性 別: 男
所屬部門: 南開大學 計算機與控制工程學院 機器人與信息自動化研究所(天津市智慧型機器人技術重點實驗室)
職 稱: 副教授
學 歷: 博士
研究方向: 先進控制與智慧型機器人、雲/網路/遙操作機器人系統、網路化自然環境智慧型監測、機器人虛擬現實開發引擎、科學數據可視化技術
個人簡介: Hongpeng Wang received the B.S. degree in physics, and the Ph.D degree in Control Theory & Control Engineering from Nankai University, Tianjin, China, in 2000 and 2009, respetively. Dr. Wang is currently an faculty in Institute of Robotics & Automatic Information System at Nankai University. His research interests include automonous robotic systems, intelligentsensing systems, geography space information, with applications to intelligent transportation and Surveying Engineering. Dr. Wang was a visiting research fellow at the NetBot Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,Texas A&M University during 2007-2008. He is a menber of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society.