
2001-2003年在西北大學地質學系從事博士後研究 。
2011年,“高保真數字高程模型構建及套用技術研究”獲國家測繪地理信息局 “地理信息科技進步一等獎”(省部級獎,排名第一);
2009年,中國地理信息系統協會授予 “地理信息系統產業傑出人才”;
項目時間 | 項目名稱 | 擔任職務 | 基金類型 |
2015-2018 | 基於DEM的黃土溝壑譜系研究 | 項目負責人 | 國家自然科學基金 |
2012-2015 | DEM地形紋理的理論與方法研究 | 項目負責人 | 國家自然科學基金 |
2010-2013 | 基於DEM的黃土高原地貌形態空間格局研究 | 項目負責人 | 國家自然科學基金重點項目 |
2010-2012 | 數字地形分析並行技術與中間件 | 項目負責人 | 國家科技部863重點課題 |
2009-2010 | 地理空間的三維建模和分析軟體及其套用示範-空間分析 | 協作課題負責人 | 國家科技部863重點項目 |
2007-2009 | 高保真數字高程模型構建關鍵技術研究 | 項目負責人 | 國家科技部863項目 |
2007-2009 | 基於DEM的黃土高原地面坡譜研究 | 項目負責人 | 國家自然科學基金 |
2003-2005 | 不同空間尺度數字高程模型地形信息容量與轉換圖譜 | 項目負責人 | 國家自然科學基金 |
2002-2003 | 多源空間信息數據挖掘 | 項目負責人 | 國家科技部863課題 |
2000-2002 | 數字高程模型不確定性及其對套用的影響 | 項目負責人 | 國家自然科學基金 |
TANG Guoan ,《A Research on The Accuracy of Digital Elevation Models》, Science Press Beijing New York, 2000.7
Qiming Zhou, Brian Lees, Guoan Tang,《Advanced in Digital terrain Analysis》, Springer Press, 2008;
湯國安,張友順,劉詠梅,謝元禮,楊昕,劉愛利《遙感數字圖像處理》,科學出版社,2004.4 ;
2.TANG Guoan ,《A Research on The Accuracy of Digital Elevation Models》, Science Press Beijing New York, 2000.7
3.Qiming Zhou, Brian Lees, Guoan Tang,《Advanced in Digital terrain Analysis》, Springer Press, 2008;
11.湯國安,張友順,劉詠梅,謝元禮,楊昕,劉愛利《遙感數字圖像處理》,科學出版社,2004.4 ;
湯國安. (2014) 我國數字高程模型與數字地形分析研究進展. 地理學報 9:1305-1325
Tang Guoan, Li Fayuan, Liu Xuejun, Long Yi, Yang Xin. (2008) Research on the slope spectrum of the Loess Plateau, Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences 5(1):175-185.(SCI檢索)
Xiong L.-Y., Tang G.-A., Li F.-Y., Yuan B.Y., Lu Z.-C. (2014). Modeling the evolution of loess-covered landforms in the Loess Plateau of China using a DEM of underground bedrock surface. Geomorphology 209(0): 18-26. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
Xiong L., Tang G., Yan S., Zhu S., Sun Y. (2014), Landform-oriented flow-routing algorithm for the dual-structure loess terrain based on digital elevation models. Hydrological Processes 28(4): 1756-1766. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
Zhu S., Tang G., Xiong L., Zhang G. (2014). Uncertainty of slope length derived from digital elevation models of the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Mountain Science 11(5): 1169-1181. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
Fang X., Tang G., Li B., Han R. (2014) Spatial and Temporal Variations of Ecosystem Service Values in Relation to Land Use Pattern in the Loess Plateau of China at Town Scale. PLOS ONE 9(10) (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
Xiong L., Tang G., Yuan B., Lu Z., Li F., Zhang L. (2014). Geomorphological inheritance for loess landform evolution in a severe soil erosion region of Loess Plateau of China based on digital elevation models. Science China Earth Sciences 57(8): 1944-1952. 《熊禮陽, 湯國安, 袁寶印, 陸中臣, 李發源, 張磊. 2014. 基於DEM的黃土高原(重點流失區)地貌演化的繼承性研究. 中國科學.D輯:地球科學 44: 313–321》 (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
Hu Z., Tang G., Lu G. (2014) A new geographical language: A perspective of GIS. Journal of Geographical Science 21(4):689-704.24(3): 560-576. 《胡最, 湯國安, 閭國年. (2012). GIS作為新一代地理學語言的特徵. 地理學報 7:867-877.》 (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
Yan S., Tang G., Li F., Zhang L. (2014) Snake Model for the Extraction of Loess Shoulder-line from DEMs. Journal of Mountain Science 11(6): 1552-1559. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
Xiaodong Song, Guoan Tang, Fayuan Li, et al. (2013) Extraction of Loess shoulder-line based on the parallel GVF snake model in the loess hilly area of China. Computers& Geosciences 52(11-20). (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
Jianyi Yang, Guo-an Tang, Min Cao , Rui Zhu. (2013) An intelligent method to discover transition rules for cellular automata using bee colony optimization. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 27(10): 1849-1864. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
Ling Jiang, Guoan Tang, Xuejun Liu, et al. (2013) Parallel contributing area calculation with granularity control on massive grid terrain datasets. Computers & Geosciences 60: 70-80. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
Min Cao, Guo-an Tang, Fang Zhang, Jianyi Yang. A cellular automata model for simulating the evolution of positive–negative terrains in a small loess watershed. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 27(7): 1349-1363. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
Yiqun Xie, Guoan Tang, Shijiang Yan, Hui Lin. (2013) Crater detection using the morphological characteristics of Chang’E-1 digital elevation models. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 10(4):885-889. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
祝士傑,湯國安,李發源,熊禮陽. (2013) 基於DEM的黃土高原面積高程積分研究[J].地理學報7(68):921-932. (通訊作者)
Tao Y., Tang G., Strobl J., et al. (2012) Spatial Structure Characteristics Detecting of Landform based on Improved 3D Lacunarity Model. Chinese Geographical Science 22(1):88-96. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
YANG Xin, TANG Guoan, XIAO Chenchao, GAO Yiping, ZHU Shijie. (2011) The scaling method of specific catchment area from DEMs. Journal of Geographical Science 21(4):689-704. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
Zhou Yi, Tang Guoan, Yang Xin, Xiao Chenchao, etal. (2010) Positive and negative terrains on northern Shaanxi Loess Plateau. Journal of Geographical Sciences 20(1): 64-76. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
楊昕,湯國安,劉學軍,李發源,祝士傑. (2009) 數字地形分析的理論、方法與套用. 地理學報 09:1058-1070. (通訊作者)
Yang Xin, Tang Guoan, Xiao Chenchao, Deng Fengdong. (2007) Terrain revised model for air temperature in mountainous area based on DEMs, A case study in Yaoxian county. Journal of Geographical Sciences 17(4): 399-408. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
1.湯國安. (2014) 我國數字高程模型與數字地形分析研究進展. 地理學報 9:1305-1325
2.Tang Guoan, Li Fayuan, Liu Xuejun, Long Yi, Yang Xin. (2008) Research on the slope spectrum of the Loess Plateau, Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences 5(1):175-185.(SCI檢索)
3.Xiong L.-Y., Tang G.-A., Li F.-Y., Yuan B.Y., Lu Z.-C. (2014). Modeling the evolution of loess-covered landforms in the Loess Plateau of China using a DEM of underground bedrock surface. Geomorphology 209(0): 18-26. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
4.Xiong L., Tang G., Yan S., Zhu S., Sun Y. (2014), Landform-oriented flow-routing algorithm for the dual-structure loess terrain based on digital elevation models. Hydrological Processes 28(4): 1756-1766. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
5.Zhu S., Tang G., Xiong L., Zhang G. (2014). Uncertainty of slope length derived from digital elevation models of the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Mountain Science 11(5): 1169-1181. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
6.Fang X., Tang G., Li B., Han R. (2014) Spatial and Temporal Variations of Ecosystem Service Values in Relation to Land Use Pattern in the Loess Plateau of China at Town Scale. PLOS ONE 9(10) (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
7.Xiong L., Tang G., Yuan B., Lu Z., Li F., Zhang L. (2014). Geomorphological inheritance for loess landform evolution in a severe soil erosion region of Loess Plateau of China based on digital elevation models. Science China Earth Sciences 57(8): 1944-1952. 《熊禮陽, 湯國安, 袁寶印, 陸中臣, 李發源, 張磊. 2014. 基於DEM的黃土高原(重點流失區)地貌演化的繼承性研究. 中國科學.D輯:地球科學 44: 313–321》 (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
8.Hu Z., Tang G., Lu G. (2014) A new geographical language: A perspective of GIS. Journal of Geographical Science 21(4):689-704.24(3): 560-576. 《胡最, 湯國安, 閭國年. (2012). GIS作為新一代地理學語言的特徵. 地理學報 7:867-877.》 (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
9.Yan S., Tang G., Li F., Zhang L. (2014) Snake Model for the Extraction of Loess Shoulder-line from DEMs. Journal of Mountain Science 11(6): 1552-1559. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
10.Xiaodong Song, Guoan Tang, Fayuan Li, et al. (2013) Extraction of Loess shoulder-line based on the parallel GVF snake model in the loess hilly area of China. Computers& Geosciences 52(11-20). (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
11.Jianyi Yang, Guo-an Tang, Min Cao , Rui Zhu. (2013) An intelligent method to discover transition rules for cellular automata using bee colony optimization. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 27(10): 1849-1864. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
12.Ling Jiang, Guoan Tang, Xuejun Liu, et al. (2013) Parallel contributing area calculation with granularity control on massive grid terrain datasets. Computers & Geosciences 60: 70-80. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
13.Min Cao, Guo-an Tang, Fang Zhang, Jianyi Yang. A cellular automata model for simulating the evolution of positive–negative terrains in a small loess watershed. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 27(7): 1349-1363. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
14.Yiqun Xie, Guoan Tang, Shijiang Yan, Hui Lin. (2013) Crater detection using the morphological characteristics of Chang’E-1 digital elevation models. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 10(4):885-889. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
15.祝士傑,湯國安,李發源,熊禮陽. (2013) 基於DEM的黃土高原面積高程積分研究[J].地理學報7(68):921-932. (通訊作者)
16.Tao Y., Tang G., Strobl J., et al. (2012) Spatial Structure Characteristics Detecting of Landform based on Improved 3D Lacunarity Model. Chinese Geographical Science 22(1):88-96. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
17.YANG Xin, TANG Guoan, XIAO Chenchao, GAO Yiping, ZHU Shijie. (2011) The scaling method of specific catchment area from DEMs. Journal of Geographical Science 21(4):689-704. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
18.Zhou Yi, Tang Guoan, Yang Xin, Xiao Chenchao, etal. (2010) Positive and negative terrains on northern Shaanxi Loess Plateau. Journal of Geographical Sciences 20(1): 64-76. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)
19.楊昕,湯國安,劉學軍,李發源,祝士傑. (2009) 數字地形分析的理論、方法與套用. 地理學報 09:1058-1070. (通訊作者)
20.Yang Xin, Tang Guoan, Xiao Chenchao, Deng Fengdong. (2007) Terrain revised model for air temperature in mountainous area based on DEMs, A case study in Yaoxian county. Journal of Geographical Sciences 17(4): 399-408. (SCI檢索,通訊作者)