職稱:教授 學位:理學博士專業方向:生態水文學水文與水資源
2003-2004年,西班牙高等科研理事會(Consejo Superior de Investigacion Cientificas)阿爾梅利亞乾旱區試驗 研究所博士後研究。
水文土壤學:水文土壤學(Hydropedology)是一門新興的交叉學科,綜合了土壤學、水文學、地形學和其他相關的生物和地球科學,全面研究土壤 - 水分之間的互動作用和地形 - 土壤 - 水文之間的時間 - 空間關係。水文土壤學以理解和解釋不同生態系統中水文過程、特性的土壤控制和土壤形成、變化、功能的水文影響為目標。
生態水文學: 生態水文學(Ecohydrology)重點研究陸地表層系統生態格局與生態過程變化的水文學機理,揭示陸生環境和水生環境植物與水的相互作用關係,回答與水循環過程相關的生態環境變化的成因與調控。
半乾旱區土壤水文與植被回響機理: 研究半乾旱區土壤與植被的相互作用機理及其生態水文效應。
博士學科專業 | 研究方向 | 考試科目 | 備註 |
070520★自然資源 | 02生態水文學與水 文土壤學 | ①1101英語 ②2049自然地理學 ③3060水文學 或3066生態學或3098土壤學 | 生態水文,水文土壤學, 流域水資源配置與管理 |
學科專業 | 研究方向 | 考試科目 | 備註 |
070520★自然資源 | 03水土資源與生態恢 復 | ①101思想政治理論 ②201英語一 ③303數 學三 ④807自然地理學或810水文學或826土壤學 | 土地退化與防治;水資源 與生態水文;水文土壤學 |
獲獎時間 | 獎項名稱 |
2010 | 國家傑出青年科學基金 |
2008 | 教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”入選者 |
2008 | 北京市科學技術二等獎 (排名第7) |
2007 | 北京市優秀人才培養資助人選 |
2006 | 勵耘獎學助學基金優秀青年教師獎 |
2003 | 全國優秀博士學位論文獎 |
2003 | 西班牙高等科研理事會政府獎學金 |
2001 | 中科院“西部之光”人才培養計畫入選者 |
2000 | 中國科學院院長獎學金優秀獎 |
(1) Li, xiao-YAN, Yang, Z.-P., Li, Y.-T., and Lin, H., 2009. Connecting ecohydrology and hydropedology in desert shrubs: stemflow as a source of preferential flow in soils, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 1133-1144.
(2) Li, Xiao-Yan, Ma, Y.J., Xu, H.Y., Wang, J.H., Zhang, D.S., 2009. Impact of land use and land cover change on environmental degradation in Lake Qinghai watershed, northeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Land Degradation & Development 20, 69-83.
(3)Li, Xiao-Yan, Liu L.Y., Gao, S.Y., Ma, Y.J., Yang, Z.P., 2008. Stemflow in three shrubs and its effect on soil water enhancement in semiarid loess region of China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148, 1501-1507.
(4)Li, Xiao-Yan, Contreras, S., Solé-Benet, A., 2008. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in limestone dolines: Influence of vegetation and rock fragments. Geoderma 145, 288�294.
(5)Li, Xiao-Yan, Zhao, W. W., Song, Y.X., Wang, W., Zhang, X.Y., 2008. Rainfall harvesting on slopes using contour furrows with plastic-covered transverse ridges for growing Caragana korshinskii in the semiarid region of China. Agricultural Water Management 95:539-544.
(6)Yang, ZhiPeng, Li, XiaoYan, Liu, LianYou, Wu, JianJun, Hasi Eerdun, Sun YongLiang, 2008. Characteristics of stemflow for sand-fixed shrubs in Mu Us sandy land, Northwest China. Chinese Science Bulletin 53 (14), 2214-2221.
(7)Li, Xiao-Yan, Xu, He-Ye, Sun, Yong-Liang, Zhang, Deng-Shan, 2007. Lake-level change and water balance analysis at lake Qinghai , west China during recent decades. Water Resources Management 21, 1505-1516.
(8)Li, Xiao-Yan, Contreras S., Solé-Benet, A., 2007. Spatial distribution of rock fragments in dolines: A case study in a semiarid Mediterranean mountain-range (Sierra de Gador, SE Spain). Catena 70, 366-374.
(9)Liu, L.Y. , Li, Xiao-Yan , Shi, P.J., Gao, S.Y., Wang, J.H., Ta, W.Q., Song, Y., Liu, M.X., Wang, Z., Xiao, B., 2007. Wind erodibility of major soils in the farming-pastoral ecotone of China. Journal of Arid Environments, 68(4), 611-623.
(10)Li, Xiao-Yan , Shi, P.J.,Sun, Y.L., Tang, J., Yang, Z.P., 2006. Influence of various in situ rainwater harvesting methods on soil moisture and growth of Tamarix ramosissima in the semiarid loess region of China. Forest Ecology and Management 233, 143�148.
(11) Li, Xiao-Yan , Gao, S.Y., Xu, H.Y., Liu, L.Y., 2006. Growth of Caragana korshinskii using runoff-collecting microcatchments under semiarid condition. Journal of Hydrology 328, 338-346.
(12)Liu, Mu-Xing, Wang, Jing-Ai, Yan, Ping , Liu, Lian-You, Ge, Yong-Qin, Li, Xiao-Yan , Hu, Xia, Song, Yang, Wang, Lei, 2006. Wind tunnel simulation of ridge-tillage effects on soil erosion from cropland. Soil & Tillage Research 90, 242�249.
(13)Li, Xiao-Yan ,Pei-Jun Shi,Liu, Lian-You, Gao, Shang-Yu, Wang, Xiong-Shi, Cheng, Liu-San. 2005. Influence of pebble size and cover on rainfall interception by gravel mulch. Journal of Hydrology, 312(1-4), 70-78.
(14)Li, Xiao-Yan , Liu, Lian-You, Gao, Shang-Yu, Shi Pei-Jun et al., 2005. Microcatchment water harvesting for growing Tamarix ramosissima in the semiarid loess region of China.Forest Ecology and Management, 214,111-117.
(15)Li, Xiao-Yan , Liu, Lian-You, Gao, Shang-Yu, Shi, Pei-Jun, Zou, Xue-Yong, E. Hasi, Yan Ping. 2005.aeolian dust accumulatlayers by rock fragment substrata: influence of number and textural composition of pebble layers on dust accumulation. Soil and Tillage Research, 84(2), 139-144.
(16)Li, Xiao-Yan , Antonio González, Albert Solé-Benet, 2005. Laboratory methods for the estimation of infiltration rate of soil crusts in the Tabernas Desert badlands. Catena, 60,255-266.
(17) Li, Xiao-Yan , Xie, Zhong-Kui, Yan, Xiang-Kui, 2004. Runoff characteristics of artificial catchment materials for rainwater harvesting in the semiarid regions of China. Agricultural Water Management 65, 211-224.
(18) Li, Xiao-Yan , Liu, Lian-You, Wang, Jia-Hua. 2004. Wind tunnel simulation of aeolian sandy soil erodibility under human disturbance. Geomorphology 59, 3-11.
(19) Li, Xiao-Yan , Liu Lian-You. 2003. Effect of gravel mulch on aeolian dust accumulation in the semiarid region of northwest China. Soil & Tillage Research, 70, 73-81.
(20) Li, Xiao-Yan , 2003. Gravel-sand mulch for soil and water conservation in the semiarid loess region of northwest China . Catena 52(2), 105-127.
(21) Li, Xiao-Yan , 2003. Rainfall thresholds for artificial rainwater-harvesting catchments in the semi-arid loess region of China. Journal of Experimental Botany 54, 123.PDF
(22)Li, Xiao-Yan , Gong, Jia-Dong, Gao, Qian-Zhao. 2002. Compacted microcatchment with local earth materials for rainwater harvesting in the semiarid region of China. Journal of Hydrology, 257(1-4): 134-144.
(23) Li, Xiao-Yan , Gong, Jia-Dong. 2002. Effects of different ridge/furrow ratios and supplemental irrigation on crop production in ridge and furrow rainfall harvesting system with mulches. Agricultural Water Management, 54(3): 243-254.
(24) Li, Xiao-Yan . 2002. Effects of gravel and sand mulches on dew condensation in the semiarid region of China .Journal of Hydrology, 260 (1-4): 151-160.
(25) Li, Xiao-Yan , Liu, Lian-You, Gong, Jia-Dong. 2001. Influence of pebble mulch on soil erosion by wind and trapping capacity for windblown sediment. Soil & Tillage Research, 59 (3-4): 137-142.
(26)Li, Xiao-Yan , Gong, Jia-Dong, Gao, Qian-Zhao and Li, Feng-Rui. 2001. Incorporation of ridge and furrow method of rainfall harvesting with mulching for crop production under semiarid conditions. Agricultural Water Management, 50 (3), 173-183.
(27)Li, Xiao-Yan , Gong, Jia-Dong, Gao, Rainfall interception loss by pebble mulch in the semiarid region of China. Journal of Hydrology, 228: 165-173.
(28) Li, Xiao-Yan , Gong, Jia-Dong and Wei, Xing-Hu. 2000. In-situ rainwater harvesting and gravel mulch combination for crop production in the dry semiarid region of China . Journal of Arid Environments, 46: 371-382.
(29)Li, Xiao-Yan . 2000. Soil and water conservation in arid and semiarid areas the Chinese experience. Annals of Arid Zone, 39(4): 377-393.
(30)Li, F.R., Gao, C.Y., Zhao, H.L. and Li, Xao-Yan . 2001. Soil conservation effectiveness and energy efficiency of alternative rotations and continuous wheat cropping in the Loess Plateau of northwest China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 91:134-145.
(31)Liu, Lian-You, Wang, Jian-Hua, Li, Xiao-Yan et al. 1998. Determination of erodible particles on cultivated soils by wind tunnel simulation . Chinese Science Bulletin, 43 (19): 1646-1650.
(32)Liu, L.Y., Gao, S.Y., Shi, P.J., Li, Xiao-Yan , Dong, Z.B. 2003. Wind Tunnel Measurements of Adobe Abrasion by Blown Sand: Profile Characteristics in Relation to Wind Velocity and Sand Flux. Journal of Arid Environments, 53,351-363.
(33)Liu, L.Y., Shi, P.J., Zou, X.Y., Gao, S.Y., Erdon, S., Yan, P., Li, Xiao-Yan, Dong, Z.B., Wang, J.H. 2003. Short-term dynamics of wind erosion of three newly cultivated grassland soils in northern China. Geoderma 115 (1-2), 55-64.
(34)Liu, L.Y., Shi, P.J., Gao, S.Y., Zou, X.Y., Erdon, H., Yan, P., Li, X.Y., Ta, W.Q., Wang, J.H., Zhang, C.L., 2004. Dustfall in China’s western loess plateau as influenced by dust storm and haze events. Atmospheric Environment 38, 1699�1703.
(35)Pei-Jun Shi, Hideyuki Shimizu, Jing-Ai Wang, Lian-You Liu, Xiao-Yan, Li, Yi-Da Fan, Yun-Jiang Yu, Hai-Kun Jia, Yanzhi, Zhao, Lei Wang, and Yang Song. 2005. Land degradation and blown-sand disaster in China. In Plant Responses to Air Pollution and Global Change (Edited by K. Omasa, I. Nouchi, and L. J. De Kok), Springer-Verlag Tokyo.
序號 | 起止日期 | 項目來源 | 項目名稱 | 地位 |
1 | 2011-2014 | 國家傑出青年科學基金 | 半乾旱區土壤水文過程與植被回響 | 主持人 |
2 | 2009-2011 | 國家自然科學基金 | 植被斑塊格局的集水機理及其對土壤水分的影響 | 主持人 |
3 | 2008-2012 | 國家“十一五”科技支撐計畫課題 | 青海湖流域濕地恢復與生物多樣性保護技術集成與試驗示範 | 主持人 |
4 | 2009-2011 | 地表過程與資源生態國家重點實驗室課題 | 乾旱沙區土壤-植被-水文相互作用機理研究 | 主持人 |
5 | 2007-2008 | 北京市優秀人才培養資助個人項目 | 北京市虛擬水戰略研究 | 主持人 |
6 | 2006-2008 | 國家自然基金面上項目 | 荒漠灌木樹幹莖流的集水機理與生態水文效應(項目編號40571023) | 主持人 |
7 | 2006-2009 | 國家自然科學基金重大項目 | 國家自然科學基金重大項目“晚新生代青海湖高解析度的古環境記錄及其對全球變化的意義” 第三課題“青海湖晚新生代植被生態及化學風化歷史研究” | 參加 |
8 | 2005-2007 | 國家科技部“十五”科技攻關項目 | 毛烏素沙地生物治理技術研究與試驗示範 ( 靖邊 ) | 參加 |
9 | 2005-2008 | 全國優秀博士學位論文作者專項資金 | 半乾旱區雨水集流系統主要水文過程與水循環調節機理(項目編號200426) | 主持人 |
10 | 2005-2007 | 北京師範大學青年科學基金 | 半乾旱區地表礫石覆蓋的生態水文效應 | 主持人 |
11 | 2004-2009 | 國家973項目 | 國家973項目"我國大陸季風-乾旱環境系統發展過程的科學鑽探研究”第七課題“近代和現代環境過程與環境替代性指標的量化研究”(項目編號2004CB720207) | 副主持人 |
12 | 2002-2004 | 國家自然科學青年基金 | 微型集水區集雨系統及其水文生態效應研究(項目編號40101004) | 主持人 |
13 | 2002-2004 | 中科院“西部之光”項目 | 荒山集雨綠化最佳化組合模式試驗示範 | 主持人 |
14 | 2000-2003 | 中科院寒旱所創新工程項目 | 蘭州市南北兩山集雨綠化試驗示範研究 | 主持人 |
15 | 2002-2004 | 國家863項目 | 國家863計畫項目“智慧型化農業信息處理系統甘肅示範區”課題“半乾旱區集雨節水高效農業專家系統” | 主持人 |
16 | 2000-2005 | 國家973項目課題 | 黑河流域主要水文過程與生態需水規律研究 | 參加 |
17 | 2001-2004 | 中科院創新工程項目 | 額濟納綠洲生態環境綜合治理試驗示範 | 參加 |
18 | 2003-2004 | 西班牙獎學金項目 | Recharge enhancement in coastal Mediterranean aquifers. Postdoctoral research in Estacion Experimental de Zonas Aridas, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), Spain. | 主持人 |
19 | 1998-2002 | 中科院“西部之光”項目 | 集雨高效農業試驗示範 | 參加 |
20 | 1998-1999 | 甘肅省兩西建設指揮部 | 集雨補灌試驗示範研究 | 參加 |
21 | 1997-2000 | 國家自然科學基金 | 旱成土表面層結構力學特性與抗風蝕機理研究 | 參加 |
[1] 歐洲地學聯盟(EGU)會員
[2] 國際Society of Wetland Scientists會員
[3] 美國American Geophysical Union (AGU)會員
[4] 中國自然資源學會幹旱半乾旱區資源研究專業委員會委員
[5] 中國地理學會會員
[6] 中國土地學會會員
[7] Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions期刊編委
[8] 國際期刊 Journal of Hydrology, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Catena, Journal of Arid Environments, Ecohydrology, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Rangeland Ecology & Management, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Water Resources Management, Earth Surface Process and Landform, Soil & Tillage Research, Agricultural Water Management, Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Irrigation and Drainage, Journal of agronomy and Crop Science, Journal of Environmental Management論文評審專家。
2010, May 2-7: Europe Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria. Oral presentation: Redistribution of rainfall and soil moisture as influenced by semiarid shrubs at individual plant and patch scales.
2009, Dec 13-19: American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting, San Francisco, USA. Presentation: Temporal and Spatial Rainfall-Runoff Behavior for Microcatchments on the Slope of the Loess Plateau.
2008, July 28-31: International Conference on HYDROPEDOLOGY. Penn State Univ., University Park, USA. Oral presentation: Influence of soil surfaces on runoff and hydraulic properties in a Mediterranean limestone shrubland (Sierra de Gádor, SE Spain).
2002,7: Proceedings of the ICAR5/GCTE-SEN Joint Meeting,July 22-25, Lubbock, Texas,USA.
2003,10: International conference on gully erosion in Mountain Areas: Processes, Measurement,Modelling and Regionalization,15th-17th October,2003,Digne,Alpes-de-Haute-Provence,France.