
主要學術兼職:“Fatigue & Fract. Engng Mater. & Struct.”,《力學進展》,《中國科學G輯》副主編;《固體力學學報》,《機械強度》,《套用數學和力學》編委;中國力學學會副理事長,國務院學位委員會學科評議組力學組成員,中國科學院研究生院學位委員會委員。
發表論文220餘篇;獲授權專利11項;獲1996年度中科院自然科學一等獎(第二獲獎人);獲1995年度國家傑出青年科學基金;是全國(首批)“百千萬人才工程”1995/1996年度第一、二層次入選者;1998年被評為中科院有突出貢獻的中青年專家。 已培養博士11名,碩士13名;其中1名獲中科院院長獎學金優秀獎,1名獲劉永齡獎學金,1名獲郭永懷獎學金一等獎,3名獲郭永懷獎學金二等獎等。現指導博士生7名,碩士生1名。獲1999年度中國科學院“華為獎教金”(中國科學院優秀研究生導師獎)。
固體力學, 材料力學性能與內部結構
“Fatigue & Fract. Engng Mater. & Struct.”, 《力學進展》,《中國科學G輯》副主編;《固體力學學報》,《機械強度》,《套用數學和力學》編委;中國力學學會副理事長,國務院學位委員會學科評議組力學組成員,中國科學院研究生院學位委員會委員。
1. HONG Youshi, YE Yugong and XIA Xiaoxin, The Effects of the Size of the Second Phase Particles on the Mechanical Properties of a Low Alloy Steel. Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Proceedings of ICM4, August 1983, Vol.2, p.849-855.
2. HONG Youshi and LIANG Kaiming, An Investigation on Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Behaviour of Cr-Mo Steels. Advances in Fracture Research, Proceedings of ICF6, December 1984, Vol.4, p.2403-2410.
3. HONG Youshi, W. R. Tyson and B. Faucher, Effect of Rare Earth Additions on Fracture Properties of 2.25Cr-1Mo Steels. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Edition) Ser. A, (1989), Vol.2, p.63-68.
4. HONG Youshi, LU Yonghua and ZHENG Zhemin, Initiation and Propagation of Short Fatigue Cracks in a Weld Metal. Fatigue Fract. Engng Mater. Struct., (1989), Vol.12, p.323-331.
5. HONG Youshi, LU Yonghua and ZHENG Zhemin, Short Fatigue Crack Behaviour in Iso-Stress Specimens. Acta Metall. Sinica. (English Edition) Ser. A, (1990), Vol.3, p.276-281.
6. HONG Youshi, K. J. Miller and M. W. Brown, Complex Stress Functions and Plastic Zone Sizes for Notch Cracks Subjected to Various Loading Conditions. Fatigue Fract. Engng Mater. Struct., (1991), Vol.14, p.237-258.
7. HONG Youshi, LU Yonghua and ZHENG Zhemin, Orientation Preference and Fractal Character of Short Fatigue Cracks in a Weld Metal. J. Mater. Sci., (1991), Vol.26, p.1821-1826.
8. HONG Youshi, M. W. Brown and K. J. Miller, Fatigue Crack Growth from a Circular Notch under High Levels of Biaxial Stress. Fatigue Fract. Engng Mater. Struct., (1992), Vol.15, p.1185-1197.
9. FANG Biao, HONG Youshi and BAI Yilong, Experimental and Theoretical Study on Numerical Density Evolution of Short Fatigue Cracks. Acta Mechanica Sinica, (1995), Vol.11, p.144-152.
10. 洪友民,顧子晏,方飆,疲勞短裂紋萌生的損傷特徵和計算機模擬,《機械強度》 (1995), Vol.17, No.3, p.88-93.
11. HONG Youshi, GU Ziyan, FANG Biao and BAI Yilong, Collective Evolution Characteristics and Computer Simulation of Short Fatigue Cracks. Philosophical Magazine A, (1997), Vol.75, no.6, p.1517-1531.
12. HONG Youshi and ZHENG Xiuhua, Experimental Investigation on Evolution Process of Dimpled Fracture. Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Fracture, April 1997, Vol.5, p.2441-2448.
13. QIAO Yu and HONG Youshi, A Theoretical Analysis on Stochastic Behaviour of Short Cracks and Fatigue Damage of Metals, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica (1997), Vol.10, no.4, p.352-358.
14. QIAO Yu and HONG Youshi, An Analysis of Collective Damage for Short Fatigue Cracks Based on Equilibrium of Crack Numerical Density, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, (1998), Vol.59, no.2, p.151-163.
15. HONG Youshi and QIAO Yu, Analysis of Damage Moments in the Collective Evolution of Short Fatigue Cracks. Key Engineering Materials, (1998), Vol.145-149, p.399-404.
16. 喬宇,洪友民,基於局域分析的裂紋群體損傷演化隨機模型。《力學學報》(1998), Vol. 30, no.5, p.564-571.
17. HONG Youshi, QIAO Yu, LIU Na and ZHENG Xiuhua, Effect of Grain Size on Collective Damage of Short Cracks and Fatigue Life Estimation for a Stainless Steel, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, (1998), Vol.21, no.11, p.1317-1326.
18. WANG Huicai and HONG Youshi, Application of Enthalphy Method for Moving Boundary Problem in Laser Surface Melting, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, (1999), Vol.12, no.3, p.198-205.
19. HONG Youshi, QIAO Yu, LIU Na and ZHENG Xiuhua, Collective Damage of Short Cracks and Fatigue Life Estimation for Metallic Materials (Keynote paper), Fatigue ’99, Proceedings of the Seventh International Fatigue Congress, Beijing, June 1999, Vol.1, p.337-344.
20. QIAO Yu and HONG Youshi, Singularity Characteristics for a Lip-Shaped Crack Subjected to Remote Biaxial Loading, International Journal of Fracture, (1999), Vol.96, no.3, p.203-214.
21. HONG Youshi and QIAO Yu, An Analysis on Overall Crack-Number-Density of Short-Fatigue-Cracks, Mechanics of Materials, (1999), Vol.31, p.525-534.
22. YU Hualong and HONG Youshi, Collective Evolution Characteristics and Computer Simulation of Voids Near the Crack Tip of Ductile Metal, Key Engineering Materials, (2000), Vol.183-187, p.157-162.
23. FU Min, HONG Youshi, MA Youli and LI Shiqiong, Experiments and Analyses on Tensile Behaviour of a TiAl Alloy with Lamellar Structure, Journal of Materials Science, (2000), Vol.35, p.4937-4943.
24. WU Xiaolei and HONG Youshi, Microstructure of Zr-alloyed coating using pulsed laser, Surface and Coatings Technology, (2000), Vol.132, p.194-197.
25. WU Xiaolei and HONG Youshi, Microstructure and mechanical properties at TiC/Ni-alloy interfaces in laser-synthesized coatings, Mater Sci Eng A, (2001), Vol.318A, p.15-21.
26. WU Xiaolei and HONG Youshi, Fe-based thick amorphous-alloy coating by laser cladding, Surface and Coatings Technology, (2001), Vol.141, p.141-144.
27. HONG Youshi, ZHENG Liang and QIAO Yu, Simulations and experiments of stochastic characteristics for collective short fatigue cracks of steels, Fatigue Fract. Engng Mater. Struct. (2002), Vol.25, no.5, p.459-466.
28. WU Xiaolei, TAO Nairong, HONG Youshi, XU B, LU Jian, LU Ke. Microstructure and Evolution of mechanically-Induced Ultrafine Grain in Surface Layer of Al-Alloy Subjected to USSP, Acta Materialia, 2002, Vol.50, no.8, p.2075-2084.
29. HONG Youshi, AN Zhongsheng and WANG Huicai, Numerical Simulation for Temperature Field Evolution of Metallic Alloy Surface due to Pulsed Laser Treatment, Key Engineering Materials, (2003), Vols.243-244, p.481-486.
30. HONG Youshi, ZHAO Yibing, AN Zhongsheng and WANG Huicai, Surface Layer Rapid Melting-Solidification due to Pulsed Laser Irradiation and Its Impact on Microstructure and Fatigue Resistance of Metallic Alloy, (Invited plenary lecture) Proceedings of International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics (Program and Book of Abstract), Chongqing, June 2004, p.122.
31. HONG Youshi and ZHOU Cheng-en, Characteristics of Very-High-Cycle Fatigue for a High Carbon Low Alloy Steel, Proceedings of International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw, Poland, August 2004.
32. DENG Zhongmin, ZHAO Yibing and HONG Youshi, Influence of Microstructure on Materials Fatigue Life with Different MSZ Coverage Rates under Contact Loads, Key Engineering Materials, (2003), Vols.243-244, p.219-224.
33. 安中勝,王會才,趙亦兵,洪友民,脈衝雷射導致不鏽鋼表層溫度場演化的模擬。《中國科學院研究生院學報》(2003), Vol.20, no.3, p.309-315.
34. 洪友民,趙亦兵,安中勝,王會才,脈衝雷射致合金表層快速熔凝及其對微結構和力學性能的影響。《材料的宏微觀力學與強韌化設計》主編:黃克智,王自強,p.215-245, 清華大學出版社,Springer,北京,2003年7月。
35. 周承恩,謝季佳,洪友民,超高周疲勞研究現狀及展望。《機械強度》(2004), Vol.26, no.5, p.526-533.
36. 洪友民,脈衝雷射熔凝的不鏽鋼表層的微結構和力學性能。《國家傑出青年科學基金實施十周年紀念文集》(材料科學分冊),國家自然科學基金委員會工程與材料科學部編,p.25-29, 北京,2004年9月。
37. 周承恩, 洪友民, GCr15鋼超高周疲勞行為的實驗研究。《機械強度》(2004), Vol.26(S), p.157-160.
38. 鄧忠民,劉敬,趙亦兵,洪友民,雷射毛化技術對18-8不鏽鋼疲勞性能的研究。《機械強度》(2004), Vol.26(S), p.154-156.
39. WU Xiaolei, TAO Nairong, HONG Youshi, LIU G, XU B, LU Jian and LU Ke, Strain Induced Grain Refinement of Cobalt during Surface Mechanical attrition Treatment, Acta Materialia, (2005), Vol.53, 681-691.
40. WU Xiaolei, TAO Nairong, HONG Youshi, B, LU Jian and LU Ke, Martensite Transformation and Twinning Deformation in fcc Cobalt during Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment, Scripta Materialia, (2005), Vol.52, No.7, p.547-551.
41. Wu X, Tao N, Hong Y, Lu J, Lu K. Localized Solid-State Amorphization at Grain Boundaries in Nanocrystalline Al Solid Solution Subjected to Surface Mechanical Attrition. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, (2005), Vol. 38, p.4140-4143.
42. Hong Youshi and Zhao Yibing, Microstructure and Fatigue Resistance of a Stainless Steel with its Surface subjected to Pulsed Laser Treatment, in G.C.Sih and T.Vu-Khanh eds. Materials for Safety and Health, Mesoscopic and Multiscale Consideration in Modern Science and Engineering. 2005, p.351-357.
43. 謝季佳,上官豐收,武曉雷,洪友民,確定斷裂表面晶體學取向的電子背散射衍射方法。《電子顯微學報》(2005), Vol.24, no.6, p.547-550.
44. Zhou Cheng’en, Qian Gui’an, Hong Youshi. Fractography and Crack Initiation of Very-High- Cycle Fatigue for a High Carbon Low Alloy Steel. Key Engineering Materials, (2006), Vols.324-325, p.1113-1116.
45. 張驥, 董滿生, 葛斐, 洪友民, 計及軸向壓力的方管節點塑性鉸線模型。《固體力學學報》(2006), Vol.27(2), p.127-134.
46. 董滿生, 葛斐, 洪友民, 曲線形水中懸浮隧道的溫度內力研究。《工程力學》(2006), Vol.23, Sup.1, p.21-24.
47. 葛斐, 董滿生, 惠磊, 洪友民, 水中懸浮隧道錨索在波流場中的渦激動力回響。《工程力學》(2006), Vol.23, Sup.1, p.217-221.
48. Xie Jijia, Wu Xiaolei and Hong Youshi. Shear Bands at the Fatigue Crack Tip of Nanocrystalline Nickel. Scripta Materialia (2007), Vol.57, p.5-8.
49. Lan Jiaoxia, Hong Youshi. Micromechanics Modelling of Strength for Nanocrystalline Copper. Archive of Applied Mechanics (2007), published Online First (1432-0681).
50. Hong Youshi, Shangguan Fengshou, Xie Ziling. Grain Refinement and Hardness Increase of Copper Subjected to High Pressure Torsion. TMS 136th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Orlando, USA, February 2007, p.121.
51. 上官豐收, 謝季佳, 洪友民, 高壓扭轉致純銅試樣晶粒細化及與應變的關係。《材料研究學報》(2007), Vol.21, No.1, p.72-76.
52. 謝子令,武曉雷,洪友民,微納米晶金屬的應變率敏感性及應變硬化行為分析。《固體力學學報》(2007), Vol.28, no.1, p.43-48.
53. 葛 斐,惠 磊,洪友民,水中懸浮隧道錨索在剪下流中的渦激回響。《中國科學院研究生院學報》(2007), Vol.24, No.3, p.351-356.
54. 謝季佳,何發泉,洪友民,確定ZnO晶體生長方向的電子背散射衍射方法。《電子顯微學報》(2007), Vol.26, No.1, p.14-18.
55. DONG Man-sheng, GE Fei, ZHANG Shuang-yin, HONG You-shi. Dynamic Equations for Curved Submerged floating Tunnel. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, (2007), Vol.28, No.10, p.1299-1308.
56. 董滿生, 葛斐, 惠磊, 洪友民. 水中懸浮隧道研究進展。《中國公路學報》(2007), Vol.20, No.4, p.101-107.
57. 葛斐,惠磊,洪友民. 水中懸浮隧道錨索非線性渦激振動的研究. 《中國公路學報》(2007), Vol.20, No.6, p.85-89.
58. 謝季佳,段桂花,武曉雷,洪友民. 電解沉積納米鎳退火析出相的EBSD分析. 《中國體視學與圖像分析》(2007), Vol.12, No.4, p.250-253.
59. 葛斐,惠磊,洪友民,水中懸浮隧道在波浪場中非線性動力回響的研究。《套用力學學報》(2008), Vol.25, No.2, p.207-211.
60. 惠磊, 葛斐, 洪友民. 水中懸浮隧道在衝擊載荷下的計算模型與數值模擬.《工程力學》 (2008), Vol.25, No.2, p.209-213.
61. 葛斐,惠磊,洪友民. 波浪場中水中懸浮隧道動力回響的研究. 《工程力學》, (2008), Vol.25, No.6, p.188-194.
62. Wang Zhijia, Wu Xiaolei and Hong Youshi. Torsion Fracture Behavior of Drawn Pearlitic Steel Wires with Different Heat Treatments. Advanced Materials Research, (2008), Vol.33-37, p.41-46.
63. Xie Jijia, Wu Xiaolei and Hong Youshi. Study on fatigue crack nucleation of electrodeposited nanocrystalline nickel. Advanced Materials Research, (2008), Vol.33-37, p.925-930.
64. 蘭姣霞, 王志甲, 洪友民. 高能氣動噴丸致純銅細晶化的實驗
與模擬.《中國科學院研究生院學報》(2008), Vol.25, No.2, p.172-176. 65. Hong Youshi, Wu Xiaolei, Liu Junliang, Wand Junyi, Shen Wei, Wang Zhijia and Xie Ziling. Investigation of Torsion Ductility Degradation of High Strength Steel Wire. Baosteel BAC 2008, Shanghai, China, September 2008.
66. 洪友民,錢學森物理力學思想與力學所的材料力學性能研究。《錢學森科學貢獻暨學術思想研討會論文集》p.184-189, 中國科學技術出版社,2001年12月。
67. 洪友民(主編),《套用力學進展(祝賀鄭哲敏先生八十華誕應用力學學術報告會論文集)》科學出版社,北京,2004年9月。
68. 洪友民,套用力學和技術科學的開拓者和領路人— 著名力學家鄭哲敏院士。《中國科學院院刊》(2004), Vol.19, no.6, p.468-471。
69. 洪友民,鄭哲敏對套用力學和技術科學的貢獻。《力學進展》(2005), Vol.35, no.1, p.1-4.
70. 洪友民,力學研究所五十年。《力學進展》(2006), Vol.36, no.1, p.1-6.