

2007.12-今 武漢紡織大學,教師
2004.7-2007.11 清華大學化工系博士後
2001.9-2004.6 四川大學紡織研究所,博士,高分子材料
1998.9-2001.6 四川大學紡織研究所,碩士,高分子材料
1995.7-1998.9 中石化集團江漢石油管理局技術員
1991.9-1995.7 四川大學化學系,本科,套用化學
1. Luoxin Wang, Hantao Zou, Changhai Yi, Jie Xu, Weilin Xu.On the spectra and isomerization of azobenzene attached non-covalently to an armchair (8,8) single-walled carbon nanotube, Dyes and Pigments, 2011, 89: 290-296(SCI 收錄).
2. Luoxin Wang, Changhai Yi, Hantao Zou, Jie Xu, Weilin Xu,Initial reactions of methyl-nitramineconfined inside armchair(5,5) single-walled carbon nanotube. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2011 (DOI: 10.1007/s00894-011-0967-x, In Press) (SCI 收錄)
3. Luoxin Wang,Hantao Zou, Jie Xu, Changhai Yi, Weilin Xu, Effect of carbon nanotube length on the encapsulation and decomposition of the nitromethane: ONIOM calculation. Current nanoscience, 2011 (in press) (SCI 收錄)
4. Luoxin Wang, Changhai Yi, Hantao Zou, Houlei Gan, Jie Xu, Weilin Xu, Adsorption of insensitive explosive TATB on single-walled carbon nanotubes.Molecular Physics, 2011, 109: 1841-1849(SCI 收錄)
5. Luoxin Wang, Changhai Yi, Hantao Zou, Jie Xu, Weilin Xu,On the isomerization and dissociation of nitramide encapsulated inside an armchair (5,5) single-walled carbon nanotube. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011, 127: 232-237(SCI 收錄)
6. Luoxin Wang, Hantao Zou, Changhai Yi, Jie Xu, Weilin Xu, The Dissociation of nitramide and methylnitramine when confined inside armchair single-walled carbon nanotubes. Journal of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 2011, 11: 3298-3305 (SCI 收錄)
7. Luoxin Wang, Changhai Yi , Hantao Zou , Yong Liu , Songnian Li, Theoretical study on the thermal decomposition mechanism 3,3’-dinitro-4,4’-azoxyfurazan. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2011, 963: 135-140 (SCI 收錄)
8. 王羅新; 吳忠波; 蔡靜平; 鄒漢濤; 易長海; 徐衛林, 超細羽絨粉體的表面疏水化改性,四川大學學報(工程科學版),2011, 43(3): 171-175.(EI 收錄)
9. Hantao Zou, Luoxin Wang, Changhai Yi, Houlei Gan, Thermal Stability and Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Poly(Trimethylene-co-Butylene Terephthalate) Copolymers.Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B, 2011, 50: 1559-1570 (SCI 收錄)
10. Hantao Zou, Luoxin Wang, Changhai Yi, Houlei Gan,Thermal properties and non-isothermal crystallization behavior of poly(trimethylene terephthalate)/poly(lactic acid) blends.Polymer International, 2011, 60: 1349–1354 (SCI 收錄)
11. Jie Xu, Lei Wang, Luoxin Wang, Guijie Liang, Xiaolin Shen, Weilin Xu. Prediction of Setschenow constants of organic compounds based on a 3D structure representation.Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 2011, 107: 178-184(SCI 收錄)
12. 蔡靜平,王羅新劉偉華,羅淑湘,甘厚磊,劉露,易長海, 酚醛樹脂對膨脹玻化微珠包覆改性研究,新型建築材料,2011879-81
13. Luoxin Wang, Changhai Yi, Hantao Zou, Jie Xu, Weilin Xu, Rearrangement and thermal decomposition of nitromethane confined inside an armchair (5,5) single-walled carbon nanotube. Chemical Physics, 2010, 367: 120-126 (SCI 收錄)
14. Luoxin Wang, Jie Xu, Changhai Yi, Hantao Zou, Weilin Xu, Theoretical study on the thermal decomposition of nitromethane encapsulated inside single-walled carbon nanotubes.Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 2010, 940: 76-81 (SCI 收錄)
15. 王羅新,易長海,鄒漢濤,許傑,徐衛林, 椅式(8,8)單壁碳納米管內偶氮苯的順反異構化. 物理化學學報, 2010, 26: 149-154(SCI 收錄)
16. 王羅新,許傑,鄒漢濤,易長海, 手性和尺寸對受限於單壁碳納米管內的硝基甲烷熱解反應的影響. 物理化學學報, 2010, 26: 721-726.(SCI 收錄)
17. Jie Xu; Luoxin Wang; Hui Zhang; Changhai Yi; Weilin Xu,Accurate quantitative structure–property relationship analysis for prediction of nematic transition temperatures in thermotropic liquid crystals.Molecular Simulation, 2010, 36: 26-34. (SCI 收錄)
18. Liu Yong, Wang Luoxin, Tuo Xinlin, Li Songnian, Yang Weimin, A study on the microstructure of a nitrate ester plasticized polyether propellant dissolved in HCl and KOH solutions. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 2010, 75: 987-996 (SCI 收錄)
19. Liu Yong, Wang Luoxin, Tuo Xinlin, Li Songnian, An SEM and EDS study of the microstructure of nitrate ester plasticized polyether propellants. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 2010, 75: 369-376 (SCI 收錄)
20. Hantao Zou, Changhai Yi, Luoxin Wangand Weilin Xu, Crystallization, hydrolytic degradation, and mechanical properties of poly (trimethylene terephthalate)/poly(lactic acid) blends. Polymer Bulletin, 2010, 64: 471-481. (SCI 收錄)
21. Jie Xu, Hui Zhang, Luoxin Wang, Wenxiang Ye, Weilin Xu and Zengchang Li, QSPR analysis of infinite dilution activity coefficients of chlorinated organic compounds in water. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2010, 291: 111-116. (SCI 收錄)
22. Jie Xu, Hui Zhang, Lei Wang, Guijie Liang, Luoxin Wang, Xiaolin Shen and Weilin Xu, DFT and TD-DFT studies on symmetrical squaraine dyes for nanocrystalline solar cells. Chemical Monthly, 2010, 141: 549-555. (SCI 收錄)
23. Jie Xu, Hui Zhang, Lei Wang, Guijie Liang, Luoxin Wang, Xiaolin Shen and Weilin Xu, QSPR study of absorption maxima of organic dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells based on 3D descriptors. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2010, 76: 239-247. (SCI 收錄)
24. Changhai Yi, Lei Tian, Fen Tang, Luoxin Wang, Hantao Zou, Weilin Xu, Crystalline transition behavior of sisal in cycle process. 2010, 31: 933–938. (SCI 收錄)
25. Xu Jie, Zhang Hui, Liang Guijie, Wang Luoxin, Weilin Xu, Cui Weigang, Zengchang Li, DFT studies on the electronic structures of indoline dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 2010, 75: 259–269(SCI 收錄)
26.金雪, 王羅新, 鄒漢濤, 易長海, 數碼噴墨印花墨水的研究進展, 武漢紡織大學學報,2010, 23: 4-8
27. 陳鑫濤; 王羅新; 蔡靜平, 等, 環糊精在聚合反應中的套用研究進展,天津工業大學學報, 2010, 29: 54-58.
28. 王小奇, 易長海, 鄒漢濤, 王羅新, 徐振明, 陳學俊.活性染料印花糊料NDY的印花性能. 紡織學報, 2010, 31(8):92-96.
29. 陳潔, 易長海, 鄒漢濤, 王羅新.水性環氧樹脂製備複合材料的熱性能研究. 玻璃鋼/複合材料,2010, 4:46-48.
30. 謝姍姍, 易長海, 鄒漢濤, 王羅新, 田磊.牛仔布用纖維的研究現狀與發展趨勢. 天津工業大學學報,2010, 29:40-46.
31. Luoxin Wang, Xinlin Tuo, Changhai Yi, Hantao Zou, Jie Xu, Weilin Xu, Theoretical study on the trans–cis isomerization and initial decomposition of energetic azofurazan and azoxyfurazan. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modeling, 2009, 28: 81-87.(SCI 收錄)
32. Luoxin Wang, Changhai Yi, Hantao Zou, Jie Xu, Weilin Xu, Theoretical Study on the Isomerization Mechanisms of Phenylazopyridine on S0 and S1 States. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2009, 22: 888-896.(SCI 收錄)
33. Luoxin Wang,Weilin Xu, Changhai Yi, Xiaogong Wang, Isomerization and Electronic Relaxation of Azobenzene after being Excited to Higher Electronic States. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modeling, 2009, 27: 792-796. (SCI 收錄)
34. Luoxin Wang, Jie Xu, Hantao Zou, Changhai Yi, Weilin Xu,Cis–transisomerization mechanism of 4-aminoazobenzene in the S0 and S1 states: A CASSCF and DFT study.Journal of photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2009, 205: 104-108(SCI 收錄)
35. Luoxin Wang, Xinlin Tuo, Hantao Zou, Changhai Yi, Xiaogong Wang, Ab initio study of the molecular structure and thermal cis-trans isomerization of 3,3'-diamino-4,4'-azofurazan and 3,3'-diamino-4,4'-azoxyfurazan, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry. 2009, 8: 507-517.(SCI 收錄)
36. 王羅新; 吳忠波; 庹新林; 鄒漢濤; 許傑; 易長海; 徐衛林, 椅式(5,5)單壁碳納米管內硝基甲烷熱解反應的理論研究, 含能材料, 2009, 17:518-522.
37. 李松年, 王羅新, 劉勇, 楊睿, 庹新林, 陳曼華, 王曉工. 黏合劑活性基團對HTPB推進劑力學性能的影響機制.複合材料學報. 2009, 26: 79-82. (EI 收錄)
38. Songnian Li, Luoxin Wang, Yong Liu, Xinlin Tuo, Xiaogong Wang,Homolytic C—H bond dissociation energies of HTPB binder network. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 2009, 8: 519-528.(SCI 收錄)
39. Hantao Zou; Changhai Yi; Luoxin Wang; Guang Li; Jianming Jiang, Non-isothermal Crystallization Kinetics Analysis of Poly(trimethylene-co-butylene Terephthalate) Copolymers. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B, 2009, 48: 487 – 499 (SCI 收錄)
40. Hantao Zou, Changhai Yi, Luoxin Wang, Hongtao Liu, Weilin Xu, Thermal degradation of poly(lactic acid) measured by thermogravimetry coupled to Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2009, 97: 929-935(SCI 收錄)
41. Hantao Zou, Changhai Yi, Luoxin Wang, Weilin Xu,Mechanical and dyeability studies of poly (trimethylene-co-butylene terephthalate) copolymer filaments. Materials Letters, 2009, 63: 1580-1582. (SCI 收錄)
42. Jie Xu, Qi Xiong, Biao Chen, Luoxin Wang, Li Liu, Weilin Xu, Modeling the relative fluorescence intensity ratio of Eu(III) complex in different solvents based on QSPR method, Journal of Fluorescence, 2009, 19: 203-209.(SCI 收錄)
43. 陳潔, 易長海, 王羅新, 鄒漢濤,水性環氧樹脂基複合材料的耐酸鹼性能. 合成樹脂及塑膠, 2009, 26: 62-65
44. Luoxin Wang, Xinlin Tuo, Changhai Yi, Xiaogong Wang, Ab Initio Calculations of the Effects of H+ and NH4+ on the Initial Decomposition of HMX, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modeling, 2008,2008, 27: 388-393.(SCI 收錄)
45. Luoxin Wang, Xinlin Tuo, Xiaogong Wang ,Theoretical Study on the Pyrolysis of Azobenzene and Complex of Azobenzene/NO2, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 2008, 10 2008, 868: 50-54.(SCI 收錄)
46. 王羅新,許傑,庹新林,李松年,王曉工, 順反異構化對偶氮類含能化合物感度的影響, 物理化學學報,2008, 24: 1756-1760.(SCI 收錄)
47. 王羅新,王曉工,偶氮苯順反異構化機理研究進展,化學通報,2008,71(4): 243-248
48. 陳潔, 易長海, 鄒漢濤, 王羅新, 玻璃纖維/環氧樹脂紡織複合材料水分散法製備, 武漢科技學院學報, 2008, 21: 5-7.
49. Luoxin Wang, Xiaogong Wang, Ab initio study of photoisomerization mechanisms of push–pull p,p′-disubstituted azobenzene derivatives on S1 excited state, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 2007, 847: 1-9(SCI 收錄)
50. Luoxin Wang, Xiaogong Wang, An ab initio study of stable conformation and thermal isomerization of p-aminoazobenzene, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 2007, 806, 179-186(SCI 收錄) 
51. 王羅新, 劉勇,庹新林,李松年,王曉工,密度泛函理論研究H+、NH4+對HMX的N—NO2鍵解離能的影響,物理化學學報,2007,23:1560-1564(SCI 收錄)
52. 劉勇,王羅新,庹新林,李松年, 王曉工, 利用選擇性溶解法研究NEPE推進劑的微觀結構, 火炸藥學報,2007,30,53-56
53. 李松年,劉勇,王羅新,庹新林,孫翔宇,王曉工,HTPB推進劑儲存老化性能試驗研究,推進技術,2006,3:38-40EI收錄)
54. Luoxin Wang, Zongliang Du, Ruixia Li, Dacheng Wu, Supramolecular aggregates of lycopene, Dyes and Pigments, 2005, 65,15-19 (SCI 收錄)
55. 王羅新,杜宗良,李瑞霞,吳大誠,番茄紅素與環糊精包結物的紫外-可見吸收光譜研究, 光譜學與光譜分析,2004, 24(2): 183-186 (SCI 收錄)
56. 王羅新,和亞寧,王曉工,偶氮苯生色團的順反異構化機理及其影響偶氮聚合物光回響行為的理論研究,2005年全國高分子學術論文報告會論文集,2005.10.9~13,p563,北京.
57. 王羅新, 杜宗良,李瑞霞,吳大誠,番茄紅素在大豆油中的熱異構化動力學,四川大學學報.工程科學版,2004, 36(3): 43-46
58. 朱譜新,姚永毅,王羅新,吳大誠,噴墨列印墨水的色度學分析,光譜學與光譜分析,2004, 24(7): 879-882 (SCI 收錄)
59. 唐兵,陳楓,王羅新, 吳大誠,界面層中模型高分子鏈構象的統計理論,高分子學報,2003,2: 306-308 (SCI (SCI 收錄))
60. 王羅新,杜宗良,李瑞霞,吳大誠,番茄紅素與殼聚糖相互作用構築的超分子聚集體,(2003年全國高分子學術論文報告會,2003.10.9-13, 杭州,中國.
61. 呂軍,王羅新,杜宗良等,三種不同固含量番茄醬的流變性能研究,(2003年全國高分子學術論文報告會,2003.10.9-13, 杭州,中國)
62. 褚建雲,王羅新,劉曉東等,聚丙烯酸鹽高吸水樹脂的套用及其改性,皮革科學與工程,2003,13(3): 42-45
63. 周福海, 陳楓, 李瑞霞, 王羅新, 吳大誠,三元共聚酯的固相聚合及其產品的性能表征,塑膠工業,2002, 30(3): 44-47 EI收錄)
64. 褚建雲,劉曉東,劉若冰,杜宗良,王羅新,李瑞霞,吳大誠,半互穿網路聚丙烯酸高吸水樹脂的合成及性能研究,四川大學學報.工程科學版,2004, 36(2): 62-64 (EI)
65. Dacheng Wu, Luoxin Wang, and Bin Tang, Conformation statistics of polymer chain non-terminally attached to a surface, IUPAC WORLD POLYMER CONGRESS 2002 (37th International Symposium on Macromolecules), July7-12, 2002,Beijing, China, p244
66. Feng Chen, Luoxin Wang, and Dacheng Wu, Swollen-state polymerization of poly (ethylene terephthalate), IUPAC WORLD POLYMER CONGRESS (37th International Symposium on Macromolecules), July7-12, 2002,Beijing, China, p175
67. 王羅新,陳楓,吳大誠等,聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯的溶脹聚合, 四川大學學報.工程科學版,2001,33(2): 77-80
吳大誠,朱譜新,王羅新等合譯,《表面、界面和膠體原理及套用》, Drew Myers 著,化學工業出版社,北京,2005
1.王羅新,蔡靜平,劉偉華,羅淑湘,易長海,鄒漢濤. 一種膨脹玻化微珠防火保溫板及其製備方法. 201010540557.6(專利申請)
2.王羅新,蔡靜平,劉偉華,羅淑湘,易長海,鄒漢濤. 一種具有表面包覆增強層的膨脹玻化微珠的製備方法. 201010281259.X(專利申請)
3.徐衛林,王羅新,梁貴傑,顧紹金,葉青. 一種粒子相聚合製備高分子材料的方法. (專利申請)
4.易潤富, 羅俊龍, 易長海, 王羅新, 鄒漢濤.一種親水性氨基矽油的製備方法.200910261772.X(專利申請)
5.羅潤富, 羅俊龍, 易長海, 王羅新, 劉愛兵, 鄒漢濤. 具有防塵作用的化合物和防塵劑及其製備方法和在染料防塵中的套用. 201010033722.9 (專利申請)
6.易長海, 甘厚磊, 金雪, 王羅新, 鄒漢濤. 一種重氮偶合法製備水溶性乙烯碸型環氧樹脂基高分子活性染料的方法. 201010028938.6(專利申請)
7.易長海, 甘厚磊, 金雪, 王羅新, 鄒漢濤. 一種重氮偶合法製備水溶性乙烯碸型聚氨酯類高分子活性染料的方法. 201010028937.1(專利申請)
1. “高耐曬高汗光色牢度清潔染色性技術及產品開發”獲2010年湖北省科技進步二等獎(排名4/10)
2. “基於射頻識別技術的紡織服裝生產數據採集及智慧型化現場管理開發及產業化”獲2010年中國紡織工業協會科技進步一等獎(排名8/12)
3. “膨脹玻化微珠保溫防火砂漿及其製備技術” 獲2011年山東省科技進步二等獎(排名4/9)


