodermium pinibungeanae Y.R.Lin sp. nov.)及奇異散斑殼 (Lophodermium mirabile Y.R.Lin sp. nov.) , 2個我國新紀錄: 針葉樹散斑殼 (Lophodermium conigenum (Brunaud) Hilitz) 和南方散 斑殼(Lophodermium australe Dearn.) 2個新紀載的種: 松針散斑殼 (Lophodermium panastri (Schrad.) Chev.) 和喬鬆散斑殼 (Lophodermium pini-excelsae Ahmad) . 文中列出了分種檢索表, 對新種作了拉丁和漢 文描述, 對新記錄種的主要特點以及已知種的寄主新記錄 和地理分布分別作了記載.
AbstractSo far as we know the earliest of Lingzhi (Ganderma lucidum) was in <> of E. Han Dynasty. But the medicinal use of Linghiwas known to Chinese ancestors long long ago.
The earliest record of Ganoderma lucidum abroad was W.Curts's Boletus lucidus W.Curt, t. no. 224. 1781" inFlora Londinensis. The designated holotype species has not been found. Fortunately Karsten (1881), the fonuder of the Genus Ganoderma left a specimen at H (Helsinki,Finland: Botanical Museum), it could be selected as neotype (Bazzalo & Wright, 1982).
Several taxonomists were of different opinions that one species therein the structure of crust of different specimens. This character was also found in the same specimen.(Furtado, 1965, 1981, Corner 1983) There is also variation in the colour of the context. Perhaps the drakening of the colour of the context is due to the gradual increase inthemean temperature from north to south and from the higher to the lower altitudes (Steyaert 1972).
Some workers consider that is no importance with or without stipe of one specimen on classification Steyaert (1975) demonstrated that even the spores in Ganodermatornatum complex change by tbe difference of latitude and altitude.
In a word we may say that the species of Ganoderm lucidum complex are not stable in nature. Indeed this is anatural law. Each biological species in natute is not only c ontinuously varied but also with relative stability. They are growing and developing in the contraditory of nature.
The present author agrees with the other's opinions that in Ganodrtma the featute of spores is the only criterion in classification of whicht he difference is clear-cut from one speciesto another (Patouillard 1889, 1900; Imazeki, 1939; Asoshima, 1971). At the same time he proposes that it may be right to use the comprehensive features of each species on classification.
Different concepts of Ganodrma lucidium (s.also or s.str,) were held by several taxonomists therefore the related species are natually dfferent. The following mayi be itsrelated species recognized by the present author. They are: Ganoderma resinaceum Bond., Ganoderma curitsii (Berk.) Murr. (Steyaert 1980), Ganoderma sichuanensis Zhao et zhang (Zhao et al, 1983),Ganoderma sinense Zhao Xu et Zhang (Zhao et al. 1979, 1981) and Ganoderma tsugae Murr. (Murrill, 1908).
The author assumes that in this sectin Ganoderma lucidum is supposed to be a central species, around which many other species derived and a larger speciesagrregate was formed. Several taxonomists named it Ganoderma lucidum complex (Ryvarden, 1980.1981, 1985).
For a long time the classification of Ganoderma lucidum complex has been a difficult problem and has also long benn a stumbling blockfor taxonomists This fungal group has been studied by the presernt author for may years. With his experience he considers that the concept of sensu stricto isprobably better in accordance with the natyral law.
The viewpoints meioned above may be expounded in other paper. In this paper 4 new species are reported. One of which should belong to sectionphaeonema. They are: Ganoderma dauqingshanense, Ganoderma kunmingense, Ganoderma ramisussuimum and Ganoderma chenghaiense.
All the specimens cited above are deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of Institute of Microbiology Academia Sinica Beijing (HMAS)
關鍵字松樹, 安徽散斑殼, 白皮松散斑殼, 奇異散斑殼, 針葉樹散斑殼, 南方散斑 殼松針散斑殼, 喬鬆散斑殼
期刊真菌學報 7(3):129-137, 1988
PublicationActa Mycologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 8(1):pp.25-34, 1989
PlaceShangsi County, Guangxi Province, China
採集地黃山風景區湯泉白皮松樹上帶有暗灰色 至黑褐色病斑的次生針葉
EnvironmentThe mushroom collected from the fall tree or dry stand tree of mixing needle-leaf and broad-leaf forest at Hundred Thousend Mountain (Shiwandashan) Natural Protection Region.
Habitatsubtropical monsoon climate mixing needle-leaf and broad-leaf forest region
Hostthe fall tree or dry stand tree of mixing needle-leaf and broad-leaf forest
採集人葛懷祥 林英任
Isolation PersonLiang Ziqi and Jiang Zizheng
保存單位安徽農學院林學系森保教研室, 合肥 230036
Preservation UnitMycological Herbarium, Institute of Microbiology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
Speciman No.HMAS 30877
NoteThe fungi is a famous chinese medicinal herb, it used as a tonic, roborant, sedative, and stomachic. The spora poder modern used tratmenting cancer.
備註該菌是引起白 皮鬆真菌性病害的病原菌


