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12. Xu SG, Zhang HF, Sheng XM, et al. Transcriptional expression of fljB:z66, a flagellin gene located on a novel linear plasmid of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi under environmental stresses. New Microbiol. 2008, 31: 241-247. (SCI收錄)
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17. 張海方,高宇琳,黃新祥,生秀梅,徐順高,許化溪. 傷寒沙門菌鞭毛素基因fljB:z66的克隆表達及其多克隆抗體的製備. 2009, 19(5):376-379.
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Experimental manual medical biochemistry,武漢大學出版社,200801


