編號 | AMS-87-02 |
拉丁菌名 | Propionibacterium beijingense sp. nov. |
中文菌名 | 橄攬星孢小單孢菌無錫亞種 |
定名人 | 朱堅屏 倪雍富 徐麗珍 |
Nomencla | Yue Huaai, Jin Shiyun, Cheng Guangsheng, Zhao Yufeng, Wang D |
發表文章 | 產生氨基糖苷類抗生素的小單孢菌屬一新亞種 |
Article | A New Species of Genus Propionibacterium |
作者 | 朱堅屏 倪雍富 徐麗珍 |
Author | Yue Huaai, Jin Shiyun, Cheng Guangsheng, Zhao Yufeng, Wang Dasi, and Fang Sinfang |
作者單位 | 江蘇省微生物研究所, 無錫 214063 |
摘要 | 在篩選 新抗生素的過程中, 從江蘇省無錫市湖塘泥中, 分離到一 株產生綠黑色孢子的小單孢菌 M-41. 該菌株經通氣發酵 培養5天, 主要產生兩種抗革蘭氏陽性細菌和陰性細菌的 氨基糖苷類抗生素. 通過提取, 分離純化, 並經核磁共振 譜, 質譜和一些理化性質的測定, 認為其中一主要組份與 西索米星 (Sisomicin) 相同, 另一組份與威大黴素 (Verdamicin) 相同. 因此是一株有價值的抗生素產生菌 株. 分類研究的結果表明, 小單孢菌 M-41 菌株與產生綠 黑色孢子的橄欖星孢小單孢菌 (Micromonospora olivoasterospora), 武夷小單孢菌 (Micromonospora wuyiensis)細疣小單孢菌 (Micromonospora verruculosa), 蘭粒小單孢菌 (Micromonospora cyaneogramulata) 和 Weinsterin 曾報導的也產生上述 兩種抗生素組份的灰色小單孢菌(Micromonospora grisea) 均有區別, M-41菌株屬於小單孢菌的一個新亞種 , 擬定名為橄攬星孢小單孢菌無錫亞種 (Micromonospora olivoasterospora subsp. wuxiensis). |
Abstract | A strian of Propionibacterium was isolated from biogas slurry. It is a Gram-positive, non-spore-forming, faculatative anaerobe. Cells ofanaerobic cultures are coccus in shape on medium BPYL, but rod-shaped on medium BPY. This strain hydrolyses esculin, reduces nitrate, does not liquefy gelatin,and does not produce indole, and it is catalase positive. More than 20 carbohydrates can be utilized. Fermentation products include propionicand acetic acids. But it does not produce acid from D-arabinose and xylose. According to the physiological and biochemical characteristicsthe strain P4 is considered to be a new species of genus Propionibacterium and designated as Propionibacterium beijingense sp. nov. |
關鍵字 | 孢小單孢菌, 橄攬星孢小單孢菌, 橄攬星孢小單孢菌無錫亞種 |
Key |
期刊 | 微生物學報 27(2):181-185, 1987. |
Publication | Acta Microbiologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 27(2):pp.105-109, 1987. |
分享省市 | 江蘇省無錫市 |
Place | Haidian District, Beijing City, China |
採集地 | 郊區湖塘泥 |
Environment | The bacterium isolated from fermental liquid of natural gas anaerobic equipment at Group of Natural Gas Research, Department of Bacterial Taxonomy, |
海撥高度 |
生態環境 | 亞熱帶濕潤季風氣候湖塘 |
寄主 | 湖塘泥 |
Habitat | natural gas anaerobic fermentatial equipment |
Host | natural gas fermental liquid |
採集人 | 朱堅屏 倪雍富 徐麗珍 |
Isolation Person | Yue Huaai, Jin Shiyun, Cheng Guangsheng, Zhao Yufeng, Wang Dasi, and Fang Sinfang |
採集時間 |
保存單位 | 江蘇省微生物研究所, 無錫 214063 |
Preservation Unit | Group of Natural Gas Research, Department of Bacterial Taxonomy, Institute of Microbiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China |
描述 |
等模式 |
Speciman No. | No.P4 |
全文 |
Note | The strain can be producted more propionic acid. The acid is a natural preservative and it's not poison or by-effect agent for human. |
備註 | 該菌能產生產生兩種抗生素, 經鑑定 該抗生素屬於抗革蘭氏陽性細菌和陰性細菌的氨基糖苷類 抗生素.一種主要組份類似於西索米星 (Sisomicin), 另 一組份與威大黴素 (Verdamicin) 相同. |