
主要研究方向: 重金屬的生物吸附與富集及其套用;金屬的生物還原、納米金屬顆粒與納米線的生物製備技術、金屬催化劑的生物製備技術;高濃度/難降解有機廢水的處理技術、污染物的資源化技術、化工清潔生產技術;石油化工中的生物技術;固定化酶(細胞)中的反應與傳質、特殊條件下的生物催化過程;天然產物的提取與套用。
Effect of recycling flux on performance and characteristics of activated sludge hydrolytic-aerobic recycling process in degradation of 2, 4-dichlorophenol, Journal of Hazardous Materials, available online: 2009.2.13, SCI收錄 (通訊作者);
Removal of anthraquinone reactive dye in wastewater by batch hydrolytic-aerobic recycling process, Separation and Purification Technology, 2008(in press) SCI收錄 (通訊作者);
Continuous-flow biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by lixivium of sundried Cinnamomum camphora Leaf in tubular microreactors, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008, 47(16):6081-6090 SCI收錄 (通訊作者);
The isolation and characterization of polysaccharides from longan pulp, Separation and Purification Technology, 2008, 63:226-230 SCI收錄 (通訊作者);
High efficiency of a batch operated biofilm hydrolytic-aerobic recycling process in degradation of 2, 4-dichlorophenol, Journal of hazardous materials, 2008.4, 152:536-544 SCI收錄 (第一作者、通訊作者);
Isolation, purification and characterization of superoxide dismutase from garlic, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2008.1, 38 (1):33-38 SCI收錄 (第二作者);
Accumulation of silver(I) ion and diamine silver complex by Aeromonas SH10 biomass, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2007.10, 143 (1):54-62 SCI收錄 (通訊作者);
Modeling of a packed-bed electrochemical reactor for producing glyoxylic acid from oxalic acid, Chemical Engineering Science, 2007.12, 62(23):6784-6793 SCI收錄 (第四作者);
Performance of batch-operated combined hydrolytic-aerobic biofilm process in treating anthraquinone reactive dye wastewater, Environmental Engineering Science, 2007.5, 24(4):483-492 SCI收錄 (通訊作者);
Biosynthesis of silver and gold nanoparticles by novel sundried Cinnamomum camphora leaf, Nanotechnology, 2007.2, 18(2007):105104(11pp) SCI收錄 (通訊作者);
Rapid preparation process of silver nanoparticles by bioreduction and their characterizations, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2006.2, 14(1):114-117 SCI收錄 (通訊作者);
Biosorption and bioreduction of diamine silver complex by Corynebacterium, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2005.3, 80(3):285-290 SCI收錄 (通訊作者);
Genetic engineering of E.coli SE5000 and its potential for Ni2+ bioremediation, Process Biochemistry, 2005.1, 40:425-430 SCI收錄 (第二作者);
Aerobic and anaerobic biodegradations of polyethylene glycols using sludge microbes, Process Biochemistry, 2005.1, 40:207-211 SCI收錄 (通訊作者);
Simultaneous biosorption of cadmiun(II) and lead(II)ions by pretreated biomass of Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Separation and Purification Technology, 2004, 34(1-3):135-142 SCI收錄 (第一作者、通訊作者);
Preliminary study on the performance and interaction of hydrolytic-aerobic recycle combination process of high content starch wastewater, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2004, 12(1):108-112 SCI收錄 (第一作者、通訊作者);
Bioaccumulation of nickel from aqueous solution by genetically engineered Escherichia coli, Water Research, 2003, 37(2003):2505-2511 SCI收錄 (第二作者);
Biosorption of lead by P. Chrysosporium in the form of pellets, Journal of Environmental Science, 2002, 4(1):108-114 SCI收錄 (通訊作者)。