
欒玉輝,女,中醫主任醫師,教授級講師。   1984年畢業於遼寧中醫學院中醫系醫療專業,從事中醫針灸臨床全科醫生24年,33歲破格晉升為副主任中醫師,2000年晉升為當時遼寧省針灸界最年輕的主任中醫師

1984年畢業於遼寧中醫學院中醫系醫療專業,從事中醫針灸臨床全科醫生24年,33歲破格晉升為副主任中醫師,2000年晉升為當時遼寧省針灸界最年輕的主任中醫師,曾在大連市中醫院擔任針灸門診主任,從事針灸醫療臨床帶教及科研工作,19年工作中嚴謹教學,尊拜高師,業績突出,先後兩次被公派到俄羅斯及瑞士工作。現任中華醫學研究會主任委員(針灸學科:全國僅限5名), 大連市針灸協會委員,大連大學醫學院兼職副教授,中華臨床醫學會副理事長,英國atcm會員,FTCM會員,曾任遼寧中醫藥客座教授等職。發表學術論文20餘篇主編副主編醫學專著2部主持並完成省市級科研項目4項並多次獲各種獎勵,個人業績被編入《中國專家大辭典》《科學國人》《專家人才錄》《東方之子》《國際知名專科醫院專科名醫》《世界名人錄》等10餘部個人業績典籍中。臨床擅長用眼針、耳針、火針等各種療法,治療各科疾病百餘種。特效病種30-40種,尤其擅長針灸美容的針灸保健工作,深受國內外病人的歡迎。


Prescriptions of the Shanghan Lun treatise on febrile Diseases and Criteria for diagnosis and treatment. Author, DalianPublishing House 1998
A detailed explanation of TCM recipes and how to rememberthem. Co-author, Liaoning Publishing House. 1998
A collection of tested recipes for a better sexuallife. Co-author, Dalian PublishingHouse 1997
186 cases of stopping cigarette smoking with acupuncture.
Published in ‘Correspondence Journal of TCM’ April 2000
Aclinical observation and study of the treatment ofchloasma with earneedling and seed embedding at acupoints. Published in ‘ChineseAcupuncture &Moxibustion’ Sept. 1996
23 Cases of NeurogenicVomiting treated by pricking Zhongkuiacupoint. Published in ‘Journal ofTraditional Chinese Medicine’ 1997
100 cases of sciatic neuralgia treatment with Waiguan andZanzu acupuncture.
Published in ‘The World of Acupuncture’ 1997
Aclinical observation and study of the treatment of variouspains witheye point acupuncture and contra lateral insertion. Publishedin‘Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine’ 1996
120cases of Herpes Zoster (shingles)treatment with ‘plumbblossom’ needlesand cupping. Published in ‘Journal of Practical Chinese & WesternMedicine’ 1998
52 cases of treatment of colonic convulsion in children,
Published in ‘Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine’ May 1998
A survey of inter-vertebra Spondylitis treatment in theprevious decade.
Published in ‘Forum of Traditional Chinese Medicine’
120 cases of Radial Paralysis treatment with electricneedling.
Published in ‘Liaoning Journal of Traditional ChineseMedicine’
On Qi-energy of acupuncture. Published in ‘Academic Journalof TCM’ 1989
109 cases of the treatment of Allergenic Asthma,
Published in ‘Liaoning Journal of Traditional ChineseMedicine’ 1995
ForPrescriptions of theShanghan Lun treatise on febrile Diseases:- 1999National Book Award forMedical Science Progress, Liaoning ScienceCommission..
For clinical observation andstudy of the treatment of chloasma:-
Dalian Medical Science & Health Progress Award 2 prize.
Award for Specialcontribution to TCM at the 3 International TCM Conference.
Treatment of various painswith eye point acupuncture.
Dalian New Medical Technique Application:- 1 prize
Neurogenic Vomiting treatedby pricking Zhongkui acupoint.
Award for Excellence and Gold Cup: Euro-Asian Medical Conference Canada 1999.



