你懷疑自己或別人被狼人嗎你獲得的狼人,需要知道如何那么這是為你的應用程式。你的貪婪的生活將計算你的月亮和幫助你發現什麼樣的狼人可以成為。還包括有趣的事實,對其他狼人的故事和視頻和懷疑的狼人,包括13個短視頻由路易斯松樹。不是吸血鬼。Do you suspect yourself or somebody else of being a werewolf Have you acquired lycanthropy and need to know how Then this is the app for you. Your Lupine Life will calculate your moon and help you discover what kind of werewolf you could become. Also includes fun facts, stories and videos about other werewolves and suspected werewolves, including 13 short videos by Louis Pine. NOT for vampires.