柴曉利,男,工學博士,同濟大學環境科學與工程學院教授, 博士生、碩士生導師,主要研究方向: 固體廢物處理處置與資源化,溫室氣體控制與資源化技術。教育經歷
4. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,填埋場甲烷化時期腐殖質與汞的非生物作用對其形態分布和釋放規律的影響, 2009.1-2011.12
5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,填埋場植被與覆蓋土複合作用對甲烷釋放影響機制研究,2010.1-2013.12
6. 國家自然科學基金國際交流項目,基於交替式厭氧/好氧填埋工藝的溫室氣體減排與污染控制技術研究,2011.6-2011.12
7. 國家自然科學基金國際合作項目(NSFC-JSPS),填埋場溫室氣體的釋放機制與控制技術研究,2012.4-2014.12
8. 國家自然基金委外國青年基金合作項目(中方負責人)垃圾焚燒灰渣的脫氯機制研究,2010.7-2011.6
9. 國家自然基金委外國青年基金合作項目(中方負責人),垃圾焚燒灰渣的不可溶氯化學特性與生物脫氯機制,2011.7-2012.6
10. 日本文部省國際合作項目,厭氧好氧交替式填埋技術 , 2009-2012
11. 日本經濟產業省國際合作項目,灰渣在水泥工廠的資源化利用, 2009-2011
12. 日本環境省國際合作項目,非規範填埋場安全、環境穩定性評估體系研究, 2010-2012
13. 國家科技支撐計畫,“城鄉生活垃圾中廢塑膠高效穩定裂解關鍵技術與示範”,2008.6-2010.6
14. 國家科技支撐計畫,生活垃圾物流系統與信息化技術,2009.1-2010.12
15. 上海市科委項目,滲濾液深度處理技術,2012.1-2012.12
16. 上海市科委國際合作項目,基於交替式好氧厭氧工藝,2013.1-2014.12
1. Chai Xiaoli, The effect of aerobic conditions on the complexation ability between mercury and humic acid from landfill leachate and its implication for the environment, Chemosphere, 20132. Chai Xiaoli, Spectroscopic studies of the effect of aerobic conditions on the chemical characteristics of humic acid in landfill leachate and its implication for the environment, Chemosphere, 2013
3. Chai Xiaoli, The effect of aeration position on the spatial distribution and reduction of pollutant in the landfill stabilization process, Waste management and research, 2013
4. Chai Xiaoli, Abiotic association of phathalic acid esters with humic acid of a sludge landfill, Frontiers of environmental science and engineering, 2012
5. Chai xiaoli, Enhanced removal of carbon dioxide and alleviation of dissolved oxygen accumulation in photobioreactor with bubble tank, Bioresouce Technology, 2012
6. Chai xiaoli, Complexion between mercury and humic substances from different landfill stabilization processes and its implication for the environment, journal of hazardous materials, 2012
7.Chai xiaoli, Fluorescence excitation–emission matrix combined with regional integration analysis to characterize the composition and transformation of humic and fulvic acids from landfill at different stabilization stages, waste management, 2012
8. Chai xiaoli, Effects of fulvic substances on the distribution and migration of Hg in landfill leachate. Journal of environmental monitoring,2011.
9. Chai xiaoli, Characteristics of environmental factors and their effects on CH4 and CO2 emissions from a closed landfill, Waste Management,2011.
10. Chai xiaoli, Characteristics of vegetation and its relationship with landfill gas in closed landfill,Biomass and bioenergy, 2011.
11. Chai xiaoli, Abiotic association of PAEs with humic substances and its influence on the fate of PAEs in landfill leachate,Chemosphere,2010.
12. Chai Xiaoli, Zhao Youcai. Characteristics of humic substances from landfill by FTIR, CP-NMR and Py-GC/MS. Waste management, 2008, 28, 896-903.
13. Chai Xiaoli, Zhao Youcai.. Spectroscopic studies of the progress of humification processes in humic substances extracted from refuse in a landfill. Chemosphere, 2007
14. Chai Xiaoli, Zhao Youcai. Characteristics and mobility of heavy metals in an MSW landfill: Implications in risk assessment and reclamation. Journal of hazardous materials, 2007.
15. Chai Xiaoli, Zhao Youcai.. Adsorption of phenolic compound by aged-refuse, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2006.