


You do NOT need to understand Chinese to play this game. 你不需要懂中文也能玩這個遊戲。 You know the "amazing 3 intellectual games" Huarongdao(Chinese Klocki) game is one of them. 知道智力遊戲的三大不可思議嗎?華容道遊戲就是其中一個。 This game is deliberately polished, from user interface to sound, and every other details. 本遊戲是特製精裝版,從操作體驗到關卡選擇,從精美畫質到配樂,每個細節都經過精雕細琢。 Your major goal in the game is to slide the biggest block out of the middle-bottom exit, as less moves as possible. 在遊戲裡你需要用最少的移動讓大方塊曹操從下放中間的出口逃脫。 It contains more than 400 levels, from easist to the hardest. 本遊戲從易到難有400多關,多數為網友貢獻。 Only a few best players in the world can get 3 cups and 1 ZUN on all the passes. 悄悄告訴你,世界上只有很少的人能全部通關,並且每關都有三爵一樽喔。 Your playing records will be kept so you can watch it later or showoff to your friends. 你的過關記錄都會被保存下來以便於以後查看或者秀給朋友看看喔。 This game is built out of a popular online game, which has over 1 million visits and 80,000 playing records. 本遊戲改編自發芽網華容道的線上版本,上面已經有一百多萬人次訪問, 8萬多個過關記錄。 NOTICE: continously moves of one brick will be counted as one step, step counts affect your scores. 注意: 每關的評分標準是移動步數,一個方塊的連續多次移動算作一次移動,最少0分,最多4分 Some said this game is come from Chinese history, about 2000 years ago. When general Guanyu met his previous boss Caocao, who is now his enemy, considering Caocao has treat him good in the past, instead of arresting him, he let Caocao escape. 華容道是古老的中國遊戲,以其變化多端、百玩不厭的特點與七巧板、九連環合稱“中國的難題”。遊戲名稱取自著名的三國故事,曹操在赤壁大戰中被劉備和孫權的“苦肉計”、“火燒連營”打敗,被迫退逃到華容道,又遇上諸葛亮的伏兵,關羽為了報答曹操對他的恩情,明逼實讓,終於幫助曹操逃出了華容道。 New algorithm to enable more smooth sliding, also redesigned the app icon. 採用了新的算法讓滑塊移動更平滑。另外重新設計了程式圖示。  


需要iOS 6.0 或更高版本。與 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已針對 iPhone 5 最佳化。

