
Makin Sayin Notes


出版社: 上海外語教育出版社; 第1版 (2008年8月1日)
外文書名: Practicing the Rhythm of American English
平裝: 195頁
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 7544608433, 9787544608435
條形碼: 9787544608435
尺寸: 29.2 x 20.6 x 1.2 cm
重量: 399 g


編者:(美國)格雷厄姆 (Carolyn Graham) 唐力行
Carolyn Graham紐約大學教授,曾先後任教於哈佛大學、哥倫比亞大學,現在全世界各地進行教師培訓工作。
Graham教授是Jazz Chants教學法的創始人,創作了大量以Jazz Chants教學法理念為指導編寫的英語教材。
Frank Tang(唐力行)博士,現任紐約大學英語為第二語言教育(TESOL)系主任,教授。他在中國和美國從事了30多年的英語教育和教師培訓工作,並著有多本學術專著和英語教材。
David Shroeder,紐約大學爵士音樂系主任,音樂製作人,他在紐約大學開設的爵士樂課程享有盛譽。


《標準美國口語2》:《china Chants 2》美國紐約大學Carolvn Graham和Frank L.rang(唐力行)兩位教授專為中國英語學習者編寫的一本英語教材。《標準美國口語》由Carolyn Graham撰寫課文,唐力行教授撰寫前言、使用說明、課文練習和教學建議。《標準美國口語》的錄音由Graham教授親自演繹而成,由紐約大學教師爵士樂隊配音錄製,樂隊領隊為紐約大學爵士音樂系主任:David Shroeder。


Game Chants
1. Rock, Paper, Scissors
2. Hide and Seek
3. Twenty Questions
4. I'm Thinking
Expressing Likes and Dislikes
1. I Don't Like to Get Up Early
2. Do You Like Big Cities'?
3. Does She Like Him?
4. Sports Fan Chant
Talking About People
1. You Look Wonderful Today
2. You Look Good in Blue
3. You Don't Look Very Well
4. Your English Is Wonderful
5. Chinese Is Easy
Expressing Thanks
1. Could You Do Me a Favor?
2. Is This Your I-Pod?
3. Maggie ! Maggie!
4. Thanks a Million
5. Thanks So Much
Making Suggestions
1. What Shall We Do Tonight?
2. Let's Eat Out Tonight
3. We Need Some Help to Clean This Place
4. What Shall We Do for Spring Break?
Expressing Greetings and Congratulations
1. What's Your Sign?
2. Today's My Parents' Anniversary
3. Young Pioneer
4. Ping's Won the Prize
5. Happy Chinese New Year
Making Requests
1. Excuse Me, May I Sit Here?
2. Would You Mind ... ?
3. I Know You Are Very Busy
4. Final Exam Panic
Expressing Apologies
1. I Didn't Mean to Bump You
2. Late Again
3. Excuse Me, Are You Mr. Yan?
4. Where's the Dog?
Saying Goodbye
1. So Long, See You Tomorrow
2. Have a Nice Weekend
3. Have a Good Trip
4. Going to Wuhan
Talking About Weather
1. Do You Think It's Going to Rain?
2. The weatherman
3. Hurricane
4. It's Really Cold Today Olympic Chants
1. Summer Olympic Games Chant
2. 2004 in Athens, 2008 in Beijing
3. Olympic Ring Chant
4. The Olympic Motto Chant
5. gymnastics Chant
6. Swimmers / Divers Chant
7. Going for the Gold
8. The Olympic Dream
Notes for Teachers


