

李松,1994年4月獲浙江大學理學博士學位,1994年6月-1996年6月在武漢大學從事博士後研究工作,1996年7月開始在浙江大學數學系工作。2001 年晉升為教授, 2002年被評為為博士生導師。現任浙江大學數學系副主任。





1998年以來作為訪問教授與研究合作者曾訪問過美國喬治亞大學、美國喬治亞理工大學、美國密西根州立大學、加拿大Alberta 大學、加拿大 Manitiba 大學、新加坡國立大學、香港城市大學和香港理工大學等著名學府;也曾前往美國哈佛大學、德國黑森林數學中心、加拿大班夫數學中心進行學術交流。

2001 年晉升為教授。









曾經多次為《Applied Computational and Harmonic Analysis》(美國)、《J. Approximation Theory》(美)、《J.Comput.Appl.Math》(荷蘭)、《Adv in Comput. Math》(美國)、《中國科學》、《數學學報》、《數學年刊》及《IEEE.Trans.Inform Theory》、《IEEE.Trans.Signal Processing》等多種國際、國內著名期刊審稿。


到目前為止在《中國科學》、《Applied Computational and Harmonic Analysis》、《Journal of Fourier Analysis and Its Application 》、《Advance in Computational Mathematics》、《IEEE.Transcations.on Signal Processing》、《IEEE.Transcations on Information Theory》、《Journal of Approximation Theory》、《Journal of Computational Applied and Mathematics》、《Acta Mathematical Sinica》(英)、<<數學年刊>>等國內外著名期刊上發表學術論文60餘篇, 其中SCI論文40餘篇。


學術成果引起國內外同行的高度關注,論文多次被包括美國科學院院士G.Strang、世界數學家大會特邀報告人 Z.W. Shen、國際著名統計學專家 T.Cai、國際著名逼近論專家 R.Q.Jia 及採樣理論專家 Feichtinger. G 等引用。2001年以來數十次受邀出席重要國際學術會議並做特邀報告。例如,2003年11月,受新加坡國立大學邀請全額資助出席《亞洲逼近論及其小波分析國際會議》並做一小時報告、2007年9月受邀請並被資助參加在加拿大Banff舉行的《套用調和分析發展趨勢》小型國際會議並做邀請報告、2008年6月受邀請並被資助參加在新加坡國立大學舉行的《小波分析與套用國際會議》並做邀請報告等。此外,2005年5月作為組織委員會主席成功舉辦了具有重要國際影響的《套用調和分析國際會議》,參加這次會議的代表有四十餘位國際著名學者,其中包括美國總統獎獲得者等四位美國科學院院士。這次會議的召開在國內外產生了重要的影響,受到許多國際著名學者的好評。


[1] Qun Mo and Song Li, Tight Frame with Symmetric rational filter, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2011,to appear.
[] Rong Qing Jia and Song Li, Refinable Functions with Exponentional Decay: An Approach via Cascade Algorithms, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Its Application, 2011,to appear.
[3] Jianbin Yang and Song Li, Convergence Rates of Cascade Algorithms Associated with Infinitely Supported Masks, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 2011,To appear.(SCI).
[4] Yi Shen and Song Li, Wavelets and framelets from dual pseudo splines, Science in China, Series A, 2011,to appear.
[5] Jianbin Yang and Song Li, Regularity of Refinable Functions with Exponentially Decaying Masks, J.Math Anal.Appl, 2010-12.(SCI).
[6] Yi Shen, Song Li and Qun Mo, Complex Wavelets and Framelets from Pseudo Splines, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Its Application, 2010-12.(SCI).
[7] Jianbin Yang and Song Li, Smoothness of Multivariate Refinable Functions with Infinitely Supported Masks, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2010,5.(SCI).
[8] Song Li and YaLi Pan, Subdivision Schemes with Polynomially Dacaying Masks, Advance in Computational Mathematics, 32(4), 2010.(SCI).
[9] Song Li and Yi Shen, The Support of A Refinable Vector Satisfying An Inhomogeneous Refinement Equations, Acta Math Sinica, English series, 26(4), 2010.(SCI).
[10] Song Li and Yi Shen, Cascade Algorithms Associated with Masks Having Exponential Decay , Applied Mathematics Letters, 22(8), 2009, 8.(SCI).
[11] Song Li and Zhi Song Liu, Riesz Multiwavelet Bases Generated by Vector Refinement Equation, Science in China, Series A, 3, 2009.(SCI).
[12] Song Li and Yi Shen, Pseudo Box Splines, Applied Computational Harmonic Analysis, 22(26), 2009.(Top Journal).
[13] Jun Xian and Song Li, Sampling and Reconstruction in Lattice-Invariant Spaces and Their Applications , Acta Math Sinica, English series, 25(4), 2009.(SCI).
[14] Song Li and YaLi Pan, Subdivision with Infinitely Supported Masks, Journal of Computational and Application Mathemati, 2008.(SCI).
[15] 李松,劉志松, 由向量細分方程生成的高維Riesz小波基, 中國科學:A緝, 38(11), 2008.(SCI).
[16] Jun Xian and Song Li, Sampling Set Conditions in Weighted Multiply Generated Shift-Invariant Spaces and Their Applications, Applied Computational and Harmonic Analysis, 22, 2007.9.(Top Journal).
[17] Li Song and Xian Jun, Biorthogonal Multiple Wavelets Generated by Vector Refinement Equation, Science in China, Series A, 37(5), 2007.7.(SCI).
[18] Qun Mo ,Yi Shen and Song Li, A New Proof of A Polynomial Inequality Related to Pseudo-Splines, Applied Computational and Harmonic Analysis, 23, 2007.11.(SCI, Top Journal).
[19] Song Li and Jian Bin Yang, Vector Subdivision Schemes with Infinitely Supported masks, Journal of Approximation Theory, 148, 2007.10.(SCI).
[20] Song Li and Xinglong Zhou, Multivariate Refinement Equation with Nonnegative Masks, Science in China, Seres A, 49(4), 2006.(SCI).
[21] Song Li, Rui Fang Hu and Xiang Qing Wang, L_p-Solutions of Vector Refinement Equation with General Dilation Matrix , Acta Math Sinica, English Series, 1, 2006.(SCI).
[22] Song Li, Convergence Rates of Vector Cascade Algorithms in $L_p$, Journal of Approximation Theory, 137, 2005.(SCI).
[23] 李松,劉建平,冼軍, 與非齊次細分方程相關的級聯序列在Sobolev空間中的收斂階, 數學學報(中), 48(4), 2005.
[24] Song Li, Guo Mao Wang and Zhi Song Liu, A Generatization of the Mean Size Formula of Wavelet Packets in L_p , Acta Math Sinica, English Series, 6, 2005.(SCI).
[25] Song Li, Characterization of Smoothness of Refinable Functions and Convergence of Cascade Algorithms Associated with Nonhomogeneous Refinement Equations , Advance in Computational Mathematics, 20, 2004.(SCI).
[26] Song Li, Convergence Rates of Cascade Algorithms Associated with Nonhomogeneous Refinement Equations , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applicati, 292, 2004.(SCI).
[27] 李松, L_P空間中向量細分格式, 中國科學:A輯, 1, 2003.(SCI).
[28] Song Li, Vector Subdivision Schemes in (L_p)^r(1\eq p\leq\infty)Spaces, Science in China, Series A, 2, 2003.(SCI)
[29] Song Li, Multivariate Refinement Equation and Convergence of Cascade Algorithms in $L_p(0, Acta Math Sinica, English Series, 19, 2003.(SCI).
[30] Song Li, Convergence of Cascade Algorithms in Sobolev Space Associated with Multivariate Nonhomogeneous Refinement Equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applicati, 257, 2001.(SCI).
[31] Song Li, Convergence of Cascade Algorithms Associated with Inhomogeneous Refinement Equations in Sobolev Space $(W_2^k(\Bbb R^s))^r$ , Journal of Approximation Theory, 104, 2000.(SCI).
[32] Li Song, Wu Zheng Chang, Ma Bo Lin, Besov Spaces and K-functional in L_p,0, Acta Mathematica Applicate Sinica,English series, 16, 2000.
[33] Li Song, K-functional, Weighted Moduli of Smoothness, and Best Weighted Polynomial Approximation on A Simple, Acta Math Sinica, English Series, 15, 1999.(SCI).
[34] Song Li and Ren Tai Wang, The Characterization of Derivatives for Linear Combinations of Post-Widder Operators in $L_p$, Journal of Approximation Theory, 97, 1999.(SCI).
[35] Song Li, The Equivalence Relations Between the Ditzian-Totik Moduli of Smoothness and Best Polynomial Approximation in Besov Space, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applicati, 215, 1997.(SCI).
[36] Song Li, Local Smoothness of Functions and Baskakov-Durrmeyer Operators, Journal of Approximation Theory, 88, 1997.(SCI).
[37] Li Song, The Equivalence Relations Between the Best Approximation and Linear Operators Approximation in Besov Space, Acta Math Sinica, English Series, 4, 1997.




