


在國內外發表/錄用科研論文20餘篇,其中SCI論文18篇左右,包括國際光學和遙感權威期刊Applied Optics, Optics Letters, Optics Express和Journal of Geophysical Research等。國際專家評價其提出的多尺度層次檢測算法具有“里程碑”的意義。擔任Journal of Applied Remote Sensing、Optics Communications和Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer等期刊審稿人。申請或獲批國家專利3項。2012年獲湖北省科技進步獎二等獎“湖北省區域環境監測氣溶膠探測雷射雷達”(第5完成人,反演算法和軟體負責人),2014年獲得湖北省自然科學優秀學術論文三等獎(第1完成人)。研究生學術沙龍“GeoScience Café”創始人之一,該活動至今已經舉辦100餘期。


1. Pan Z., W. Gong, F. Mao*, et al., Macrophysical and optical properties of cloud over East Asia measured by CALIPSO. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2015. Accepted. (中科院SCI二區)

2. Mao, F., J. Li , C. Li, et al., Nonlinear physical segmentation algorithm for determining the layer boundary from lidar signal. Optics Express, 2015. 23(24). (中科院SCI二區)

3. C. Li, Z. Pan, F. Mao*, et al., (2015). De-noising and retrieving algorithm of Mie lidar data based on the particle filter and the Fernald method. Optics Express, 2015. 23(20), 26509-26520. (中科院SCI二區)

4. Mao, F., Z. Pan, C. Li, et al., How to successfully detect aerosol and cloud layer boundaries from elastic scattering lidar signal?The 5th International Symposium on Atmospheric Light Scattering and Remote Sensing, 2015. (presentation)

5. Gong, W., W. Wang, F. Mao, et al., Improved method for retrieving the aerosol optical properties without the numerical derivative for Raman-Mie lidar. Optics Communications, 2015. 349: p. 145-150. (SCI)

6. Mao, F., W. Wang, Q. Min, et al., Approach for selecting boundary value to retrieve Mie-scattering lidar data based on segmentation and two-component fitting methods. Optics Express, 2015. 23(11): p. A604-A613. (中科院SCI二區)

7. Wang, W., W. Gong, F. Mao*, et al., Long-Term Measurement for Low-Tropospheric Water Vapor and Aerosol by Raman Lidar in Wuhan. Atmosphere, 2015. 6(4): p. 521-533. (SCI)

8. Ma, Y., W. Gong, and F. Mao. Transfer learning used to analyze the dynamic evolution of the dust aerosol. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2015, 153, P. 119–130(中科院SCI二區)

9. Mao, F., W. Gong, and, T. Logan, Linear segmentation algorithm for detecting layer boundary with lidar. Optics Express, 2013. 21(22): p. 26876-26887 (中科院SCI二區)

10. Mao, F., W. Gong, and C. Li, Anti-noise algorithm of lidar data retrieval by combining the ensemble Kalman filter and the Fernald method. Optics Express, 2013. 21(7): p. 8286-8297. (中科院SCI二區)

11. Mao, F., W. Gong, S. Song, et al., Determination of the boundary layer top from lidar backscatter profiles using a Haar wavelet method over Wuhan, China. Optics & Laser Technology, 2013. 49: p. 343-349. (SCI)

12. Mao, F., W. Gong, and Y. Ma, Retrieving the aerosol lidar ratio profile by combining ground-and space-based elastic lidars. Optics Letters, 2012. 37(4): p. 617-619. (中科院SCI二區)

13. Mao, F., W. Gong, and J. Li, Geometrical form factor calculation using Monte Carlo integration for lidar. Optics & Laser Technology, 2012. 44(4): p. 907-912. (SCI)

14. Mao, F., W. Gong, and Z. Zhu, Simple multiscale algorithm for layer detection with lidar. Applied Optics, 2011. 50(36): p. 6591-6598. (SCI)

15. Gong, W., F. Mao*, and S. Song, Signal simplification and cloud detection with an improved Douglas-Peucker algorithm for single-channel lidar. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 2011. 113(1-2): p. 1-9 . (SCI)

16. Gong, W., F. Mao*, and J. Li, Simple method of overlap factor calculation with laser intensity distribution for biaxial lidar. Optics Communications.2011.284: p.2966–2971. (SCI)

17. Gong, W. J. li, F. Mao, et al., Comparison of simultaneous signals obtained from a dual-field-of-view lidar and its application to noise reduction based on empirical mode decomposition. Chinese Optics Letters, 2011. 9(5): p. 050101. (SCI)

18. Gong, W. J. Zhang, F. Mao, et al., Measurements for profiles of aerosol extinction coeffcient, backscatter coeffcient, and lidar ratio over Wuhan in China with Raman/Mie lidar. Chinese optics letters, 2010. 8(6): p. 533-536. (SCI)

19. Zhang, J., W. Gong, Z. Zhu, J. Li, P. Li, L. Zhang, S. Song, Y. Ma, F. Mao, and R. Zeng, et al., Development and new application of Raman/Mie lidar: severe weather research and Earth observation atmospheric correction, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2008. p. 700323.1-6. (SCI)

20. Mao, F., W. Gong, Z. Zhu, et al., The ground-based lidar combined with sunphotometer for aerosol optical depth retrieval. Proceedings of SPIE, 2008. 7145: p. 71452R.

21. S. Song, F. Mao*, Boundary layer top detection from lidar dataset using a Haar wavelet method over Wuhan, China. the 7th Asian Aerosol Conference of Asian Aerosol Research Assembly, 2011. (presentation)

22. 王威, 毛飛躍*, 龔威等,基於雷射強度分布的雷射雷達重疊因子計算及其敏感性分析. 光學學報, 2014. 34(2): p. 0228005

23. 李俊, 龔威, 毛飛躍等,探測武漢上空大氣氣溶膠的雙視場雷射雷達.光學學報, 2013. 33(12): p. 1201001.

24. 毛飛躍, 龔威, 李俊等, 基於改進微分零交叉法的米氏散射雷射雷達雲檢測與參數反演. 光學學報, 2010. 30(11): p. 3097.

25. 張娜, 毛飛躍, 龔威, 2009年武漢市植被淨初級生產力估算. 武漢大學學報(信息科學版), 2011(12): p. 1447-1450.

26. 馬露,鄒艷琴,李俊,毛飛躍, 氣溶膠散射係數與空氣顆粒物 PM10和 PM2.5濃度間關聯性研究. 環境與健康雜誌, 2012. 28(11): p. 964-967.

27. 黃立峰, 龔威, 李俊, 毛飛躍, 大氣遙感雙視場米散射雷射雷達信號拼接. 遙感學報, 2012. 4: p. 005.

28. 毛飛躍, 龔威, 李又平等, 轉流二氧化碳雷射器結構和增益計算. 武漢大學學報(工學版), 2008. 41(4): p. 6.

29. 李再光,龔威,李又平,毛飛躍, 旋流二氧化碳雷射器腔內增益分布的改進. 雷射與紅外, 2008. 37(11): p. 1156-1160.


