Magnet Wire stripper
漆包線剝皮機: 是英國光譜科技的針對漆包線而開發的漆包線剝皮設備

The SIENNA MW S是英國光譜科技針對漆包線開發的全球最快、剝線質量最高、性能最穩定的漆包線剝線機。 雷射可以完全而且徹底剝離外層漆,這樣就可以對線芯焊接、錫焊接或者做其他處理。 SIENNA MW S 已經被廣泛地套用於汽車工業中發電機和起動機的漆包線剝皮。
SIENNA MWS 是一個模組化設計系統,包括雷射器、光路系統、控制電路系統、供電系統和機械組件。如果廠房沒有安裝抽氣系統和水冷系統,可以選購光譜ACS4抽風系統。
SIENNA MWS 保證了高效的生產、降低了生產成本並且大大提高了最終產品的質量和穩定性。
漆包線剝線機-Magnet Wire Stripper 相關資料:
The SIENNA MWS from Spectrum Technologies is the fastest, highest quality and most reliable method of removing enamel from copper magnet wires. The laser completely and cleanly removes the enamel, leaving the wire surfaces ready for welding, soldering or other processes. SIENNA MWS is already used in the automotive industry to process wires used in the high volume production of alternators and starter motor stators. SIENNA MWS is a modular system containing the laser, optical system, control electronics, power supplies and mechanical components. Air extraction and chilled water, if not available on site, can be provided as separate items.
The unique MWS laser stripping process has been developed by Spectrum to meet the needs of the industry for efficient high speed and clean removal of enamel insulation coatings. The laser process offers substantial operational and productivity benefits over outdated mechanical, chemical and hot wire thermal techniques. Precise control of the laser strip location, size and depth, minimise the possibility of end product defects. This results in higher yield, lower cost and increased product reliability.
Laser wire stripping is used to produce some of the world's highest quality and most reliable electrical devices. As industry continues to develop new insulations and new processes to apply to these materials, laser wire stripping is becoming the leading and sometimes only choice for critical, high performance manufacturing applications.
Please contact us at the email address below for more information or to arrange for your samples to be stripped.
Features • Unique laser process produces the highest achievable strip quality
• Extremely accurate, consistent performance, high process yields
• Laser process developed to strip a wide range of enamel insulation materials used on magnet and other wires
Laser • Reliable sealed infra-red laser
• Class 1 laser product for use on open shop floor
超過30年的紫外線雷射技術經驗,光譜科技公司是專業為高端製造業提供 一流的工業雷射套用解決方案的一家高端製造企業。
光譜科技是設計、研發和製造CAPRIS® &CAPRIS Nova™雷射電纜印製設備,Novajet™電纜噴墨印製系統(套用於航空工業)以及SIENNA™紅外雷射剝線系統(套用於精密電子製造業)的全球市場領導者。
光譜科技其產品遍及全球40多個國家,超過600套雷射電纜印製系統在全球各地運轉。光譜科技的設備被全球各大飛機製造企業所使用,包括Airbus空中客車、BAE系統公司、Bell Helicopters貝爾直升機、Boeing波音、Bombardier龐巴迪、Cessna賽斯納、EADS歐洲宇航防務、Embraer巴西航空、Eurocopter歐洲直升機集團、Lockheed Martin洛克希德•馬丁、Northrop Grumman諾斯羅普•格魯曼集團、Sikorsky西科斯基飛行器公司、Sukhoi俄羅斯蘇霍伊等。在全球範圍內,我們亦是民用和軍用飛機維修機構的第一供應商,同時也是全球主要電子製造行業的第一供應商。
亞太地區銷售經理Adrian Thomas發表講話說:“在這樣一個重要而且高速發展的市場,為了給我們的客戶提供更好的專業技術支持,我們必須在該地區建立分公司。”他又補充到:“該辦事處的設立是我們正在進行的戰略擴展計畫的一部分,並且將進一步鞏固光譜科技作為全球最大的雷射電纜加工設備供應商的地位。”
1.Spectrum Technologies PLC