


作者:(德)埃·奧·卜勞恩(Plauen,E.O.) 繪
開本:大32K 880×1230 1/32裝幀:平版次:1版1次頁數:365頁




一 愛的教育/001
愛的代價 002
The Cost of Love
理髮 004
老爸真牛 006
Really Great Dad
返老還童 007
Become Young Again
自討沒趣 008
Eat Dirt
可移動的樹幹 010
The Movable Trunk
天使的羽毛 012
The Angel's Feather
不是每個人都值得幫忙 014
Not Everyone Deserves Help
飛來橫財 016
A Lucky Fortune
見風使舵的門衛 018
The Weathercock Guard
縫完褲子接著打 020
Spank You After Sewing
純真的愛心 023
Pure Love
小白也抗議 025
Little White also Protests
亡羊補牢 028
Never Too Late to Mend
大自然是最好的禮物 030
Nature Is the Best Gift
放生未遂 032
Fail to Free the Captive Fish
裝病逃學 034
Play Truant by Pretending to Be Ill
讓人慾罷不能的書 036
An Attracting Book
入戲 038
Into the Play
四世同堂 040
Four Generations Under One Roof
聖誕老人打架 042
The Fighting Among Santa Clauses
聖誕貴客 044
The Special Guests of Christmas
虛驚一場 046
A False Alarm
愛心是最好的聖誕禮物 048
Love Is the Best Christmas Gift
航空信的惡作劇 050
Make a Hoax Airmail
豪車拉煤 052
The Limousine Carries Coal
華而不實的衣服 054
Gaudy Suits
心念舊時小夥伴 056
Keep Little Friends in Mind
行善的結果 058
The Result of Welldoing
理論與實踐 060
Theory and Practice
親子互動 062
The Interaction of Father and Son
盡職的管家 064
The Duteous Chamberlain
耿直的管家 065
The Upright Chamberlain
可憐的兔子 067
The Poor Rabbit
可憐的青蛙 068
The Poor Frog
給雕像穿衣服 070
Dress the Statue
鳥兒的報復 071
Birds Revenge
情景教育 072
Situational Teaching
把小白搶回來 074
Snatch Little White Back
彬彬有禮的小白 076
Polite Little White
自戀的幽靈 078
A Narcissistic Ghost
“教育”錯人了 080
The Wrong Object
二 兩個淘氣包/081
這本書太吸引人啦 082
This Book Is So Interesting
滑板車 084
The Scooter
英雄是怎樣誕生的 086
How a Hero Was Born
蘑菇隨便采不得 088
Mushrooms Cannot Be Picked at Will
把葡萄乾加進去 090
Add the Raisins in
四張兒童票 092
Four Tickets for Kids
照片上的球賽 094
Football Match in the Picture
玩得太投入啦 096
Lost in the Game
故伎重演 098
Old Trick Again
大驚喜 100
A Big Surprise
有完沒完啊 102
Finished or Not
怎么又是你們 104
You Guys Again
浴缸里的海戰 106
A Sea Battle in the Bathtub
最後一個蘋果 108
The Last Apple
家長簽名 110
The Signature by Parents
玩具迷 112
The Toy Fans
意外的收穫 114
An Unexpected Gain
化裝舞會 117
The Fancy Ball
可惜小白不認識你 118
It's a Pity ,Little White Doesn't Know You
給復活節兔子搞怪 120
Play a Trick with the Easter Rabbit
一秒鐘變小孩 122
Turn into a Kid in One Second
你中計啦 123
You're Trapped
看你還怎么偷吃 125
Can You Steal Beans Yet
全都輸光了 127
A Total Loser
無可救藥 129
雪人的反擊 131
The Snowman's Counterattack
意外的發現 134
An Unexpected Discovery
我有那么醜嗎 136
Am I So Ugly
捷足先登 137
The Swift-Footed Arrive First
肖像畫 139
A Portrait
不達目的誓不罷休 141
Never Give Up
漂流瓶的意外 143
The Accident of a Current Bottle
入戲太深信以為真 145
So Deep in the Play to Believe it
麻煩製造者 147
以假亂真 149
Perfect Copy
桑拿房的初次體驗 151
First Experience in the Sauna
魔術揭秘 154
The Secret of Magic Show
三 我愛老爸/155
老爸為兒子打架 156
Father Fights for Son
怎么這么像 158
How So Like
會走路的箱子 159
The Walking Trunk
好玩的跳圈圈 160
Funny Circle-Jumping
鏡子怎么怪怪的 161
The Mirror Looks So Weird
愛我你就陪陪我 163
Love Me and Stay with Me
以身作則 166
Set an Example
離家出走 168
Run Away From Home
俯首甘為孺子牛 170
Serve His Son Like a Willing Ox
不帶兒子去玩的後果 172
Have Fun Without Son
小兔送彩蛋 173
The Easter Eggs Sent by the Bunny
驚喜的禮物 175
A Surprise Gift
父親惱羞成怒 176
Father Bristles
兩對父子 178
Two Pairs of Fathers and Sons
巧畫落日圖 179
Draw the Sunset Deftly
貪吃的詭計 181
The Greedy Boy's Trick
足球與老爸的腦袋 183
Football and Daddy's Head
製作聖誕禮物的秘密 185
The Secret of Making a Christmas Gift
聖誕禮物 188
The Christmas Gifts
怪物啊 190
A Monster
老爸看報紙也太認真了吧 191
Absorbed in His Papers
二貨 194
A Jerk
會享受的天鵝 196
A Swan Who Can Enjoy
誰說長得像了 198
Who Says They're Similar
歌德的書 199
Goethe's Books
謹遵醫囑 201
At the Doctor's Advice
摔碎了的禮物 202
The Broken Gift
鏡子高高掛 204
The Mirror Is Hung High
化裝術 206
The Art of Disguise
不許偷看 207
No Peeking
深深的自責 208
Deep Remorse
麻煩的龍蝦 210
The Troublesome Lobster
好心沒好報 212
Good Won't Be Rewarded
報應 214
生日聚會 216
A Birthday Party
妙招戴眼鏡 218
A Smart Way to Wear the Glasses
暈血的父親 220
Daddy Faints at the Sight of Blood
醉後刮鬍子 222
Drunk Shaving
互相取笑 224
Poke Fun at Each Other
四 我和老爸去冒險/225
魚兒的信 226
The Message Sent by Fish
乖巧的馬兒 228
A Smart Horse
長矮了 229
Grow Shorter
樂器妙用 230
The Instruments Can Work Miracles
添亂的小白 233
The Troublesome Little White
偶遇美人魚 234
Come Across a Mermaid
恩將仇報 235
Return Kindness with Hatred
真假兔子 237
Real or False Rabbits
有求必應的書 239
The Book That Responds to Any Plea
獅口逃生 241
Flee From a Lion's Jaws
極速長大的魚 243
The Fish Growing at an Incredible Speed
城堡里的嬉鬧 245
Frolicking in the Castle
驚喜變驚嚇 247
A Nightmarish Surprise
雜技表演 249
An Acrobatic Show
旅行意外 251
An Accident on Travelling
音樂充飢 253
Music Allays Hunger
取火 255
Make Fire
漂流瓶求救 257
A Current Bottle Asks for Help
恩將仇報的豹子 259
An Ungrateful Leopard
意外的獵物 261
The Unexpected Prey
空歡喜一場 263
Empty Joy
叢林飛躍的“老爸” 265
“Daddy” Springing in the Jungle
鋼琴妙用 267
The Magic Use of the Piano
褲式漁網 269
A Trouser Fishing-Net
有趣的客人 271
A Funny Guest
失敗的斧子,成功的刮鬍刀 272
A Poor Ax, a Good Shaver
什麼都啃啊 274
Does It Gnaw Anything
與袋鼠交朋友 276
Make Friends with Kangaroos
新船試水 278
The Virgin Sailing
陷阱 280
A Pitfall
你必須幫忙 282
You Must Help
漂流瓶郵局 284
The Current-Bottle Post Office
豐收夢碎 285
The Harvest Dream Is Broken
破船為家 287
Take a Wreck as Home
工具珍貴勝黃金 289
Tools Are Valuable than Gold
海星勳章 291
Starfish Medals
酒醉胡言 293
Talking Drunken
期待已久的精神食糧 295
Longed-For Spiritual Food
意外獲救 297
Saved by Chance
意外上岸 299
Land by Chance
終於回家了 301
Get Home Finally
五 你是最棒的/303
一起鍛鍊身體 304
Let's Exercise Together
一把傘的妙用 306
The Magical Function of an Umbrella
時多時少的鬍子 307
Beard More or Less
看你幹的好事 309
See What You've Done
小小消防員 311
The Little Firefighter
地毯上的創作 312
The Creation on the Blanket
不聽話的馬 314
A Stubborn Horse
釣到大魚 316
A Big Fish
帽子上的新裝飾 319
The New Decoration on the Hat
馴馬妙計 321
A Knack to Tame the Horse
原來如此 323
I See
意外奪冠 325
An Unexpected Champion
忍無可忍 327
Beyond Endurance
暗器 329
A Hidden Weapon
救錯人啦 331
Save a Wrong Person
大力士 333
A Strong Man
可以吃的早報 335
The Eatable Morning Papers
雪橇變鳥窩 336
A Roost Turned From a Sleigh
內心坦蕩蕩,有鬼也不怕 338
A Bighearted Man Will Fear Nothing
救命成雙 340
Save Two Lives
感人的樂曲 342
The Impressive Music
烈馬難馴 344
A Fierce Horse
魔術 346
不明真相地幫忙 349
A Blind Help
家族畫廊 351
The Family Gallery
大好時機 352
Golden Opportunity
健康提示 353
A Health Tip
傲慢的下場 355
The End for Arrogance
有心瞄準皆不中,無意放箭竟中標 357
All Set Aims Miss,but a Chance Shoot Hits the Target
瘋狂的冬粉 359
Crazy Fans
成名的煩惱 361
Vexed by Fame
再見,地球 363
Goodbye, the Earth

