
研究方向: 現代光通信,光纖光子學,光子晶體光纖。
國家自然科學基金項目“基於光子帶隙光纖的可調諧光電子器件” (Grand No. 50802044) (在研)
教育部博士點基金青年教師項目“基於液晶填充雙芯光子帶隙光纖的可調光電子器件”(Grand No. )(在研)
中國博士後科學基金資助項目“多芯光子帶隙光纖的耦合機制及其在光子器件中的套用的研究”(Grand No. 20060400687)
國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(科技部973計畫)項目:“基於微結構光纖的新型功能器件、異質兼容結構與光電子集成” (編號: 2010CB327605)(在研)
國家973計畫項目“基於微結構光纖的光電子功能器件的創新與研究” (Grand No. 2003CB314906)
國家自然科學基金項目“全固光子帶隙光纖和光纖光柵研究”(Grand No. 10774077)(在研)
國家自然科學基金項目“新型量子點注入光子晶體光纖雷射器研究” (Grand No. 10674074)(在研)
國家自然科學基金項目“高增益短長度的高效新型光纖拉曼放大器研究”(Grand No. 60407005)
董孝義, 袁樹忠, 劉艷格, 開桂雲, 王志, 呂可誠, 呂福雲, 楊石泉, 馮新煥, 李乙鋼, 李勇男, 陳勝平,“光纖雷射激射理論與實驗研究”2008年天津市自然科學一等獎。
開桂雲;王志;岳洋;劉艷格;袁樹忠;董孝義, 寬頻單偏振單模雙芯光子晶體光纖
開桂雲;董孝義;王志;張偉剛;劉艷格;袁樹忠;張春書;金龍, 空氣傳導雙芯光子帶隙光纖,
[1] Z. Wu, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, et al., "Mechanism and characteristics of long period fiber gratings in simplified hollow-core photonic crystal fibers," Optics Express, vol. 19, pp. 17344-17349, 2011.
[2] Z. Sun, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, B. Tai, T. et al., "Long period grating assistant photonic crystal fiber modal interferometer," Optics Express, vol. 19, pp. 12913-12918, 2011.
[3] X. Zheng, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, et al., "Tunable Single-Polarization Single-Mode Photonic Crystal Fiber Based on Liquid Infiltrating," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 23, pp. 709-711, 2011.
[4] B. Y. Tai, Z. Wang, Y. G. Liu, et al., "High order resonances between core mode and cladding supermodes in long period fiber gratings inscribed in photonic bandgap fibers," Optics Express, vol. 18, 2010.
[5] J. B. Xu, Y. G. Liu, Z. Wang, et al., "Simultaneous force and temperature measurement using long-period grating written on the joint of a microstructured optical fiber and a single mode fiber," Applied Optics, vol. 49, pp. 492-496, 2010.
[6] T. T. Han, Y. G. Liu, Z. Wang, et al., "Avoided-crossing-based ultrasensitive photonic crystal fiber refractive index sensor," Optics Letters, vol. 35, pp. 2061-2063, 2010.
[7] Q. Shi, Z. Wang, L. Jin, et al., "A hollow-core photonic crystal fiber cavity based multiplexed Fabry-Perot interferometric strain sensor system," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 20, pp. 1329-1331, 2008.
[8] L. Jin, Z. Wang, Y. G. Liu, et al., "Ultraviolet-inscribed long period gratings in all-solid photonic bandgap fibers," Optics Express, vol. 16, pp. 21119-21131, 2008.
[9] Q. Shi, F. Y. Lv, Z. Wang, et al., "Environmentally stable Fabry-Perot-type strain sensor based on hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 20, pp. 237-239, 2008.
[10] J. B. Du, Y. G. Liu, Z. Wang, et al., "Electrically tunable Sagnac filter based on a photonic bandgap fiber with liquid crystal infused," Optics Letters, vol. 33, pp. 2215-2217, 2008.
[11] J. B. Du, Y. G. Liu, Z. Wang, et al., "Liquid crystal photonic bandgap fiber: different bandgap transmissions at different temperature ranges," Applied Optics, vol. 47, pp. 5321-5324, 2008.
[12] J. B. Du, Y. G. Liu, Z. Wang, et al., "Thermally tunable dual-core photonic bandgap fiber based on the infusion of a temperature-responsive liquid," Optics Express, vol. 16, pp. 4263-4269, 2008.
[13] J. B. Du, Y. G. Liu, Z. Wang, et al., "Characteristics of photonic bandgap fibres with hollow core's inner surface coated by a layer material," Chinese Physics Letters, vol. 25, pp. 164-167, 2008.
[14] Y. Yue, G. Kai, Z. Wang, et al., "Highly birefringent elliptical-hole photonic crystal fiber with squeezed hexagonal lattice," Optics Letters, vol. 32, pp. 469-471, 2007.
[15] Z. Wang, T. Taru, T. A. Birks, J. C. Knight, et al., " Coupling in dual-core photonic bandgap fibers: theory and experiment ", Opt. Express, 15, pp.4795-4803, 2007.
[16] Z. Wang, Y. G. Liu, G. Y. Kai, et al., "Directional couplers operated by resonant coupling in all-solid photonic bandgap fibers," Optics Express, vol. 15, pp. 8925-8930, 2007.
[17] L. Jin, Z. Wang, Q. Fang, et al., "Spectral characteristics and bend response of Bragg gratings inscribed in all-solid bandgap fibers," Optics Express, vol. 15, , 2007.
[18] L. Jin, Z. Wang, Q. Fang, et al., "Bragg grating resonances in all-solid bandgap fibers," Optics Letters, vol. 32, pp. 2717-2719, 2007.
[19] Q. Fang, Z. Wang, G. Y. Kai, et al., "Proposal for all-solid photonic bandgap fiber with improved dispersion characteristics," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 19, pp.
[20] Q. Fang, Z. Wang, L. Jin, et al., "Dispersion design of all-solid photonic bandgap fiber," Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, vol. 24, pp. 2899-2905, 2007.
[21]C. S. Zhang, G. Y. Kai, Z. Wang, T. T. Sun, C. Wang, Y. G. Liu, J. F. Liu, W. G. Zhang, S. Z. Yuan, and X. Y. Dong, et al., "Design of tunable bandgap guidance in high-index filled microstructure fibers," Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, vol. 23, pp. 782-786, 2006.
[22] Y. Yue, G. Y. Kai, Z. Wang, et al., "Broadband single-polarization single-mode photonic crystal fiber coupler," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 18, pp. 2032-2034, 2006.
[23] Y. Yue, G. Y. Kai, Z. Wang, et al., "Highly birefringent elliptical-hole photonic crystal fiber with two big circular air holes adjacent to the core," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 18, pp. 2638-2640, 2006.
[24] Y. Yue, G. Y. Kai, Z. Wang, et al., "Phase and group modal birefringence of an index-guiding photonic crystal fibre with helical air holes," Optics Communications, vol. 268, pp. 46-50, 2006.
[25] J. G. Liu, L. Xue, Z. Wang, et al., "Large anomalous dispersion at short wavelength and modal properties of a photonic crystal fiber with large air holes," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 42, pp. 961-968, 2006.
[26] C. S. Zhang, G. Y. Kai, Z. Wang, et al., "Tunable highly birefringent photonic bandgap fibers," Optics Letters, vol. 30, pp. 2703-2705, 2005.
[27] Z. Wang, G. Y. Kai, Y. G. Liu, et al., "Coupling and decoupling of dual-core photonic bandgap fibers," Optics Letters, vol. 30, pp. 2542-2544, 2005.
[28] C. S. Zhang, G. Y. Kai, Z. Wang, et al., "Transformation of a transmission mechanism by filling the holes of normal silica-guiding microstructure fibers with nematic liquid crystal," Optics Letters, vol. 30, pp. 2372-2374, 2005.