分類: cellular organisms; Bacteria; Actinobacteria; Actinobacteria (class); Actinobacteridae; Actinomycetales; Micrococcineae; Micrococcaceae; Arthrobacter
拉丁學名: Arthrobacter ureafaciens
中文菌名: 產脲節桿菌
定 名 人: Krebs, Eggleston
拉丁別名: Corynebacterium ureafaciens Corynebacterium creatinovorans "Corynebacterium creatinovorans" Dubos and Miller "Corynebacterium ureafaciens" Krebs and Eggleston 1939 Arthrobacter ureafaciens (Krebs and Eggleston 1939) Clark 1955 Arthrobacter ureaifaciens
菌株來源: DSM 20126, 419 ATCC 7562 CCM 1644 NCIB 7811 JCM 3873
參考文獻: Kim, C H et al. (2005) Molecular cloning of levan fructotransferase gene from Arthrobacter ureafaciens K2032 and its expression in Escherichia COLI for the production of difructose dianhydride IV. Lett Appl Microbiol 40: 228-34. Haraguchi, Kazutomo et al. (2003) Purification and properties of a heat-stable inulin fructotransferase from Arthrobacter ureafaciens. Biotechnol Lett 25: 1049-53. Iwamori, M et al. (1997) Arthrobacter ureafaciens sialidase isoenzymes, L, M1 and M2, cleave fucosyl GM1. Glycoconj J 14: 67-73. Bae, H S et al. (1996) Biodegradation of 4-chlorophenol via a hydroquinone pathway by Arthrobacter ureafaciens CPR706. FEMS Microbiol Lett 145: 125-9. Tanaka, K et al. (1983) Action of levan fructotransferase of Arthrobacter ureafaciens on levanoligosaccharides. J Biochem (Tokyo) 94: 1569-78. Tanaka, K et al. (1985) Intermolecular fructosyl and levanbiosyl transfers by levan fructotransferase of Arthrobacter ureafaciens. J Biochem (Tokyo) 97: 1679-88. Ohta, Y et al. (1989) Purification and properties of neuraminidase isozymes in Arthrobacter ureafaciens mutant. J Biochem (Tokyo) 106: 1086-9. Tanaka, K et al. (1990) Action of levan fructotransferase of Arthrobacter ureafaciens on three oligosaccharides containing a bifurcose residue. Agric Biol Chem 4: 815-7. Tanaka, K et al. (1992) Action of levan fructotransferase of Arthrobacter ureafaciens on a mixture of branched levanpentasaccharides. Biosci Biotechnol B 56: 814-5. Saito, M et al. (1979) Action of Arthrobacter ureafaciens sialidase on sialoglycolipid substrates. Mode of action and highly specific recognition of the oligosaccharide moiety of ganglioside GM1. J Biol Chem 254: 7845-54. Skerman, V.B.D., McGowan, V., and Sneath, P.H.A. (editors). "Approved lists of bacterial names." Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. (1980) 30:225-420. [No PubMed record available.] Sneath, P.H.A. "Correction of orthography of epithets in Pasteurella and some problems with recommendations on latinization." Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. (1992) 42:658-659. [No PubMed record available.] Krebs, H.A., and Eggleston L.V. "Bacterial urea formation (metabolism of Corynebacterium ureafaciens)." Enzymologia (1939) 7:310-320. Clark, F.E. Int. Bull. Bacteriol. Nomencl. Taxon. (1955) 5:111-113. Dubos, R., and Miller, B.F. "The production of bacterial enzymes capable of decomposing creatinine." J. Biol. Chem. (1937) 121:429-445.
采 集 地: 廣泛分布於環境,主要是土壤。
用途: 生產肌酸苷酶,可代謝尼古丁,在菸草加工業中具有增加香氣,降低刺激,提高吸菸安全等套用潛能。
形態: 幼齡培養物的細胞呈不規則的桿狀, 0.8~1.2μm×1.8~8.0μm。常呈V形排列端圓,但沒有絲狀體。生長過程中,桿狀斷裂成小球狀,直徑0.6~ 1.0μm。單個、成對排列,不規則的堆狀。
特性: 化能異養菌,通常生長在簡單培養基加生物素,氧化代謝。從葡萄糖或其它糖產生少量酸或不產酸。接觸酶陽性。
培養: 最適生長溫度20~35℃。好氧。
保藏溫度: -70 攝氏度
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