姓 名 段文山

出生日期 1962.1
職 稱 教授/博導
職 務 理論物理研究所所長
研究方向 理論物理
1999-2000年在德國亞琛工業大學(Aachen Technology University)做流體力學數值計算的博士後工作。
二維及三維系統中多孤立子的相互作用,國家自然科學基(10875098)主持人: 段文山.2009.1-2011.12
塵埃顆粒大小與荷電量關係的研究, 甘肅省自然科學基金(3ZS061-A25-014), 主持人: 段文山.2007-2008
塵埃顆粒大小對塵埃電漿集體效應影響的研究,國家自然科學基(10575082)主持人: 段文山. 2006.1-2008.12
非線性物理學中的孤立波及其穩定性問題研究,國家自然科學基金(10247008), 主持人: 段文山. 2003.1-2005.12
血流脈搏的孤立波理論研究, 國家人事部回國留學人員擇優項目, 主持人: 段文山. 2002-2004
孤立子及其套用, 國家教育部回國留學人員科研啟動基金, 主持人: 段文山. 2002-2004
物理流體中的非線性波研究, 甘肅省中青年自然科學基金, 主持人: 段文山. 2002-2004。
(1)從數學上推廣了約化攝動法,並用該方法研究了多種複雜物理體系。此方法可以解決物理學中的一些複雜問題。例如:對於物理學中的Navier-Stokes流體力學方程組、麥克斯韋方程組、磁流體力學方程組等,在一般情況下求出解析解是不可能的,即使藉助於計算機進行數值模擬有時候也是非常困難的。但是,使用攝動方法,可以使這些複雜的物理問題簡單化。求出的近似解能解釋我們發現的物理現象,給出明晰的物理圖象,預言新的物理規律。代表性的成果:Phys. Plasmas,11 (12): 5710-5715 ( 2004),Phys. Plasmas,11 (8): 3762-3766 ( 2004)。
(2)考慮了塵埃顆粒的大小分布以後,首次建立了歸一化的塵埃電漿系統的運動方程組,首次得到了塵埃顆粒大小任意分布情況下對色散關係、群速度、孤立波形狀及傳播速度的影響。代表性的成果:Phys.Rev.E 68 . 067402 2003. Phys. Plasmas, 15, 083702 (2008), Phys. Plasmas,15 (4)043702(2008)。
(3)首次解決了傳播方向有一定夾角,振幅分別為不同的雙孤立子發生共振的條件,得到了雙孤立子相互作用時產生的第三個波的解析表達式。此理論能成功解釋在電漿物理中發現的實驗現象。代表性的成果:Phys. Plasmas,15112104(2008),Phys. Lett. A,323 (1-2): 89-94 (2004), , Front. Phys. China,41-52006。
(4) 建立了二維Frenkel-Kontorova模型,並將二維Frenkel-Kontorova模型推廣套用到納米摩擦學研究,首次得到了靜摩擦力隨金屬材料各種參數的變化關係及各向異性性。代表性的成果:Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 (15) 153116 (2008)。
(5) 將孤立波理論及相互作用問題推廣套用到Bode-Einstein condensate(BEC), 建立了光晶格中雙成份原子在不同能級間的隧穿方程。代表性的成果:Phys. Rev. A78 (6): 063621 ( 2008),Eur. Phys. J. B,62(4)485-491(2008)。
(5) 用攝動方法系統研究了塵埃電漿中孤立波的穩定性問題。主要內容有:研究了在多種物理條件下,當存在高階小擾動時孤立波是否穩定等問題,分析了發生調製不穩定的條件以及塵埃電漿中多種要素對調製不穩定性的影響。代表性的成果:Phys. Plasmas,8 (8): 3583-3586 ( 2001), Phys. Plasmas,10 (7): 3022-3025 Jul 2003, Phys. Plasmas,14(8)083702 (2007)。
(6)提出了血管中血液流動的準孤立子理論。將血流脈搏用擬KdV方程描述,首次揭示了血管分支參數對血流脈搏的影響,說明了血流脈衝波的波形隨血管與血液參數的變化規律。物理學工作者S.Noubissie 和 P.Woafo用段文山的數學方法研究了其它問題(“We use mathematical procedure of duan et.al …. ”)。代表性的成果:Phys.. Rev. E,55 (2): 1773-1778 ( 1997).. J. Phys. Soc. Japan,, 65 (4): 945-947 (1996).. Phys. Lett. A, 295 (2-3): 133-138 18 (2002 )。
(7)研究了塵埃電漿結晶現象,給出了塵埃晶格中線性波的色散關係及非線性波的特性同塵埃電漿參數的關係。代表性的成果:Phys. Plasmas,11 (9): 4408-4413 ( 2004),Phys. Plasmas,12 (2): 022106 ( 2005)。
(8) 研究了非線性電路,代表性的成果:Europhys. Lett., 66 (2): 192-197 (2004), Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,24 (1): 191-196 (2005)。
(9)非線性方程的精確求解,代表性的成果:物理學報, 50 (11): 2074-2076 (2001),物理學報,53 (10): 3265-3269 (2004)., 物理學報, 56(12):6791-67962007, 物理學報,56(6):3064-3069 (2007)。
Wang CL, Han JN, Gao XY, Duan WS(段文山), Nonlinear waves in two dimensional (2D) square lattice Frenkel-Kontorova system,Commu. Theor. Phys., 51 (1)90-96(2009)
Jiang X, Lin MM, Li SC and Duan WS(段文山), Rosen-Zener transition in a nonlinear system for two component BOSE-Einstein condensate in optical lattice,Chin. Phys. Lett., 26(1)013701(2009)
Li SC, Fu LB, Duan WS(段文山) and Liu J, Nonlinear Ramsey interferometry with the Rosen-Zener pulses on a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate,Phys. Rev. A, 78(6)063621(2008)
Han JN, Du SL and Duan WS(段文山), Ion-acoustic solitary waves and their interaction in a weakly relativistic two-dimensional thermal plasma,Phys. Plasmas, 15, 112104(2008)
Wang CL, Duan WS(段文山), Hong XR and Chen JM, Investigation of Superlubricity in a Two-dimensional Frenkel-Kontorova Model, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 (15) 153116 (2008)
Han JN, Duan WS(段文山), Tian DX, Liang GZ, Li XL and Yang XX, Propagation and Interaction of Ion Acoustic Solitary wavesin a Two-dimensional Plasma Consisting of Isothermal Elctrons and Hot Ions,Chin. Phys. Lett., 25(11)4061 (2008)
Dou FQ, Sun JA and Duan WS(段文山),Anti-synchronization in Different Hyperchaotic System,Commu. Theor. Phys., 50 (4)907-912(2008)
Han JN, Duan WS(段文山), Li SC, Wang CL, 熱離子電漿中二維離子聲孤波的相互作用, 物理學報,57(10)6068-06 (2008)
Gao XY, Wang CL, Hong XR, and Duan WS(段文山), The dynamic characters of excitations in the one-dimensional Frenkel-Kontorova model, Chin. Phys.1793378-09(2008)
Dou FQ, SUN JA, Duan WS(段文山), et.al., Anti-synchronization of a new hyperchaotic system, Physica Script A,8(1): 01500(2008)
Li SC, Duan WS(段文山),Two dimensional Soliton Interaction for Multi-components Bose-Einstein Condensate,Commu. Theor. Phys., 50 (3)655-660(2008)
Liu ZM, Duan WS(段文山), He GJ, Effects of dust size distribution on dust acoustic waves in magnetized two-ion-temperature dusty plasmas,Phys. Plasmas, 15, 083702(2008)
Yang XX, Duan WS(段文山), Han JN, Li SC, The interaction of nonlinear waves in two-dimensional lattice, Chin. Phys.17(8)2989-5(2008)
Han JN, Yang XX,Tiao TX, and Duan WS(段文山),Head-on collision of ion-acoustic solitary waves in a weakly relativistic electron–positron–ion plasma, Phys Lett A 372 4817-4821(2008)
Li SC, Duan WS(段文山), Interactions between two solitons with an arbitrary collision direction in two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates
Eur. Phys. J. B,62(4)485-491(2008)
Han JN, Li SC, Yang XX, Duan WS(段文山),Head-on collision of ion-acoustic solitary waves in an unmagnetized electron-positron-ion plasma,Eur. Phys. J. D,47197-201(2008)
Tian DX, Wang XY, Wang CL and Duan WS(段文山), Dispersion relation for two-dimensional simple cubic lattice, Front. Phys. China,3(2)159-164(2008)
He GJ, Tian DX, Lin MM, Duan WS(段文山), 含有帶正負電離子的電漿中的非線性波研究, 物理學報,57(4)2320-2327 (2008)
He GJ, Duan WS(段文山), Effects of dust size distribution on dust acoustic waves in two dimensional unmagnetized dusty plasma,Phys. Plasmas,15 (4)043702(2008)
Gao XY, Lin MM, Duan WS(段文山),Exsiting Regions of either Rarefactive or Compressive Solitary waves for particular Dusty Plasmas,Commu. Theor. Phys., 49(2)482-484(2008)
Yang XX, Shi YR, Duan WS(段文山),Nonlinear waves in a cigar-shpaed Bose-Einstein Condensate with Dissipation , Commu. Theor. Phys.,49(1)119-122(2008)
Guo. P, Zhang L, Lv KP, Duan WS(段文山),Solution of nonlinear wave equation of elastic rod, Appl. Math. Mech. Eng.29(1)61-66(2008)
Lin MM, Duan WS(段文山),The effect of dust size distribution for the dust acoustic waves in a cold dusty plasma with nonthermal ions,Phys. Scr.76 320-326 2007
Lin MM, Duan WS(段文山),Dust acoustic solitary waves in a dusty plasmas with nonthermal ions,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 33, Issue 4, August 2007, Pages 1189-1196
Shi YR, Wang YH, Yang HJ and Duan WS(段文山), 高維非線性演化方程孤立波的同倫分析法求解,物理學報, 56(12):6791-67962007
Huang L, Suan JA, Dou FQ Duan W(段文山)S and Liu XX,(3+1)維非線性Burgers系統的新的分離變數解及其局域激髮結構與分形結構,物理學報,56(2):611-6192007
Wang HY and Duan, WS(段文山);Theoretical investigation of properties of soliton in hot dusty plasma with non-thermal ions, 物理學報,56(7):3977-39832007
Yang HJ, Shi YR, Duan WS(段文山) and Lv KP,Solving solitary wave solutions of nonlinear evolution equations with the homotopy analysis method,物理學報,56(6):3064-3069 2007
Chen JH and Duan WS(段文山), Instability of waves in magnetized vortex-like ion distribution dusty plasmas, Phys. Plasmas,14(8)0837022007
Li SC, Wu LH, Li MM and Duan, WS(段文山), Phase shift during interaction between two solitons in two-dimensional dusty plasma, Chin. Phys. Lett.,24(8)2312-23152007
Duan WS(段文山), Yang HJ,Shi YR,Lv KP, The effects of Gaussian size distribution dust particles in a complex plasma, Phys.Lett.A,361368-3722007
Duan, WS(段文山), Chen JH, Hong XR and Wan GX, Instability of waves in magnetized vortex-like ion distribution dusty plasmas, Commu. Theor. Phys.,47(1)149-1542007
Dou FQ, Sun JA and Duan WS(段文山) et.al., New periodic wave solutions, localized excitations and their interaction properties for (3+1)-dimensional Jimbo-Miwa equation, Commu. Theor. Phys., 48 (4) 584-590(2007)
Lin MM, Duan WS(段文山),(2+1)-dimensional electron acoustic solitary waves in an unmagnetized collisionless plasma with vortex-like hot electrons, Commu. Theor. Phys., 47339-342 (2007)
Yang HJ, Shi YR ,Duan, WS(段文山), Interaction and ResonancePhenomena of Multi-soliton, Front. Phys. China,41-52006
Wan GX, Duan WS(段文山), Chen QH, Wang XY,Influences of the dust size and the dust charge variations to the low frequency wave modes in a dusty plasma, Phys. Plasmas,13082102006
Duan, WS(段文山), Chen JH, Yang HJ, Shi YR and Wang HY,Nonlinear wave and its stabilityin disk-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate, Chin. Phys. Lett.,23(8)2000-20032006
Duan, WS(段文山), Yang HJ, Shi YR , An exact solution of Fisher equation and its stability, Chin. Phys., 15(7)1414-14172006
Duan, WS(段文山), Wang HY, Parkes J, Compressive and rarefactive waves in dusty plasma with Non-thermal ions, Commu. Theor. Phys.,45(6)1112-11162006
Wang XY, Duan WS(段文山), Lin MM, Wan GX,Waves in three-dimensional simple cubic lattice,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 30909-9192006
Duan, WS(段文山); Lin, MM, Anisotropic character in two-dimensional hexagonal crystal,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,28 : 1212-12212006
Duan, WS(段文山); 3+1 dimensional envelop waves and its stability in magnetized dusty plasma,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,27 : 926-9292006
Lv KP , Guo. P, Zhang L, Duan WS(段文山),Perturbation analysis for wave equation of nonlinear elastic rod, Appl. Math. Mech. Eng.271233-12382006
Dou FQ, Sun JA and Duan WS(段文山) et.al.,New modified Jacobi elliptic function expansion method and its application to (3+1)-dimensional KP equation
Commu. Theor. Phys., 451063-1068(2006)
Shi, YR; Xu, XJ; Wu, ZX, Duan WS(段文山)et al., Application of the homotopy analysis method to solving nonlinear evolution equations, 物理學報,55(4):1555-1560(2006)
Lin, MM; Duan, WS(段文山), Three dimensional dust acoustic waves in a collisional duaty plasmawith opposite polarity particles, Commu. Theor. Phys.,44(4)719-7232005
Duan, WS(段文山); Zhang. L,; Lin, MM, Hong XR, Lv KP,Cylindrical higher order disturbances to planar solitary waves,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,26 : 325-3282005
Duan, WS(段文山); Parkes, J; Lin, MM, Wave packet in a two-dimensional hexagonal crystal, Phys. Plasmas,12 (2): Art. No. 022106 FEB 2005
Lu, KP; Dou, FQ; Sun, JA; Duan, WS(段文山); Shi, YR , The adiabatic approximation solutions of cylindrical and spherical dust ion-acoustic solitary waves,Chin. Phys.,14 (1): 33-36 JAN 2005
Lin, MM; Duan, WS(段文山) ,Wave packet propagating in an electrical transmission line,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,24 (1): 191-196 APR 2005
Lin, MM; Duan, WS(段文山), The Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP), MKP, and coupled KP equations for two-ion-temperature dusty plasmas,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,23 (3): 929-937 FEB 2005
Duan, WS(段文山); Shi, YR; Zhang, L; Lin, MM; Lv, KP, Coupled nonlinear waves in two-dimensional lattice,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,23 (3): 957-962 FEB 2005
Shi, YR; Guo, P; Lu, KP; Duan, WS(段文山), Expansion method for modified Jacobi elliptic function and its application, 物理學報,53 (10): 3265-3269 OCT 2004
Lin, MM; Duan, WS(段文山),Nonlinear dust acoustic waves in magnetized two-ion-temperature dusty plasmas, Phys. Plasmas,11 (12): 5710-5715 DEC 2004
Duan, WS(段文山); Wan, GX; Wang, XY; Lin, MM, Waves in two-dimensional hexagonal crystal, Phys. Plasmas,11 (9): 4408-4413 SEP 2004
Duan, WS(段文山), Nonlinear waves propagating in the electrical transmission line, Europhys. Lett., 66 (2): 192-197 APR 2004
Duan, WS(段文山); Dou, FQ,Quasi-potential method to study nonlinear surface shallow water waves, Commu. Theor. Phys.,42 (1): 117-120 JUL 15 2004
Duan, WS(段文山); Parkes, J; Zhang, L, Modulational instability of dust envelope waves with grain and charge distribution, Phys. Plasmas,11 (8): 3762-3766 AUG 2004
Duan, WS(段文山)Title: Effect of adiabatic variation of dust charges on dust acoustic solitary waves in magnetized dusty plasmas, Chin. Phys.,13 (5): 598-601 MAY 2004
Duan, WS(段文山); Shi, YR; Hong, XR,Theoretical study of resonance of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation, Phys. Lett. A,323 (1-2): 89-94 MAR 15 2004
Duan, WS(段文山),Two-dimensional envelop ion acoustic wave under transverse perturbations,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,21 (2): 319-323 JUL 2004
Lin, MM; Duan, WS(段文山),(2+1) dimensional nonlinear waves in a two-ion-temperature warm dusty plasma considering the dust size distribution, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,21 (2): 325-333 JUL 2004
Duan, WS(段文山),Nonlinear waves in an inhomogeneous fluid filled elastic tube, Commu. Theor. Phys.,41 (1): 115-118 JAN 15 2004
Duan, WS(段文山); Parkes, J, Dust size distribution for dust acoustic waves in a magnetized dusty plasma, Phys. Rev. E, 68 (6): Art. No. 067402 Part 2 DEC 2003
Hong, XR; Duan, WS(段文山); Sun, JA; Shi, YR; Lu, KP,The propagation of solitons in an inhomogeneous dusty plasma, 物理學報,52 (11): 2671-2677 NOV 2003
Duan, WS(段文山), The effect of dust size distribution for vortex-like ion distribution dusty plasma,Phys. Lett. A, 317 (3-4): 275-279 OCT 20 2003
Duan, WS(段文山), Large amplitude solitary waves in a fluid-filled elastic tube , Commu. Theor. Phys.,40 (2): 211-214 AUG 15 2003
Duan, WS(段文山), Weakly two-dimensional modulated wave packet in dusty plasmas, Phys. Plasmas,10 (7): 3022-3025 JUL 2003
Duan, WS(段文山); Hong, XR, Ion acoustic solitary waves in a weakly relativistic plasma under transverse perturbations,物理學報,52 (6): 1337-1339 JUN 2003
Duan, WS(段文山); Shi, YR, The effect of dust size distribution for two ion temperature dusty plasmas,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,18 (2): 321-328 OCT 2003
Duan, WS(段文山), The effects of dust temperature and the dust charge variation in a dusty plasma with vortex-like ion distribution, Chin. Phys.,12 (5): 479-482 MAY 2003
Duan, WS(段文山), The asymmetric collapse of bubbles in compressible liquid, Commu. Theor. Phys., 39 (4): 451-456 APR 15 2003
Duan, WS(段文山); Hong, XR; Shi, YR; Sun, JA , Envelop solitons in dusty plasmas for warm dust,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,16 (5): 767-777 JUN 2003
Shi, YR; Lu, KP; Duan, WS(段文山); Hong, XR; Zhao, JB; Yang, HJ, Explicit and exact solutions of the combined KdV equation , 物理學報,52 (2): 267-270 FEB 2003
Duan, WS(段文山), Effect of weakly transverse perturbations on dust acoustic solitary waves with adiabatic variation of dust charge, Commu. Theor. Phys.,38 (6): 660-662 DEC 15 2002
Xue, JK; Duan, WS(段文山); Lang, H, Modulational instability of ion-acoustic waves in a warm plasma ,Chin. Phys.,11 (11): 1184-1187 NOV 2002
Duan, WS(段文山); Hong, XR; Shi, YR; Lu, KP; Sun, JA, Weakly two-dimensional solitary waves on coupled nonlinear transmission lines, Chin. Phys. Lett.,19 (9): 1231-1233 SEP 2002
Duan, WS(段文山), Acoustic mode in a two-ion-temperature warm dusty plasma under the weakly transverse perturbations,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,14 (8): 1315-1318 NOV 2002
Duan, WS(段文山), KdV-Burgers equation for a viscous flowing shallow water waves, Commu. Theor. Phys.,37 (6): 739-740 JUN 15 2002
Chen, GY; Duan, WS(段文山); Zhang, SD, eal-time observing of the phase information of object with incoherent illumination, JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS, 4 (3): 320-323 MAY 2002
Duan, WS(段文山), The Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) equation of dust acoustic waves for hot dust plasmas,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,14 (3): 503-506 AUG 2002
Duan, WS(段文山), Stability of dust acoustic waves in weakly two-dimensional dust plasma with vortex-like ion distribution, Chin. Phys. Lett.,19 (4): 452-455 APR 2002
Duan, WS(段文山); Shi, YR; Hong, XR; Lu, KP; Zhao, JB, he reflection of soliton at multi-arterial bifurcations and the effect of the arterial inhomogeneity,Phys. Lett. A, 295 (2-3): 133-138 MAR 18 2002
Lu, KP; Shi, YR; Duan, WS(段文山); Zhao, JB, The solitary wave solutions to KdV-Burgers equation, 物理學報, 50 (11): 2074-2076 NOV 2001
Lu, KP; Sun, JA; Duan, WS(段文山); Zhao, JB, Reductive perturbation method of super KdV equations,APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS-ENGLISH EDITION, 22 (7): 846-850 JUL 2001
Duan, WS(段文山); Lu, KP; Zhao, JB, Hot dust acoustic solitary waves in dust plasma with variable dust charge, Chin. Phys. Lett.,18 (8): 1088-1089 AUG 2001
Duan, WS(段文山), Weakly two-dimensional dust acoustic waves, Phys. Plasmas,8 (8): 3583-3586 AUG 2001
Lu, KP; Duan, WS(段文山); Zhao, JB; Wang, BR; Wei, RJ, Particular solitons in nonlinear lattice, Chin. Phys.,9 (2): 81-85 FEB 2000
Chen, GY; Duan, WS(段文山), A method and technique for observing the stereo pseudocolor image of phase change of objects, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 71 (4): 1583-1588 APR 2000
Duan, WS(段文山); Zhao, JB, Solitary waves in a quartic nonlinear elastic rod,Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,11 (8): 1265-1267 JUN 2000
Lu, KP; Duan, WS(段文山); Zhao, JB; Wang, BR; Wei, RJ, Solitons in inhomogeneous plasmas,物理學報,48 (11): 1969-1975 NOV 1999
Duan, WS(段文山); Zhao, JB, Korteweg-de Vries solitons in inhomogeneous plasma, Phys. Plasmas,6 (9): 3484-3488 SEP 1999
Chen, GY; Duan, WS(段文山), A real-time pseudocolor encoding technique for the phase rate-of-change in the imaging system of microscope, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 163 (4-6): 175-180 MAY 15 1999
Duan, WS(段文山), Soliton transmission and reflection due to the inhomogeneity, Commu. Theor. Phys., 31 (2): 309-312 MAR 15 1999
Duan, WS(段文山); Lu, KP, Ion oscillation modes in inhomogeneous plasmas, Phys. Plasmas,5 (12): 4160-4162 DEC 1998
Zhao, CY; Duan, WS(段文山); Zhang, Y; You, XZ, Correlations of C-13-H coupling constants J(C-H) and bond angles and bond force angles in strained organic molecules JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH-S, (3): 156-157 MAR 1998
Duan, WS(段文山); Wang, BR; Wei, RJ, Reflection and transmission of nonlinear blood waves due to arterial branching,Phys. Rev. E,55 (2): 1773-1778 FEB 1997
Duan, WS(段文山); Wang, BR; Wei, RJ, The cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation in a fluid-filled elastic tube,Phys. Lett. A,224 (3): 154-158 JAN 6 1997
Duan, WS(段文山); Zhao, CY; Lu, KP; Wang, BR; Wei, RJ, Envelope soliton under dissipation in a fluid-filled elastic tube, 物理學報(海外版)7 (10): 721-726 OCT 1998
Duan, WS(段文山); Wang, BR; Wei, RJ, Nonlinear waves propagating in an inhomogeneous blood vesse, 物理學報(海外版)6 (11): 801-810 NOV 1997
Duan, WS(段文山); Wang, BR; Wei, RJ, The decay of soliton in small blood artery, J. Phys. Soc. Japan,, 65 (4): 945-947 APR 1996