武義雙豐五金製品有限公司-企業簡介Our company, established in the year of 2000, locates in Jinyanshan Industrial Zone in Wuyi City adjoining the Hardware Capital – Yongkang City. She’s a comprehensive company with many activities including production, technical development, and international market development. She engages in the production of kinds of high-quality stainless steel kitchen things, mainly includes: stainless steel kitchenware, stainless steel oil strainer, stainless steel net basket, hotel supplies and so on. We introduce both domestic and abroad advanced craftsman and technology to improve our production, and we can also process with supplied sample or drawing on customer’s requirements. Our products are well-sold worldwide because of Exquisite craftsmanship and high quality. Our company has a set of complete and scientific administrative system, being awarded the ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System Certificate. 本公司成立於2000年,座落於武義泉溪金岩山工業區。茲鄰五金之都,交通便利。專業生產各種不鏽鋼廚房用具,產品主要包括:油格、網籃、茶格、地漏、其他酒店用品等。引進國內外先進工藝技術組織生產,也可以根據客戶要求來樣來圖定製。公司機制健全,擁有一套完善的科學管理制度,已通過ISO9001:2000質量管理體系認證。 公司熱忱歡迎海內外客戶蒞臨視察,洽談業務。我們將本著“上乘的質量、優惠的價格、完善的服務”至信至誠地回報廣大客戶。 原武義華通度盤稱廠於2006年7月更名為武義雙豐五金製品有限公司,聯繫地址電話不變。望廣大新老客戶繼續支持。