




先後承擔和完成了國家863計畫、國家重大新藥創製專項、國家科技支撐計畫重點項目及國家自然基金項目等二十幾項科研課題。近年來,在《Cell》、《PLoS Genetics》、《Laser Physics Letters》、《Nucleic Acids Research》、《Molecular Microbiology》、《Applied and Environmental Microbiology》和《Journal of Bacteriology》等SCI刊物上發表研究論文30餘篇,授權專利5項,申請PCT專利2項。




1、 高效、簡便、靈敏、快速、用途廣的微生物遺傳作業系統的建立和套用

2、 產蛋白酶、澱粉酶等工業生產菌的改造和分子系統生物學研究

3、 具有優良特性的工業酶的篩選、分子定向進化和結構解析

4、 趨磁細菌中與磁鐵礦形成相關的蛋白的結構解析和功能分析

5、 蘇氨酸、蛋氨酸、絲氨酸、組氨酸和色氨酸等L-型胺基酸的系統代謝工程和發酵過程控制研究

6、 高附加值胺基酸衍生物D-苯丙氨酸、羥脯氨酸、d-脯氨酸、2-氨基丁酸、戊二胺及尼龍54的生物合成研究





現為《Applied and Environmental Microbiology》和《微生物學報》編委。


1989年8月~2004年1月在天津中醫藥大學(第一附屬醫院)分子生物學實驗室工作,擔任國家中醫藥管理局分子生物學三級實驗室主任,2001年9月晉升為正高職稱。2004年1月到法國國家科研中心(CNRS)UPR9073從事博士後研究工作,2005年11月被中國科學院微生物研究所引進回國,被聘為研究員,博士生導師,研究組組長(PI),並擔任中國科技大學和天津科技大學兼職教授,博士生導師; 現為《Applied and Environmental Microbiology》和《微生物學報》編委。主要研究領域為微生物的代謝工程與系統生物學研究以及微生物遺傳作業系統的構建、改造和利用。


1982.9-1986.7 南開大學生物系 學士

1986.9-1989.7 南開大學生物系 碩士

1999.8-2002.7 南開大學生命科學院 博士


1989.8-2004.1 天津中醫藥大學(第一附屬醫院)

2004.1-2005.9 法國國家科研中心(CNRS) UPR9073 博士後研究員

2005.11-  中科院微生物研究所研究員,博士生導師,研究組組長



1.Aihua Deng, Guoqiang Zhang, Nana Shi, Jie Wu,Fuping Lu, Tingyi Wen*. Secretory expression, functional characterization and molecular genetic analysis of a novel halo-solvent-tolerant protease fromBacillus gibsonii. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2014; 24(2): 197-208.

2.Xiuling Shang, Yun Zhang, Guoqiang Zhang, Xin Chai, Aihua Deng, YongLiang, Tingyi Wen*.Characterization and Molecular Mechanism of AroP as an Aromatic Amino Acid and Histidine Transporter in Corynebacterium glutamicum. Journal of Bacteriology. 2013, 195(23):5334-5342.

3.Shuwen Liu, Yong Liang , Qian Liu, Tongtong Tao, Shujuan Lai, Ning Chen, Tingyi Wen*. Development of a two-stage feeding strategy based on the kind and level of feeding nutrients for improving fed-batch production of L-threonine by Escherichia coli. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2013, 97(2):573–583.

4.Guoqiang Zhang, Wenzhao Wang, Aihua Deng, Zhaopeng Sun, Yun Zhang1, Yong Liang, Yongsheng Che, Tingyi Wen* .A Mimicking-of-DNA-methylation-patterns Pipeline for Overcoming the Restriction Barrier of Bacteria. Plos Genetics .2012, 8(9): e1002987.

5.Yun Zhang, Xiuling Shang, Shujuan Lai, Guoqiang Zhang, Yong Liang, Tingyi Wen*. Development and application of an arabinose-inducible expression system by facilitating inducer uptake in Corynebacterium glutamicum. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2012, 78(16):5831-5838.

6.Aihua Deng, Zhaopeng. Sun, Guoqiang. Zhang, Jie Wu, Tingyi Wen*. Rapid discrimination of newly isolated Bacillales with industrial applications using Raman spectroscopy. Laser Physics Letters. 2012, 9(9), 636–642.

7.LAI ShuJuan, ZHANG Yun, LIU ShuWen, LIANG Yong, SHANG XiuLing, CHAI Xin, WEN TingYi*. Metabolic engineering and flux analysis of Corynebacterium glutamicum for L-serine production. SCIENCECHINALife Sciences. 2012, 55(4): 283–290(Cover Article).

8.Yun Zhang, Xiuling Shang, Aihua Deng, Xin Chai, Shujuan Lai, Guoqiang Zhang, Tingyi Wen*. Genetic and biochemical characterization of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATP phosphoribosyltransferase and its three mutants resistant to feedback inhibition by histidine. Biochimie. 2012, 94(3):829-838.

9.Guoqiang Zhang, Aihua Deng, Qingyang Xu, Yong Liang, Ning Chen*, Tingyi Wen*. Complete genome sequence of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens TA208, a strain for industrial production of guanosine and ribavirin, Journal of Bacteriology. 2011, 193(12):3142-3143. Q2

10.Haojian Li,Guoqiang Zhang,Aihua Deng,Ning Chen, Tingyi Wen*. De novo engineering and metabolic flux analysis of Bacillus subtilis for inosine biosynthesis. Biotechnology letters. 2011, 33(8):1575–1580.

11.Aihua Deng, Jie Wu, Guoqiang Zhang, Tingyi Wen* .Molecular and structural characterization of a surfactant-stable high-alkaline protease AprB with a novel structural feature unique to subtilisin family . Biochimie. 2011, 93(4):783-791.

12.Guoqiang Zhang, Peng Bao, Yun Zhang, Aihua Deng, Ning Chen, Tingyi Wen*.Enhancing electro-transformation competency of recalcitrant Bacillus amyloliquefaciens by combining cell-wall weakening and cell-membrane fluidity disturbing. Analytical Biochemistry. 2011, 409(1):130–137. Q3

13.Aihua Deng, Jie Wu, Yun Zhang, Guoqiang Zhang, Tingyi Wen*. Purification and characterization of a surfactant-stable high-alkaline protease from Bacillus sp. B001. Bioresource Technology. 2010, 101(18): 7100-7106.

14.Ning Chen, Jin Huang, Zhibin Feng, Lei Yu, Qingyang Xu, Tingyi Wen*. Optimization of fermentation conditions for the biosynthesis of L-threonine by Escherichia coli. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2009, 158(3): 595-604.



