- 1997.9-2001.7 燕山大學 建築與土木工程學院 建築工程專業 學士學位
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2008.7―至今 溫州大學 建築與土木工程學院 任教科研項目
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- Xie Z L, Hong Y S. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Copper subjected to High Pressure Torsion. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Heterogeneous Materials Mechanics (ICHMM-2008): 411-414
- Xie Z L, Hong Y S. High Pressure Torsion Induced Nnao-crystallization of Copper Specimen and Its Deformation Mechanism. Proceedings of the 2008 Cross Strait Workshop on Engineering Mechanics: 198-204
- 謝子令, 武曉雷, 謝季佳,洪友士,高壓扭轉Cu試樣微觀組織的熱穩定性分析. 金屬學報,46(2010):458-465
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