



王文,男,1967年12月生,博士,教授,博士生導師。1989年獲南京大學學士學位,1994年獲南京大學碩士學位,2003年獲中國科學院南京地理與湖泊研究所博士學位,2006年獲荷蘭代爾夫特技術大學博士學位。目前擔任水文水資源與水利工程科學國家重點實驗室副主任、國際期刊International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics編委。近年主持、參與國家自然科學基金面上項目、國家自然科學基金重點項目等基礎研究項目10餘項,在水文過程時間序列分析與數據驅動預報方法、水文變數的遙感估算方法等方面取得一定成果。獲省部級科技進步一等獎2項,發表個人專著1部,論文60餘篇(其中SCI論文及EI論文各10餘篇)。


§ 1989年畢業於南京大學大地海洋科學系,獲理學學士學位。

§ 1994年畢業於南京大學大地海洋科學系,獲理學碩士學位,學位論文題目: 歷史時期海面變化初探。

§ 1996年11月~1997年2月至美國麻薩諸塞州立大學短期訪問。

§ 2003年8月獲中國科學院(南京地理與湖泊研究所)博士學位,學位論文題目: 黃河流量過程的時間序列分析與建模。

§ 2006年5月獲得荷蘭代爾夫特技術大學博士學位,學位論文題目: Stochasticity, nonlinearity and forecasting of streamflow processes。



2006年回國後在河海大學水文水資源與水利工程科學國家重點實驗室工作。目前任水文水資源與水利工程科學國家重點實驗室副主任,期刊International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics編委。




近年發表論文60餘篇,個人專著一部,獲得省部級科技進步一等獎二項。Stochasticity, nonlinearity and forecasting of streamflow processes. 由荷蘭Amsterdam出版公司IOS Press出版, 2006. 主要論文:

[1] 王文,李紅,韓聖君,套用桌面GIS開發方法探討,遙感信息,1998, (3), 15-16。

[2] 王文,張東,張鷹,GIS技術在水深遙感中的套用,河海大學學報,1998, 26(6), 82-85。

[3] 王文,龔靜怡,Delphi與MapInfo集成開發套用GIS系統,微型電腦套用,1998, 14(5), 66-68。

[4] 王文,謝志仁,中國歷史時期海面變化(Ⅰ)——塘工興廢與海面波動,河海大學學報(自然科學版),1999,27(4), 7-11。

[5] 王文,謝志仁,中國歷史時期海面變化(Ⅱ)——潮災強弱與海面波動,河海大學學報(自然科學版),1999,27(5), 43-47。

[6] 王文,GIS開發中的套用模型重用方法探討,微型電腦套用,1999,15(8), 34-36轉10。

[7] 王文,GIS套用分析模型集成方法研究,中國地理信息系統協會1999年會論文集,深圳,1999, p483-487。

[8] 王文,謝志仁,中國東部第四紀海面變化信息系統的設計,南京師大學報(自然科學版),2000,4(套用第四紀專集). 266-270。

[9] 王文,謝志仁,從史料記載看中國歷史時期海面波動,地球科學進展, 2001, 16(2), 272-278。

[10] 王文,許武成,混沌時間序列可預報時間長度分析, 河海大學學報(自然科學版), 2004, 32(4), 367-371。

[11] 王文,馬駿,若干水文預報方法綜述,水利水電科技進展,2005, 25(1), 56-60。

[12] 王文,許武成,對水文時間序列混沌特徵參數估計問題的討論,水科學進展, 2005, 16(4), 609-616. (EI)。

[13] Wang W., Ma J., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K., Stochastic properties and preliminary forecasting of daily flow of the Yellow River at Tangnaihai and Tongguan. In: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium On Flood Defence. Beijing: Science Press, 2002, 922 – 929。

[14] Wang W., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K., Periodic autoregressive models applied to daily streamflow. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Singapore: World Scientific, 2004, 1334-1341。

[15] Wang W., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K., Ma J., Predictability of streamflow processes of the Yellow River. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Hydroinformatics. Singapore: World Scientific, 2004, 1261-1268。

[16] Wang W., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K., Applying periodic ANN model to daily streamflow forecasting. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Soft Computing, Nottingham Trent University, 2004, 624-629。

[17] Wang W., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K., Ma J., Testing and modelling autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity of streamflow processes. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 2005, 12, 55-66. (SCI)。

[18] Wang W., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K., Long-memory properties of streamflow processes of the Yellow River. Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Economics, Statistics and Finance, vol. 1, Rethymno-Crete, Greece, 8-10 July, 2005, pp. 481-490。

[19] Wang W., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K., Trend and stationarity analysis for streamflow processes of rivers in the western Europe. Proceedings of the the International Conference on Water Economics, Statistics and Finance, vol. 1, Rethymno-Crete, Greece, 8-10 July, 2005, pp. 451-161。

[20] Wang W., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K., Constructing prediction interval for monthly streamflow forecasts. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 25-27 May, 2005. (on CD-ROM)。

[21] Wang W., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K., Is the streamflow process chaotic? Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 25-27 May, 2005. (on CD-ROM)。

[22] Wang W., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K., Some Issues About the Generalization of Neural Networks for Time Series Prediction, In: Artificial Neural Networks: Formal Models And Their Applications, W. Duch, J. Kacprzyk, E. Oja and S. Zadrozny, (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, vol.3697, pp. 559-564. (SCI)。

[23] Wang W., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K., Improve daily streamflow forecasts by combining ARMA and ANN Models, In: Proceedings of the Innovation, Advances and Implementation of Flood Forecasting technology conference, 17-19 October 2005, Tromso, Norway. (on CD-ROM)。

[24] Wang W., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K., Detection of changes in streamflow series in western Europe over 1901–2000, Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 2005, 5(6), 289-299. (EI)。

[25] Wang W., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K., Ma J., Testing for nonlinearity of streamflow processes at different timescales. Journal of Hydrology,2006, 322, 247-268. (SCI)。

[26] Wang W., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K., Ma J., Forecasting Daily Streamflow Using Hybrid ANN Models. Journal of Hydrology, 2006, 324, 383-399. (SCI)。

[27] Wang W., Liu X.G., Environment evolution of Lake Wuliangsuhai since 1980 and the measures of ecological restoration. In Proceedings of the 9th Inter-Regional Conference on Environment-Water, Delft, the Netherlands, 17-19 May 2006. (on CD-ROM)。

[28] Wang Wen, Chen X., Huo S.Q., Ma J., Modeling streamflow processes with univariate long-memory ARFIMA model. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Flood Forecasting and Water Resources Assessment for IAHS-PUB, September 28-30, 2006, Beijing, China, pp. 567-575。

[29] Wang W., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K., Chen X., Detecting long-memory: Monte Carlo simulations and application to daily streamflow processes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2007, 11, 851-862. ( SCI)。

[30] Wang W., Chen X., Xu W.C., Theoretical predictability and sample predictability of long-memory time series. In: Proceedings of the 26th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control, February 12 – 14, 2007, Innsbruck, Austria, Editor: L. Bruzzone. ACTA Press, p.351-356 ( EI)。

[31] Wang W., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K., Ma J., Comparing Bayesian regularization and cross-validated early-stopping for streamflow forecasting with ANN models. In: Methodology in Hydrology, IAHS Publ. 311, 2007,216-221. (EI)。

[32] Wang Wen, X. Chen, P. Shi, P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder. Detecting changes in extreme precipitation and extreme streamflow in the Dongjiang River Basin in southern China. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 2008, 12, 207–221. ( SCI)。

[33] Wang Wen, van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Vrijling J.K. The Effects of Dynamical Noises on the Identification of Chaotic Systems: with Application to Streamflow Processes. IEEE Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Natural Computation, 2008, pp.685-691 (EI)。

[34] Wang Wen, X. Chen, J. Ma, S.Q. Huo. Comparing univariate ARMA and ARFIMA model for forecasting daily streamflows. Hydrological Research in China: Process Studies, Modelling Approaches and Applications. IAHS Publ. 322, 2008, pp.213-219 (EI)。

[35] Wang Wen, Pieter H.A.J.M. Van Gelder, and J. K. Vrijling, Measuring predictability of daily streamflow processes based on univariate time series model. Proceedings of the International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software 2008, pp.1378-1385 (EI)。

[36] P.H.A.J.M Van Gelder, Cong V. Mai, Wen Wang, G. Shams, M. Rajabalinejad, M. Burgmeijer. Data management of extreme marine and coastal hydro-meteorological events, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2008, 46(2): 191-210. ( SCI)。

[37] 何厚軍,王文,劉學工. 基於決策樹模型的海岸帶分類方法研究. 地理與地理信息科學, 2008, 24(3): 25-28。

[38] 胡海旭,王文. 基於紋理特徵與數學形態學的高解析度影像城市道路提取. 地理與地理信息科學, 2008, 24(6): 13-16。

[39] Wang W., Hu Juan, Hu Hai-Xu. Comparing different methods for land cover classification based on MODIS 250 m vegetation index data. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2009), ACTA Press, 2009, pp.106-111. (EI)。

[40] 劉可晶, 王文. 濕地水量、水質二維生態水力學模型. 科學技術與工程, 2009, 9(5), 1333-1336。

[41] 王文,胡海旭,胡娟. Land cover change detection based on MODIS 250m vegetation index time series data. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Aug. 12-14, 2009, Fairfax, USA. IEEE Computer Society, 2009, pp.1-6 (EI)。

[42] 王文,周峰,劉晏然. Modifying the triangle method and MOD16 algorithm for improving evapotranspiration estimation using MODIS data. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Aug. 12-14, 2009, Fairfax, USA. IEEE Computer Society, 2009, pp.1-6 (EI)。

[43] 許武成,王文,馬勁松,徐鄧耀. 1951~2007年的ENSO事件及其特徵值. 自然災害學報, 2009, 18(4): 18-24。

[44] 劉晏然,王文,榮艷淑. Estimating soil moisture using MODIS data: compare NDVI with EVI for the TVDI method. 四川大學學報(工程科學版), 2009, 41(專刊2): 53-59.(EI)。

[45] 王文,寇小華. 水文數據同化方法及遙感數據在水文數據同化中的套用進展.河海大學學報(自然科學版), 2009, 37(5): 556-562。

[46] 王文,諸葛緒霞,周炫. 植物截留觀測方法綜述. 河海大學學報(自然科學版),2010, 38(5): 495-504。

[47] Yong, B., Ren, L.-L, Hong, Y., Wang, J.-H., Gourley, J. J., Jiang, S.-H., Chen, X., Wang, W., 2010. Hydrologic Evaluation of TMPA Standard Precipitation Products in Basins Beyond its Inclined Latitude Band: a Case Study in Laohahe Basin, China. Water Resources Research, 46, W07542, doi: 10.1029/2009WR008965. (SCI)。

[48] Yong B , Hong Y, Ren LL, Gourley JJ, Huffman GJ, Chen X, Wang W, Khan SI. Assessment of evolving TRMM-based multisatellite real-time precipitation estimation methods and their impacts on hydrologic prediction in a high latitude basin. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2012, 117, DOI: 10.1029/2011JD017069 (SCI)。

[49] 諸葛緒霞 王文 朱燁. 桉樹液流速率及其影響因子分析. 紀念劉光文先生誕辰一百周年水文水資源學術研討會論文集,河海大學出版社,2010。

[50] WANG Wen, Xiao-Gang WANG, Xuan ZHOU. Impacts of Californian dams on flow regime and maximum/minimum flow probability distribution. Hydrology Research, 2011, 42(4): 275–289. (SCI)。

[51] Wang, W., Huang, D., Wang, X.-G., Liu, Y.-R., and Zhou, F.: Estimation of soil moisture using trapezoidal relationship between remotely sensed land surface temperature and vegetation index, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 2011, 15(5), 1699-1712. (SCI)。

[52] Liu Kejing, Wang Wen. Reliability of statistical tests for detecting changes in extreme precipitation events. In: The Hydrological Cycle and Water Resources Sustainability in Changing Environments (Edited by Ren Liliang, Wang Wen and Yuan Fei), IAHS publication, 2011: 654-650. (EI)。

[53] Kou Xiaohua, Wang Wen. Assimilating surface soil moisture to estimate profile soil water content using EnKF and Hydrus-1D Model. In: The Hydrological Cycle and Water Resources Sustainability in Changing Environments (Edited by Ren Liliang, Wang Wen and Yuan Fei), IAHS publication, 2011: 651-657. (EI)。

[54] Rong Yan-shu; Wang Wen; Jiang Hai-yan. Changes of pan evaporation in the upper reach of the Yangtze River. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2011, 23(4): 503-509. (SCI)。

[55] 榮艷淑, 周雲,王文. 淮河流域蒸發皿蒸發量變化分析, 水科學進展, 2011, 22(1): 15-22 (EI)。

[56] 榮艷淑,王文,王鵬,白路遙. 淮河流域極端降水特徵及不同重現期降水量估計. 河海大學學報(自然科學版), 2012, 40(1): 1-8。

[57] Wen Wang, Zhong-Zhong Zhang, Xiao-Gang Wang, Hui-Min Wang. Evaluation of using the modified water deficit index derived from modis vegetation index and land surface temperature products for monitoring drought. Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 22-27 July 2012, Munich, pp. 5951 – 5954 (EI)。

[58] 王文,丁賢榮,王衛平,葛小平. 輻射沙脊群匡圍工程布局最佳化研究. 水利經濟, 2012, 30(3): 20-23。

[59] 劉可晶,王文,朱燁,王慧敏. 淮河流域過去60年乾旱趨勢特徵與其與極端降水的聯繫, 水利學報, 2012, 43(10):1179-1187 (EI)。

[60] 王文,劉永偉,寇小華,呂海深. 基於集合卡爾曼濾波和HYDRUS-1D模型的土壤剖面含水量同化試驗, 水利學報, 2012, 43(11): 1302-1311 (EI)。

[61] 張楠楠,王文,王胤.鄱陽湖面積的衛星遙感估計及其與水位關係分析.遙感技術與套用, 2012, 27(6), 947-953。


§ “長江鎮揚河段地理信息系統”,江蘇省水利科技成果一等獎, 2002年(排名5/5)。

§ 江蘇省普通高等學校一類優秀課程(自然地理學課程),2004年(排名6/12)。

§ “流域水文物理過程及數字模擬”,江蘇省科技進步獎一等獎, 2009年(排名4/7)。

§ “基於多主體合作和供應鏈的水資源現代調配理論、關鍵技術與套用”,教育部科技進步獎一等獎, 2009年(排名9/12)。


