
楊俊敏在十八歲時進入了台北淡江(Tamkang)大學學習物理,也開始學習少林長拳,並和李茂青組成了淡江大學國術社(1964-1968),他成為了李大師的助手,1971年他在台灣大學修完了物理碩士學位課程,開始在台灣空軍服役(1971-1972),服役期間在台灣空軍幼校教授物理(1971 - 1972),同時也教授武術,於1972年退役,他返回淡江大學教授物理並繼續和李老師學習武術,從李老師,楊先生學習了北派武術。1974年來到美國學習機械工程學,在普度大學學習(Purdue University)。在一些學生們的請求下,楊先生開始教武術,於是在1975年春天成立了普渡大學中國武術俱樂部,同時也教授太極拳,最後,在1978年榮獲普渡大學機械工程學博士學位。
President of Yangs Martial Arts Association, YMAA International.
Board of Directors of YMAA Publication Center
Vice President of the International Wushu-San Shou Dao Association
Co-Leader of the 1994 North American Martial Arts Demo Team
Honorary Member of the American Shiatsu Association
Honorary Advisor of the Martial Arts of China Historical Society
Honorable Appointee to the Eastern U.S. Kung-Fu Federation
Prix Bushido, French Book Award, 1st Place, 1997
Inside Kung Fu Magazine - Man of the Year 1990
Black Belt Magazine - Kung Fu Artist of the Year 2003
Inside Kung Fu Magazine - Man of the Year 2007
Martial Arts Publisher of the Year 2008 by the 11th World Congress on Qigong and TCM, Dr. Effie Chow and the American Qigong Association
Yang Jwing-Ming: “Tai Chi was the only doctor I could afford”
Tags: interview, Tai Chi, Yang Jwing-Ming
Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming
From his recent interview with Lama Somananda Tantrapa…
“Between the ages of 9 and 12, I had almost no food. Taiwan was preparing for a war against mainland China. Most of us kids were starving.
There were nine children in my family, and at that time, feeding nine children was not easy. All our problems gave me an ulcer by the time I was 16 years old.
One day, I was sitting in the corner in a cold sweat. My White Crane Kung Fu master said I had a stomach problem. “What should I do?” I asked him. I had no medicine, and no money to see a doctor.
“At that time, in the early 1960s, you could not go learn another style without your master’s approval. It was not like today—people making ‘chop suey’ by mixing all these different styles.”
He said, “I’ve heard that Taiji can help you relax your internal organs.”
My master encouraged me to learn Tai Chi Chuan. That is the reason I started at the early age of 16. My motivation was not fighting; it was to ease the pain of my ulcer, and hopefully to heal myself.
Did it work? It surprised me. Six months later, the painful episodes had been reduced. After most of a year, they disappeared.
So that is why I started practicing Tai Chi Chuan. It is not because I liked it…I hated it, but it helped me to calm down.
Analysis of Shaolin Chin Na 2nd ed.: Instructor's Manual for all Martial Styles 少林擒拿分析 第二集:各種搏擊風格的介紹 (修訂版)
Ancient Chinese Weapons: A Martial Artist's Guide 古代中國武器:一本搏擊藝術的指南
Arthritis Relief 3rd ed.: Chinese Qigong for Healing and Prevention 舒緩關節炎 第三集 : 用中國氣功的治療與預防 (修訂版)
Back Pain Relief: Chinese Qigong for Healing and Prevention 舒緩背痛 :用中國氣功的治療與預防
Baguazhang- Theory and Applications, revised edition 八卦掌 - 理論和套用 (修訂版)
Baguazhang-Theory and Applications 1st edition 八卦掌 - 理論和套用 (第一版)
Comprehensive Applications of Shaolin Chin Na 少林擒拿的綜合套用
Eight Simple Qigong Exercises for Health: The Eight Pieces of Brocade 讓身體健康的八種簡單的氣功體操 : 八段錦
Essence of Shaolin White Crane: Martial Power and Qigong 少林白鶴功的要點 :搏鬥和氣功
Essence of Taiji Qigong: The Internal Foundation of Taijiquan 太極氣功的要點 : 太極拳內在的基礎
Northern Shaolin Sword: Forms, Techniques & Applications 北少林劍 :套路,技術和套用
Qigong for Health and Martial Arts- Exercises and Meditation 治療與搏鬥中的氣功 - 練習和冥想
Qigong Massage: Fundamental Techniques for Health and Relaxation 氣功按摩 :健康與和緩的基礎技術
Qigong Meditation- Embryonic Breathing 氣功 - 胎兒般的呼吸
Qigong Meditation: Small Circulation, The Root of Spiritual Enlightment 氣功 :小循環,精神的根源
Qigong, the Secret of Youth- Da Mo's Muscle Tendon Changing & Marrow Brain Washing Classics 氣功,年輕的秘密 - 達摩的易筋經 & 洗髓經
Tai Chi Chuan Martial Applications: Advanced Yang Style 2nd ed. 太極拳格鬥套用 : 楊氏風格高段 第二版
Tai Chi Secrets of the Ancient Masters: Selected Readings with Commentary 前輩大師們的太極奧秘 :精選
Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu & Li Styles: Chinese Classics, Translations, Commentary 吳 & 李氏風格的太極奧秘
Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu Style: Chinese Classics, Translations, Commentary 吳式風格的太極奧秘
Tai Chi Secrets of the Yang Style: Chinese Classics, Translations, Commentary 李式風格的太極奧秘
Tai Chi Theory and Martial Power: Advanced Yang Style 2nd ed. 太極理論與格鬥力量 : 楊式風格高段 第二版
Taiji Chin Na: The Seizing Art of Taijiquan 太極擒拿 : 太極拳的抓取藝術
Taiji Sword Classical Yang Style: The Complete Form, Qigong, and Applications 傳統楊氏風格太極劍 :完整套路,氣功,和套用
Taijiquan Classical Yang Style: The Complete Form and Qigong 傳統楊式風格太極拳 : 完整套路,氣功
Taijiquan Theory of Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming: The Root of Taijiquan 楊俊敏先生的太極拳理論 :太極拳的根源
The Root of Chinese Qigong: Secrets for Health, Longevity, and Enlightenment 中國氣功根源 :治療,長壽,和教化的秘密
Xingyiquan: Theory, Applications, Fighting Tactics, and Spirit 形意拳:理論,套用,戰鬥手段,和精神
DVDs :
Analysis of Shaolin Chin Na 少林擒拿分析
Baguazhang (8 Trigrams Palm Kung Fu) 八卦掌
Chin Na In Depth Courses 1 - 4 擒拿高級課程 1 - 4
Chin Na In Depth Courses 5 - 8 擒拿高級課程 5 - 8
Chin Na In Depth Courses 9 - 12 擒拿高級課程 9 - 12
Eight Simple Qigong Exercises for Health - The Eight Brocades 八種為了健康的簡單的氣功練習 — 八段錦
Essence of Taiji Qigong 太極氣功的要點
Five Animal Sports Qigong 五種動物運動的氣功
Northern Shaolin Sword 北少林劍
Qigong Massage 氣功按摩
Saber Fundamental Training 刀的基礎練習
Shaolin Kung Fu Fundamental Training 少林功夫基礎練習
Shaolin Long Fist Kung Fu Basic Sequences 少林拳基礎進級
Shaolin Saber Basic Sequences 少林劍基本套路
Shaolin Staff Basic Sequences 少林棍基本套路
Shaolin White Crane Gong Fu Basic Training 3 & 4 少林白鶴功基礎練習
Shaolin White Crane Gong Fu Basic Training Courses 1 & 2 少林白鶴功基礎練習
Shaolin White Crane Gong Fu Basic Training Courses 3 & 4 少林白鶴功基礎練習
Shaolin White Crane Hard and Soft Qigong 少林白鶴硬和軟氣功
Shuai Jiao - Kung Fu Wrestling 摔跤 — 功夫摔跤
Simple Qigong Exercises for Arthritis Relief 舒緩關節炎的簡單氣功練習
Simple Qigong Exercises for Back Pain Relief 舒緩後背痛的簡單氣功練習
Sword Fundamental Training 劍的基礎練習
Taiji & Shaolin Staff Fundamental Training 太極 & 少林的棍法基礎訓練
Taiji 37-Postures Martial Applications 太極37式格鬥套用
Taiji Ball Qigong Courses 1 & 2 太極球氣功課程 1 & 2
Taiji Ball Qigong Courses 3 & 4 太極球氣功課程 3 & 4
Taiji Chin Na in Depth 2-DVD set 太極擒拿深度解析 2-DVD
Taiji Fighting Set - 88 Posture, 2-Person Matching Set 太極格鬥 — 88式,二人練習
Taiji Pushing Hands Courses 1 & 2 太極推手課程 1 & 2
Taiji Pushing Hands Courses 3 & 4 太極推手課程 3 & 4
Taiji Saber, Classical Yang Style 太極刀,傳統楊式風格
Taiji Sword, Classical Yang Style 太極劍,傳統楊式風格
Taiji Wrestling - Advanced Takedown Techniques 太極摔跤 — 高級投技(摔技)技術
Taiji Yin/Yang Sticking Hands 太極陰陽粘手 (譯者註:不是推手,我看過視頻,很像推手,但不同的是兩個人手一直粘在一起似的)
Taijiquan Classical Yang Style (long form Tai Chi Chuan) 傳統楊氏風格太極拳(太極拳長的套路)
Understanding Qigong DVD 1: What is Qigong? Understanding the Human Qi Circulatory System 理解氣功 1 :什麼是氣功?理解人類的氣循環理論
Understanding Qigong DVD 2: Keypoints of Qigong & Qigong Breathing 理解氣功 2 :氣功呼吸的要點
Understanding Qigong DVD 3: Embryonic Breathing 理解氣功 3 : 胎兒般的呼吸 (譯者註:或初期的呼吸,我不知道怎么翻譯)
Understanding Qigong DVD 4: Four Seasons Qigong 理解氣功 4 : 四季氣功
Understanding Qigong DVD 5: Small Circulation 理解氣功 5 : 小循環
Understanding Qigong DVD 6: Martial Arts Qigong Breathing 理解氣功 6 :格鬥藝術中的氣功呼吸
Xingyiquan (Hsing I Chuan) 形意拳
YMAA 25-Year Anniversary 2-DVD Set 楊氏太極拳協會25周年 2-DVD
VHS (錄像帶 : video home system 的縮寫) :
Videos Advanced Practical Chin Na V1 擒拿的實用練習 V1
Advanced Practical Chin Na V2 擒拿的實用練習 V2
Arthritis Relief: The Chinese Way of Healing & Prevention 舒緩關節炎 :中國的治療與預防方式
Back Pain Relief: Chinese Qigong for Healing & Prevention 舒緩背痛 : 中國的治療與預防方式
Chinese Qigong Massage V1: Self Massage 中國氣功按摩 :自我按摩
Chinese Qigong Massage V2: With a Parnter 中國氣功按摩 :和同伴按摩
Comprehensive Applications of Shaolin Chin Na V1: Defense and Counters for Barehand Attack, Blocking & Kicking
少林擒拿的套用內涵 1 :對徒手攻擊,防守和踢擊的防衛和對抗
Comprehensive Applications of Shaolin Chin Na V2: Defense for Knife Attacks & Grabbing, with Additional Offensive Techniques
少林擒拿的套用內涵 2 :對匕首攻擊的防衛與奪取,和追加進攻技術
Eight Simple Qigong Exercises for Health: The Eight Pieces of Brocade 八種為了健康的簡單的氣功練習 — 八段錦
Emei Baguazhang Volume 1: Basic Training, Qigong, & Eight Palms with Applications 八卦掌 1 :基礎練習,氣功,和套用
Emei Baguazhang Volume 2: Swimming Body and Its Applications 八卦掌 2 :漂浮的身體和套用
Emei Baguazhang Volume 3: Bagua Deer Hook Sword and Applications 八卦掌 3:八卦鹿勾(鹿角)劍和套用
Northern Shaolin Sword: Kun Wu Jian and Its Applications 北少林劍 :功夫劍和套用
Northern Shaolin Sword: Qi Men Jian and Its Applications 北少林劍 :氣脈劍和套用
Northern Shaolin Sword: San Cai Jian and Its Applications 北少林劍 :三才劍和套用
Shaolin Kung Fu V1: Fundamental Training 少林功夫 1 :基礎訓練
Shaolin Kung Fu V2: Fundamental Training 少林功夫 2 :基礎訓練
Shaolin Long Fist Kung Fu: Gong Li Quan and Its Applications 少林長拳 :
Shaolin Long Fist Kung Fu: Lian Bu Quan and Its Applications
Shaolin Long Fist Kung Fu: Shi Zhi Tang and its Applications
Shaolin Long Fist Kung Fu: Twelve Tan Tui and their Applications
Shaolin Long Fist Kung Fu: Xiao Hu Yuan and its Applications
Shaolin Long Fist Kung Fu: Yi Lu Mai Fu & Er Lu Mai Fu with Applications
Shaolin White Crane Gong Fu 1: Basic Training 少林白鶴功 1 :基礎練習
Shaolin White Crane Gong Fu 2: Basic Training 少林白鶴功 2:基礎練習
Shaolin White Crane Gong Fu 3: Basic Training 少林白鶴功 3:基礎練習
Taiji & Shaolin Staff V1: Fundamental Training 太極棍與少林棍 V1 基礎練習
Taiji & Shaolin Staff V2: Fundamental Training 太極棍與少林棍 V2 基礎練習
Taiji Ball Qigong 1: 16 Circling Patterns 太極球氣功 1 :16循環模式
Taiji Ball Qigong 2: 16 Rotating Patterns 太極球氣功 2 :16翻轉模式
Taiji Ball Qigong 3: 16 Circling, Rotating & Wrap-Coiling Patterns 太極球氣功 3:
Taiji Ball Qigong 4: Applications 太極球氣功 4 :
Taiji Chin Na In-Depth 1: Cross Hands & Clockwise Yang Coiling 太極擒拿深度解析 1 :
Taiji Chin Na In-Depth 2: Rotating Neutralizing and Counterclockwise Coiling in Crossed Pushing Hands 太極擒拿深度解析 2 :
Taiji Chin Na In-Depth 3: Parallel Hands 太極擒拿深度解析 3 :
Taiji Chin Na In-Depth 4: Against the elbow’s Na in Pushing Hands 太極擒拿深度解析 :
Taiji Fighting Set: 2-Person Matching Set 太極格鬥 :2人格鬥
Taiji Pushing Hands V1: Yang Style Single & Double Pushing Hands 太極推手 1 :楊式風格單人與雙人推手
Taiji Pushing Hands V2: International Yang Style Double Routine 太極推手 2 :楊式風格雙人常規動作
Taiji Pushing Hands V3: Moving Single and Double Pushing Hands 太極推手 3 :單人移動和雙人推手
Taiji Pushing Hands V4: Large Rollback Moving Pushing Hands 太極推手 4 :大幅度移動推手
Taiji Saber Classical Yang Style: Qigong, The Complete Form & Applications 傳統楊式風格太極刀 :完整套路,氣功,與套用
Taiji Sword, Classical Yang Style: The Complete Form, Qigong, and Applications 太極劍,傳統楊式風格 :完整套路,氣功,與套用
Taiji Wrestling 1: Taiji Shuai Jiao 太極摔跤 1
Taiji Wrestling 2: Taiji Shuai Jiao 太極摔跤 2
Taiji Yin & Yang Symbol Sticking Hands 1: Yang Symbol Practice 太極陰陽符號粘手 1 :陽符號粘手
Taiji Yin & Yang Symbol Sticking Hands 2: Yin Symbol Practice 太極陰陽符號粘手 2 :陰符號粘手
Taijiquan, Classical Yang Style The Complete Form and Qigong 太極拳,傳統楊式風格的完整套路和氣功
The Essence of Taiji Qigong: The Internal Foundation of Taijiquan 太極氣功的本質 : 太極拳內在的基礎
The Scientific Foundation of Chinese Qigong: A Lecture by Dr. Yang at The University of Massachusetts
中國氣功的科學基礎 :楊先生在美國麻薩諸塞州大學的一堂課
White Crane Hard Qigong: The Essence of Shaolin White Crane 白鶴硬氣功 :少林白鶴功的要點
White Crane Soft Qigong: The Essence of Shaolin White Crane 白鶴軟氣功 :少林白鶴功的要點
Xingyiquan: 12 Animal Form 形意拳 :十二種動物形式
Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan: and its Applications 楊式風格太極拳 :套用