高溫儲存(可帶表面紅外加熱)High Temperature Test(can with IR)
低溫儲存Low Temperature Test
濕熱交變(可帶表面紅外加熱)Hemperature & Humidity Test (canwith IR)
凝露測試Condensation Test
低氣壓測試Low Pressure Test
溫度衝擊測試Thermal Shock Test
防塵防水測試Dust & Water Resistant Test
鹽霧測試Salt Spray Test
耐氣體腐蝕gas Corrosion Resistant Test
耐化學試劑Chemical Resistant Test
振動測試(隨機、正弦、掃頻等)Vibration Test (Random/Sine /Sweep)
機械衝擊測試Mechanical Shock Test
碰撞測試Bump Test
跌落測試Drop Test
三綜合測試(溫濕度+振動)Compositive Environment Test(Temperature & Humidity &Vibration)
高加速測試HALT & HASS
插拔力檢測Operation Force Test
剛度測試Rigidity Test
按鍵動作耐久測試Button Operation Durability
插拔耐久測試Connection Durability
CD機動作耐久測試CD Player Operation Durability
電源特性測試Resistance to Power Supply Voltages
電源緩升緩降測試Resistance to Slow Decrease andIncrease Power of Supply Voltages
電壓特性測試 Re-initialization Test
電壓異常測試Resistance to Non Usual Power SupplyVoltages
線路(短路至地/電源)短路測試Resistance to Ground and PositiveSupply Voltages Short Circuit
感性負載電源連線測試Resistance of InductiveLoad Connected Circuits
電源微中斷測試Resistance to Power Supply Micro-interruptions(UPDATED)
啟動測試Resistance to Starting Profile
電源電壓特性測試Power Supply Voltage CharacteristicsTest
浮地測試Floating Ground Test
感應噪聲抗擾度Induction Noise Resistance Test
拋負載測試Load Dump Test
過壓測試Overvoltage Test
點火脈衝測試Ignition Pulse Test
反極性測試Reversed Polarity Test
工作電壓Working Voltage
工作電流Working Current
絕緣電阻測試Insulation Resistance Test
耐電強度測試Electric Strength Test
溫升測試Temperature Rise Test
按客戶要求進行功能測試Function Test as Requirement ofClient
RE輻射騷擾 Radiated Emission
CE傳導騷擾 Conducted Emission
BCI大電流注入 Bulk CurrentInjection
RI電波暗室法輻射抗擾度 RI
瞬態傳導騷擾 Transient,Conducted Emissions
瞬態傳導抗擾度 ConductedImmunity
靜電放電抗擾度 ESD
脈衝波測試Resistance to on Board Power SystemVoltage Ripples
高電壓注入抗擾度測試Immunity to InjectionHigh Voltage
脈衝抗擾度測試 Resistance to Impulsive Transient
音頻磁場輻射抗擾度測試Immunity to AudioFrequency Magnetic Field
手持式收發機抗擾度測試Resistance to HandyTransmitters
脈衝波抗擾度測試 ImmunityAgainst High Frequency Surge (Burst Wave Form)
高周波抗擾度測試ImmunityAgainst High Frequency Surge (Impulse Wave Form)
低周波測試LowFrequency Surge Resistance(Induced Load Surge)
汽車電子暗室場均勻性Anechoic ChamberField Validation
汽車電子暗室有效性CISPR1391CD RadioDisturbance Characteristics CISPR1391CD
禁止室禁止效能Shielding Room Shieding Effective
磁場騷擾測試Measurement of Magnetic FieldRadiated Emissions
寬頻輻射抗擾度測試Broadband AntennaNearby Test
輻射天線靠近抗擾度Radio EquipmentAntenna Nearby Test
移動手機天線靠近測試Mobile PhoneAntenna Nearby Test
尺寸測量Dimension Measurement
拉伸性能Tensile Property
衝擊性能Impact Property
彎曲測試Bend Test
熔融指數Melt Index
維卡軟化點VEKA Softening Point
低溫脆化Low Temperature Brittleness
抗化學試劑測試Chemical Resistant
附著力Adhesion Test
塗鍍層厚度Thickness of Coating And Film
鉛筆硬度Pencil Hardness
耐刮擦測試Scratch Resistant Test
耐摩擦測試Rub Resistant Test
耐化學試劑Chemical Resistant Test
落錘衝擊(常溫/低溫)Drop Ball Impact Test(Room/Low Temperature)
落砂磨耗Sand Abrasion Test
碎石衝擊測試Gravel Resistant Test
鹽霧測試Salt Spray Test
溫濕度測試Temperature & Humidity Test(or with IR)
耐水老化Water Resistant Test
氙弧燈老化Xenon Arc Aging
碳弧燈老化Carbon Arc Aging
紫外燈老化Uv Arc Aging
鹵素燈老化Halogen Lamp Aging
金屬化學成分分析Chemical Composition Analysis forMetal
金相測試Metallographic Test
·顯微斷裂分析Microstructure and Fracture Analysis
·非金屬夾雜物分析Non-metallic Inclusion Analysis
·晶粒度Average Grain Size
·定量金相學Quantitative Metallography
·鍍層厚度Thickness of Film & Coating Measure
·巨觀檢測Macroscopical Examination
·電路板的鍍層厚度Coating Thickness of PCB Board
·電路板焊腳質量Welding Quality of Feet
金屬機械性能測試Metal Material Mechanics Test
·抗壓試驗Compression Test
·剪下試驗Shear Test
·彎曲試驗Bending Test
·壓扁試驗Flattening Test
·擴口試驗Flaring Test
·卷邊試驗Flange Test
·衝擊試驗Impact Test
·杯突試驗Cupping Test
硬度測試 Hardness Test
·洛氏硬度Rockwell Hardness
·布氏硬度Brinell Hardness
·維氏硬度Vickers Hardness
·顯微維氏硬度Micro Vickers Hardness
·里氏硬度Leeb Hardness
高分子材料成分分析ChemicalComposition Analysis for Polymer
燃燒測試Flame Resistant
汽車內飾材料的燃燒性能測試Flammability Test ofAutomotive Interior Materials
Ⅰ揮發性有機化合物測試Volatile Organic Compound Test
氣味測試 Odor Test
霧化測試 Fogging Test
甲醛測試 Formaldehyde Test
汽車材料VOC測試 Volatile Organic Compound Test of AutoMaterials
汽車部件VOC測試 Volatile Organic Compound Test of Auto Parts
Volatile Organic Compounds and CarbonylCompounds Test in Cabin of Vehicles
Ⅱ有害物質測試 HazardousSubstances Test
報廢車輛指令(ELV指令) End-of Life Vehicle Test
汽車禁用物質測試 Test for Prohibited Substances on Automobiles
Reach高度關注物質(SVHC)測試 Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Test
汽車塗料檢測 Automobile Coatings Test
Asbestos, PAHs,Phthalates, AZO Dye, Heavy Metals Test etc.