男,1972年2月生,山西繁峙縣人。副教授、碩士生導師。 首都師範大學畢業,2009年獲得理學博士學位。
[2]梁占平,李福義,郭翠華,李宇華,李安然,於麗君,朱小麗,韓茜茜,徐靜,國家自然科學基金面上項目 (11571209),二次諧波方程組的解,2016.1-2019.12,51萬元。
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[20] Zhanping Liang, Fuyi Li, Junping Shi, Positive solutions of Kirchhoff type nonlocal elliptic equation: a bifurcation approach, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 2016, accepted.
[19] Zhanping Liang, Jing Xu, Xiaoli Zhu, Revisit to sign-changing solutions for the nonlinear Schrödinger-Poisson system in R^N, J. Math. Anal. Appl.435 (2016): 783-799 (SCI核心期刊收錄).
[18] Zhanping Liang, Fuyi Li, Junping Shi, Positive solutions to Kirchhoff type equations with nonlinearity having prescribed asymptotic behavior, Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Anal. Non Lineaire, 31 (2014): 155-167 (SCI核心期刊收錄).
[17] Zhanping Liang, Jiabao Su, Solutions to inhomogeneous quasilinear elliptic problems with concave-convex type nonlinearities (Chinese), Acta Math. Sci. Ser. A Chin. Ed.34 (2014): 217-226.
[16] FangfangZhang, Zhanping Liang, Positive solutions of a kind of equations related to the Laplacian and p-Laplacian, J. Funct. Spaces 2014, Art. ID 364010, 5 pp (SCI收錄).
[15] C.-G. Kim, Zhanping Liang, Junping Shi, Existence of positive solutions to a Laplace equation with nonlinear boundary condition, Z. Angew. Math. Phys.66 (2015): 3061-3083 (SCI核心期刊收錄).
[14] Qi Zhang, Fuyi Li, Zhanping Liang, Existence of multiple positive solutions to nonhomogeneous Schrödinger-Poisson system, Appl. Math. Comput. 259 (2015): 353-363 (SCI收錄).
[13] Zhanping Liang, Nontrivial solutionsfor a modified capillary equation, J. Function Spaces and Applications 2013 (ID: 710592) 1-4 (SCI收錄).
[12] Zhanping Liang, Jiabao Su, Existence of solitary waves to a generalized Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation, Acta Math. Scientia 32 (2012) 1149-1156 (SCI收錄).
[11] Yuhua Li, Zhanping Liang, Two positive solutions to three-point singular boundary value problems, Acta Math. Scientia 31 (2011) 29-38 (SCI收錄).
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[9] Zhanping Liang, Jiabao Su, Critical point theorem for asymptotically quadratic functional without compactness, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 370 (2010) 649-658 (SCI核心期刊收錄).
[8] Zhanping Liang, Jiabao Su, Multiple solutions for semilinear elliptic boundary value problems with double resonance, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 354 (2009) 147-158 (SCI核心期刊收錄).
[7] Fuyi Li, Yuhua Li, Zhanping Liang, Existence and multiplicity of solutions to 2mth-order ordinary differential equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 331 (2007) 958-977 (SCI核心期刊收錄).
[6] Fuyi Li, Zhanping Liang, Qi Zhang, Yuhua Li, On Sign-changing solutions for nonlinear operator equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 327 (2007) 1010-1028 (SCI核心期刊收錄).
[5] Fuyi Li, Yuhua Li, Zhanping Liang, Existence of solutions to nonlinear Hammerstein integral equations and applications, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 323 (2006) 209-227 (SCI核心期刊收錄).
[4] Fuyi Li, Zhanping Liang, Qi Zhang, Existence of solutions to a class of nonlinear second order two-point boundary value problems, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 321 (2005) 357-373 (SCI核心期刊收錄).
[3] Fuyi Li, Zhanping Liang, Existence of positive periodic solutions to nonlinear second order differential equations, Appl. Math. Lett. 18 (2005) 1256-1264 (SCI核心期刊收錄).
[2] Fuyi Li, Qi Zhang, Zhanping Liang, Existence and multiplicity of solutions to a kind of fourth-order boundary value problem, Nonlinear Anal. 62 (2005) 803-816 (SCI核心期刊收錄).
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2012年全國大學生數學建模國家一等獎,指導教師 。
2010年全國大學生數學建模省級一等獎,指導教師 。
李福義,郭翠花,李宇華,梁占平,張琦,韓國棟,非線性運算元方程的解,山西省科學技術獎(自然科學類)三等獎,2010年3月 。
李福義,郭翠花,李宇華,梁占平,張琦,韓國棟,非線性運算元方程的解,山西省高等學校科學技術獎(自然科學類)一等獎,2009年 。