


中心現有職工215人,其中博士6人,碩士42人,本科63人,獲得高級職稱36人,中級職稱62人。設有傳染病防制所、愛滋病性病防治所、結核病防治所、免疫預防所、地方病寄生蟲病防治所、慢性非傳染性疾病防治所、環境與職業衛生所、消毒與病媒生物防制所、健康教育所、理化檢驗科、微生物檢驗科、下沙工作站等12個業務科室和辦公室、人事科、財務科、總務科、質量管理科5個職能科室,並另設預防保健門診部(職工109人,地處朝暉二區,工作用房4145 m2)。








堅持走“科教興防”的道路,自1999年以來,中心先後承擔了38項市級以上科研項目,榮獲省、市科技進步獎19項,發表各類專業學術論文303篇,其中國家級166篇。2000年,在國內首次證實了大腸埃希菌基因組中攜帶的一段與細菌毒力有關的DNA片段是導致嬰幼兒不明原因腹瀉的原因,首次發現了致瀉大腸埃希菌ε型intimin新亞型。2002年,“蔬菜有機磷農藥殘留快速消除法”研究成果申請國家發明專利後轉化為產品“淨菜寶”,推入市場,深受社會歡迎,有效地預防和控制了蔬菜中有機磷農藥殘留引起的食物中毒。2003年4月24日,在病人咽拭子標本中檢測到SARS病毒基因片段,屬國內當時較早開展此項檢測的單位。2003年5月主持研究開發“移動式床單位負壓罩”用於SARS防制 ,並獲國家發明專利。2005年10月,調查發現國內首例布魯氏菌病人與人傳播病例。2005年12月,在中國內地首次從社區獲得性胃腸炎患者中分離出香港海鷗形菌。




A Brief Introduction of Hangzhou Center for

Disease Control and Prevention

Hangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention (HZCDC) was formed on the basis of the former Hangzhou Sanitary and Antiepidemic Station, which was founded in May, 1953. It is a state-owned non-profit agency, fully funded by the financial department, and implements the government’s function of disease control and prevention.

Now the Center has a staff of 220, among which 6 have doctor degree, 41 have master degree, and 63 are college graduates. Besides, 36 have achieved senior job title, and 62 have achieved secondary job title. It is consisted of 12 professional departments, 5 administrative offices, and 1 clinic for disease prevention and health care.

The Center now has working room of 9,541 m2 and is equipped with a series of large advanced instruments such as Inductively Coupled Plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). A number of laboratories have obtained certificates through related departments’ appraisal, such as AIDS Diagnosis Laboratory, national network laboratory for flu monitoring, Zhejiang Center for Brucellosis Diagnosis, SPF Animal Laboratory, and so on. In 1996 it passed metrology accreditation, and in 2001 it obtained the certificate of China National Accreditation Laboratory (CNAL), becoming the first laboratory which passed the confirmation of ISO/IEC17025:1999 new criteria in China. Also it set up an important medical laboratory in Hangzhou――Hangzhou Toxicosis Testing Center.

It is the education base for Zhejiang University, Wenzhou Medical College, Hangzhou Normal University, and Zhejiang Medical College. At the same time, it is the practice base for Masters of Public Health (MPH) from Medical College of Zhejiang University.

The Center was successively granted the title of Advanced Group for national plan immunization, tuberculosis prevention and treatment, occupational disease prevention and treatment, chronic disease prevention and treatment, the title of anti-SARS Advanced Group in Zhejiang province, and the title of provincial and municipal civil group.

The Center advocates the mind of solidification, diligence, innovation, and practicality. The staffs abide by professional virtues and actively undertake the work of disease prevention so as to protect the public from all kinds of disease.



