

玉米提·哈力克(Umut Halik),男,維吾爾族,中共黨員,1966年2月出生,教授、博士、博士生導師。德國柏林理工大學(TU Berlin)博士畢業後從事博士後研究。現為新疆大學資源與環境科學學院教授,博士生導師,綠洲生態教育部重點實驗室科研骨幹,新疆維吾爾自治區高峰重點學科——生態學“全球變化與生態系統生態學”方向帶頭人,曾任德國Eichstaett-Ingolstadt大學客座教授、新疆維吾爾自治區青年科技工作者協會會長。主要研究領域為城市生態規劃與管理、荒漠河岸林生態系統恢復與重建、生態文明建設 、生態系統服務價值評估 。


1982至1990年在新疆大學地理系自然地理專業讀本科和研究生,獲得學士(1987.07)和碩士學位(1990.07)。1990至1997年在新疆大學地理系任助教、講師,期間1995年2月至1996年1月在上海同濟大學留德預備部強化學習德語,1997-2002年在德國柏林理工大學(TU Berlin)景觀規劃與環境管理研究所攻讀博士,2002年11月獲得理學博士學位,博士論文“乾旱區城市綠化生態、經濟與人文背景研究——以中國新疆南部綠洲城市為例”被評為德國優秀博士論文(magna cum laude),並獲得德意志學術交流中心(DAAD)的出版獎,於2003年5月在德國正式出版發行。2003年1月至2006年7月先後在德國柏林理工大學生態研究所、新疆大學理論經濟學博士後流動站從事博士後研究。2003年12月被聘為新疆大學資源與環境科學學院副教授,2006年12月晉升為教授。曾獲得德國科學基金會(DFG)Mercator Gastprofessor計畫資助,2010年7月至2017年6月在德國Eichstaett-Ingolstadt天主教大學曾任崗位客座教授。曾獲得新疆維吾爾自治區科技進步二等獎(2009年,排名第四)、三等獎(2015年,排名第五),新疆維吾爾自治區水利科技進步一等獎(2009年),中國博士後科研資助金二等獎(2005年),新疆大學優秀科研成果二等獎(1994),新疆大學優秀研究生導師榮譽(2017年)。先後主持完成國家級和省部級科研項目10餘項,國際學術會議上作報告50餘次,出版專(合)著5部,發表學術論文80餘篇。至2017年底,指導畢業的博士生3人、碩士生20人(其中15人依託國際合作項目資助先後赴德國研修),目前團隊里有中組部青年千人計畫(新疆)項目入選者1人、助理研究員/講師4人、博士後1人、博士生6人、碩士生9人。

在《Journal of Plant Ecology》、《Ecological Engineering》、《Ecological Indicators》、《Ecology and Evolution》、《Aeolian Research》、《Environmental Earth Sciences》、《Journal of Forestry Research》、《SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences》、《Water》、《Sustainability》、《International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health》、《Resources》等國際權威SCI期刊擔任評審專家。










3.EcoCAR:Ecosystem Assessment and Capacity Building for Sustainable Management of Floodplains along the Central AsianRivers Tarim/China and Naryn/Kyrgyzstan)。德國大眾基金會(Volkswagen Foundation)資助,起止時間:2015-2018;







4.SuMaRiO: Sustainable Management of River Oases along the Tarim River, NW China)(www.sumario.de).中德科技合作項目子課題4.1/4.3中方負責人。德國聯邦科研部,起止時間:2011-2016







•國際研修班(Summer School):“乾旱區河岸林生態系統服務與流域生態管理”,2016年8月12-21日,新疆烏魯木齊-庫爾勒(德國大眾基金會資助)。





•Hoppe T, Kleinschmit B, Roberts B, Thevs N. &Halik U. (eds.) (2006): Watershed and Floodplain Management along the Tarim River in China’s Arid Northwest. Aachen: Shaker-Press, 432 pp.

•Halik U(2003): Urban greening in arid regions: the example of the oasis cities in southern Xinjiang/China, with special consideration of ecological, socio-economical, and cultural aspects [M]. Berlin: TU Berlin Press, 343pp.



•米吉提·胡達拜爾地,玉米提·哈力克(1993/1995):新疆蜜源植物及其利用[M].烏魯木齊:新疆大學出版社(漢文版: 1993年,365頁;維文版: 1995年,578頁)



•Mamat, A., Halik, U., Rouzi, A. Variations of ecosystem service value in response to land-use change in the Kashgar Region, Northwest China[J].Sustainability,2018, 10, 200. doi:10.3390/su10010200

•Rouzi, A.,Halik, U., Cyffka, B.et al.Water efficient alternative crops for sustainable agriculture along the Tarim Basin:a comparison of the economic potentials ofApocynum pictum, Chinese Red Date and Cotton in Xinjiang, China[J].Sustainability, 2018,10, 35. doi:10.3390/su10010035

•Mamat, A.,Halik, U., Rouzi, A. Spatial evaluation of environmental suitability for human settlements based on GIS: a case study in Kaidu River Basin, Northwest China[J].Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018, 27(1): 132-140.

•Keyimu, M.,Halik, U., Abliz, A.,et al.Comparison of water consumption of three urban greening trees in a typical arid oasis city, northwest China[J].Die Erde - Journal of Geographical Society of Berlin, accepted for publication.


•Mamat, Z.,Halik, U., Keyimu, M., et al. Variation of the floodplain forest ecosystem service value in the lower reaches of Tarim River, China[J].Land Degradation & Development, 2017, doi: 10.1002/ldr.2835.

•Keyimu, M.,Halik, U., Kurban, A. Estimation of water consumption of riparian forest in the lower reaches of Tarim River, northwest China[J].Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017, 76(16): 547.

•Keyimu, M.,Halik, U., Betz, F.,et al.Vitality variation and population structure of a riparian forest in the lower reaches of the Tarim River, NW China[J].Journal of Forestry Research, 2017, (2):1-12.

•Keyimu, M., Halik, U., Rouzi, A. Relating water use to tree vitality ofPopulus euphraticaOliv. in the Lower Tarim River, NW China[J].Water, 2017, 8(9): 622.


•Mamat, Z.,Halik, U., Muhtar, P., et al. Influence of soil moisture and electrical conductivity on the growth ofPhragmites australis(Cav.) in the Keriya oasis, China[J].Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(5): 1-8.

•Mamat, Z.,Halik, U., Muhtar, P., et al. Temporal variation of significant soil hydrological parameters in the Yutian oasis in Northwest China from 2001 to 2010[J].Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(4): 1-16.

•Aishan, T.,Halik, U., Betz, F., et al. Modeling height–diameter relationship forPopulus euphraticain the Tarim riparian forest ecosystem, Northwest China[J].Journal of Forestry Research, 2016, 27(4): 889–900.


•Betz, F.,Halik, U., Kuba, M.,et al. Controls on Aeolian sediment dynamics by natural riparian vegetation in the Eastern Tarim Basin, NW China[J].Aeolian Research, 2015, 18, 23-34.

•Keilholz, P., Disse, M.,Halik, U. Effects of land use and climate change on groundwater and ecosystems at the middle reaches of the Tarim River using the MIKE SHE integrated hydrological model[J].Water, 2015, 7(6): 3040-3056.

•Aishan, T.,Halik, U., Betz, F.,et al. Stand structure and height-diameter relationship of a degraded Populus euphratica forest in the lower reaches of the Tarim River, Northwest China[J].Journal of Arid Land, 2015, 7(4): 544-554.

•Baidourela, A.,Halik, U., Aishan, T.,et al. Dust retention effects ofPopulus albavar.pyramidalis(Bunge) in arid oasis cities, northwest China.Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2015, 24(1): 285-290.

•Rumbaur, C., Thevs, N., Disse, M., Ahlheim, M., Brieden, A., Cyffka, B., Doluschitz, R., Duethmann, D., Feike, T., Froer, O., Gaertner, P.,Halik, U., et al.: Sustainable management of river oases along the Tarim River in North-Western China under conditions of climate change.Earth System Dynamics, 2015, 6(1): 83-107.

•Aishan, T.,Halik, U., Kurban, A.,et al.Eco-morphological response of floodplain forests (Populus euphraticaOliv.) to water diversion in the lower Tarim River, northwest China.Environmental Earth Science, 73(2): 533-545.

•Missall, S., Welp, M., Thevs, N.,Halik, U,et al. Establishment and maintenance of regulating ecosystem services in a dryland area of central Asia, illustrated using the Kokyar protection forest, Aksu, NW China, as an example[J].Earth System Dynamics, 2015, 6(1): 359-373.

•Abliz, A.,Halik, U., Welp, M.,et al.Effects of shelterbelt afforestation on soil properties in Kokyar, NW China[J].International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, 2015, 10(6): 2017-2036.

•Keyimu, M,Halik, U, Wang, J.S. Study on DBH-structure ofPopulus euphraticaand their spatial distribution in the lower reaches of Tarim River, northwest China[J].International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, 2015, 10(6): 2007-2016.

•Betz, F.,Halik, U., Cyffka, B.,et al. GIS for Environmental management along the Central Asian Rivers Tarim and Naryn[C].Proceedings of Annual Central Asia GIS Conference- GISCA 2015: Geospatial Management of Land, Water and Resources, May 14-16, 2015, TIIM in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.


