



李堯副教授 李堯副教授

2006.9-2010.6 香港科技大學 土木與環境工程系,獲工學博士學位。
2003.9-2006.7 北京大學 環境學院,獲理學碩士學位。
1999.9-2003.7 南開大學 環境科學與工程學院,獲理學學士學位。


2011.8-至今 南開大學 環境科學與工程學院,副教授。





Li, Y.; Zhang, X.; Shang, C., Effect of reductive property of activated carbon on total organic halogen analysis. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2010, 44, 2105-2111.
Li, Y.; Zhang, X.; Shang, C.; Krasner S., Evaluation and improvement of total organic bromine analysis with respect to reductive property of activated carbon. Water Res., 2011, 45, 1229-1237.
Li, Y.; Zhang, X.; Krasner S.; Shang, C.; Zhai, H.; Liu, J.; Yang, M., Penetration of polar brominated DBPs through the activated carbon columns during total organic bromine analysis. J. Environ. Monit., 2011, 13, 2851-2857.
Tao, S.; Liu, W.; Li, Y.; Yang, Y.; Zuo, Q.; Li, B.; Cao, J., Organochlorine pesticides contaminated surface soil as reemission source in the Haihe Plain, China. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2008, 42, 22, 8395-8400.
Li, Y.; Zhang X. R.; and Shang C., Evaluation of the Adsorption–Pyrolysis–Titrimetric Method for the Measurement of Drinking Water Total Organic Halogen, 235th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States, April 6-10, 2008.
Li, Y.; Zhang X. R.; and Shang C., Improvement of the Adsorption Pyrolysis Titrimetric Method for the Measurement of Drinking Water Total Organic Halogen, 2009 Wuhan International Conference on the Environment (WICE), Wuhan, Hubei, China, October 15-18, 2009.
李堯, 左謙, 劉文新, 陶澍, 王路光, 王靖飛, 王亞芝, 吳亦紅 (2007) 河北表層土壤中七氯殘留污染現狀及其空間分異特徵. 農業環境科學學報 26(1): 230-234.
劉文新, 李堯, 左謙, 劉書臻, 陶澍, 王路光, 王靖飛, 田在鋒, 冀治國 (2008) 渤海灣西部表土中HCHs與DDTs的殘留特徵. 環境科學學報 1: 142-149.


