
在很小的時候,柯克從沒想過要把演藝作為他將來的事業。直到有一天,柯克最好的朋友,也是他的鄰居——亞當.里奇由於在電視劇“八個就夠了”中的表演 成了一個童星……
十歲的時候,在“兩次婚姻”中柯克開始他的第一次電視系列劇的表演,儘管這部電視劇並不是很長,但柯克在這裡面得到了很多的經驗。 柯克參與的第一部電影是與羅賓·威廉的《最美的時光》。柯克說:“很多人也許都沒有聽說過這部片子,但特蕾茜·格爾德(卡羅爾的扮演者)也在這部片子裡,雖然我們演的都不是什麼重要的角色,但我覺得很有趣。”因在《成長的煩惱》中飾演麥克一角色而為觀眾們所熟知。
不久之後,柯克就被亞當的片廠所看中,他那純真自然的表演給他帶來了很多大的演出機會,包括很多廣告和電視片,像"Lou Grant"、 "Code Red"和"Brett Maverick"。
他還在"Children of the Crossfire"、"Goliath Awaits"、"Starflight One"、"Beyond Witch Mountain"和"The Woman Who Willed a Miracle"等電視片中演過角色。

現實中的柯克。卡梅隆其實根本不是一個善於交際的人,或者乾脆可以說他是一個嚴肅的人。當他還是個十 來歲的童星時,他對記者說他將來的願望是作一名腦外科醫生;平時,他嚴格地控制自己的飲食,堅持吃自製的麵包。對於29歲的卡梅隆來說,童星生活"只不過是我的工作。我沒有將它看成是自己的身分。"20歲時;他受洗成為基督徒,並和年齡大他六歲,在電視中扮演他女朋友凱特的切茜婭. 諾寶(Chelsea Noble)結為夫妻。當前,夫婦二人養育了六個子女(最大的11歲);八口人其樂融融地住在聖莫尼卡山的家中,而且卡梅隆和《成長的煩惱》其他的成員幾乎不怎么來往。儘管受到了邀請,但卡梅隆卻沒有參加特蕾茜.格爾德,艾倫. 錫克和喬安娜. 科恩斯等人的婚禮。對此,科恩斯一點也不感到意外,"在節目後來拍攝的幾年裡,他總是和我們保持著距離。"她說,也許卡梅隆把時間全給了自己的愛人和家。在制訂工作計畫時,他一定要挑那些允許他和妻子一起工作的片子。他們倆完成了一部名為《末日迷蹤》(Left Behind)的獨立製片電影,現已在全球包括中國上映。不過據卡梅隆自己說,他不會跟塞維亞一家說"Bye-bye"。他也打算把《成長的煩惱》繼續拍下去,"我已經讀過了劇本,"卡梅隆說,"邁克和凱特結了婚。有了六個孩子。我想邁克可能會對我說,'嘿,夥計,我等著你呢。
Night of Joy (2005) (TV) .... Host
Left Behind: World at War (2005) .... Buck Williams
"Jack & Bobby" (1 episode,2004)
- Today I Am a Man (2004) TV episode
Growing Pains: Return of the Seavers (2004) (TV) .... Mike Seaver
Left Behind Ⅱ: Tribulation Force (2002) (V) .... Buck Williams
... aka Tribulation Force (USA)
"Family Law" .... Mitchell Stark (1 episode,2002)
- Blood and Water (2002) TV episode .... Mitchell Stark
The Miracle of the Cards (2001) (TV) .... Josh
... aka Miracle des cartes,Le (Canada: French title)
"Touched by an Angel" .... Chuck Parker (1 episode,2001)
- The Birthday Present (2001) TV episode .... Chuck Parker
The Growing Pains Movie (2000) (TV) .... Mike Seaver
Left Behind (2000) .... Buck Williams
... aka Left Behind: The Movie (USA: video title)
You Lucky Dog (1998) (TV) .... Jack Morgan
"Kirk" .... Kirk Hartman (30 episodes,1995-1996)

- Oh,What a Tangled Web We Weave: Part 2 (1996) TV episode .... Kirk Hartman
- Oh,What a Tangled Web We Weave: Part 1 (1996) TV episode .... Kirk Hartman
- Balducci Blues (1996) TV episode .... Kirk Hartman
- Something's Got to Give (1996) TV episode .... Kirk Hartman
- Strangers in the Night (1996) TV episode .... Kirk Hartman
(25 more)
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes (1995) (TV) .... Dexter Riley
Star Struck (1994) (TV) .... Runner
The Horde (1993) (VG) (voice) .... Chauncey
"Growing Pains" .... Mike Seaver / ... (124 episodes,1985-1992)
- The Last Picture Show: Part 1 (1992) TV episode .... Mike Seaver
- The Last Picture Show: Part 2 (1992) TV episode .... Mike Seaver
- The Wrath of Con Ed (1992) TV episode .... Mike Seaver
- Maggie's Brilliant Career (1992) TV episode .... Mike Seaver
- The Truck Stops Here (1992) TV episode .... Mike Seaver
(119 more)
A Little Piece of Heaven (1991) (TV) .... Will Loomis
Listen to Me (1989) .... Tucker Muldowney
"Full House" .... Steve,Cousin (1 episode,1988)
- Just One of the Guys (1988) TV episode .... Steve,Cousin
Like Father Like Son (1987) .... Chris Hammond
The Best of Times (1986) .... Teddy
Children in the Crossfire (1984) (TV) .... Mickey Chandler
More Than Murder (1984) (TV) .... Bobby
... aka Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer: More Than Murder
"ABC Afterschool Specials" .... Willy (2 episodes,1983)
- Andrea's Story: A Hitchhiking Tragedy (1983) TV episode
- The Woman Who Willed a Miracle (1983) TV episode .... Willy
"Two Marriages" (1983) TV series .... Eric Armstrong (unknown episodes)
Starflight: The Plane That Couldn't Land (1983) (TV) .... Gary
... aka Airport 85 (Philippines: English title: theatrical title)
... aka Starflight One
"Herbie,the Love Bug" .... Young Kid (1 episode,1982)
- Herbie the Matchmaker (1982) TV episode .... Young Kid
"Disneyland" .... Boy (1 episode,1982)
... aka Disney's Wonderful World (USA: new title)
... aka The Disney Sunday Movie (USA: new title)
... aka The Magical World of Disney (USA: new title)
... aka The Wonderful World of Disney (USA: new title)
... aka Walt Disney (USA: new title)
... aka Walt Disney Presents (USA: new title)
... aka Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color (USA: new title)
- Beyond Witch Mountain (1982) TV episode .... Boy
Beyond Witch Mountain (1982) (TV) .... Boy
"Bret Maverick" .... Boy #1 (2 episodes,1981)
- The Lazy Ace: Part 1 (1981) TV episode .... Boy #1
- The Lazy Ace: Part 2 (1981) TV episode .... Boy #1
Bret Maverick (1981) (TV) .... Boy #1
... aka Bret Maverick: The Lazy Ace
Goliath Awaits (1981) (TV) .... Liam
"The Way of the Master" (13 episodes,2003)
- Lie & Covet (2003) TV episode (writer)
- Theft (2003) TV episode (writer)
- Adultery (2003) TV episode (writer)
- Murder (2003) TV episode (writer)
- Blasphemy,Sabbath & Parents (2003) TV episode (writer)
(8 more)
The Magic 7 (2008) (TV)
"The View" .... Himself (1 episode,2008)
- Episode dated 28 May 2008 (2008) TV episode .... Himself
"The O'Reilly Factor" .... Former child star (1 episode,2008)
- Episode dated 9 May 2008 (2008) TV episode .... Former child star
"TV Land Confidential" .... Himself - interviewee (1 episode,2007)
... aka TV Land Confidential: The Untold Stories (USA: second season title)
- Locations (2007) TV episode .... Himself - interviewee
"Larry King Live" .... Himself (1 episode,2006)
- Episode dated 7 February 2006 (2006) TV episode .... Himself
Seaver Family Reunion: S'mores and More (2006) (V) .... Himself
"100 Greatest Kid Stars" (2005) TV mini-series .... Himself
"The Tony Danza Show" .... Himself (1 episode,2004)
- Episode #1.25 (2004) TV episode .... Himself
"The Way of the Master" .... Himself (13 episodes,2003)
- Lie & Covet (2003) TV episode .... Himself
- Theft (2003) TV episode .... Himself
- Adultery (2003) TV episode .... Himself
- Murder (2003) TV episode .... Himself
- Blasphemy,Sabbath & Parents (2003) TV episode .... Himself
(8 more)
"Intimate Portrait" .... Himself (2 episodes,2003)
- Tracey Gold (2003) TV episode .... Himself
- Young Hollywood (????) TV episode
The Making of 'Left Behind Ⅱ: Tribulation Force' (2002) (V) .... Himself
"E! True Hollywood Story" .... Himself (1 episode,2001)
- Growing Pains (2001) TV episode .... Himself
"The Rosie O'Donnell Show" .... Himself (1 episode,2001)
- Episode dated 24 January 2001 (2001) TV episode .... Himself
Entertainment Tonight Presents: The Real 'Growing Pains' (2000) (TV) .... Himself
The Making of 'Left Behind: The Movie' (2000) (V) .... Himself
"Celebrity Profile" (1999) TV series .... Himself (unknown episodes)
"Hope & Gloria" .... Himself (1 episode,1995)
- The Face with Two Men (1995) TV episode .... Himself
The 48th Annual Golden Globe Awards (1991) (TV) .... Himself
The Willies (1991) .... Himself/Mike Seaver
The 17th Annual People's Choice Awards (1991) (TV) .... Himself
The 42nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (1990) (TV) .... Himself - Presenter
The Secrets of the Back to the Future Trilogy (1990) (TV) .... Host
The 4th Annual American Comedy Awards (1990) (TV) .... Himself
"The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" .... Himself (1 episode,1987)
... aka The Best of Carson (USA: rerun title)
- Episode dated 30 September 1987 (1987) TV episode .... Himself
The 39th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (1987) (TV) .... Himself
The Wildest West Show of the Stars (1986) (TV) .... Himself
Bob Hope's High-Flying Birthday (1986) (TV) .... Himself
Marie Osmond's Merry Christmas (1986) (TV) .... Himself
Archive Footage:
"100 Greatest Teen Stars" (2006) .... Himself
柯克在08年完成自傳《Still Growing》(中文名:仍然在成長)