華東理工大學 生物工程學院
School of Biotechnology, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
Leo Youyuan LI, Lecturer, MA
教育背景及工作經歷/Education Background & Work Experience
2014.1-2015.1 訪問學者 美國 麻省理工學院
VisitingScholar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
2009.6-2009.9 訪問學者 澳大利亞拉籌伯大學
Visiting Scholar, La Trobe University, Australia
2004.9-2012.4 生物化工博士 華東理工大學
PhD of BiochemicalEngineering, ecust
2002.4-至今/Now 講師 華東理工大學生物工程學院
Lecturer, School of Biotechnology, ECUST
1999.9-2002.3 發酵工程碩士 華東理工大學
Master of Fermentation Engineering, ECUST
1995.9-1999.7 生物化工學士 北京工商大學
Bachelor of Biochemical Engineering, BTBU
計算機技術與套用第二專業 北京工商大學
Certificate of the Second Major of Computer Technology and Application, BTBU
研究方向及研究項目/Research Interests & Research Projects
My current research interests are Bioprocess control and optimization, Proteomics and Bioinformatics.
2012-2014“高蛋白酶活性的工業生物過程蛋白質組學關鍵問題研究”,項目主持人, 2012年生物反應器工程國家重點實驗室開放課題支持,7萬元
2009-2010 “一維預分離結合生物質譜直接鑑定混合蛋白質” ,生物反應器工程國家重點實驗室 專項經費(No. 2060204)支持。
“One-dimensional pre-fractionation combined with biological mass
spectrometry to directly identify mixed protein”
This work was supported by the National Special Fund for State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, Grant No. 2060204.
2007-2009 “上海生物過程工程專業技術服務平台(07DZ22914)”
“Shanghai Public Technology Service Platform for Bioprocess Engineering”
As the third supervisor, I’m in Charging of the construction and management
of the platform.
2007-2009 “海洋共生菌活性物質的高效利用(2007AA09Z446)”
“The efficient use of the bioactive compounds from marine symbiotic bacteria”
As the second supervisor of the sub-project, I’m in charging of the fermentation production of one or two bioactive compounds in 500L bioreactor.
2004-2006 “丙酮酸生物合成代謝調控”
“Metabolic regulation of pyruvate biosynthesis”
This work had improved the pyruvate production output, yield and intensity by analyzing its biosynthesis with metabolic engineering theory and regulating its correlative enzymes and metabolic pathway.
2003-2004 “紅黴素發酵雜質分析與最佳化”
“Analysis and optimization of the impurities in Erythromycin fermentation”
Targeted at the online separation and qualitative analysis of the impurities in erythromycin fermentation to guide the process optimization, which had played a very important role in the erythromycin product.
1999-2002 “螺旋黴素代謝研究及工藝最佳化”
“Metabolic regulation and process optimization of Spiramycin biosynthesis”
I was in charge of the basic research and bench scale fermentation
production of Spiramycin. This work improved the company’s yearly profit
up to 13 million yuan, which had been awarded with the Third prize of Shanghai Scientific and Technological Progress Award(2003)
學術成果及獎勵/Academic Achievements & Awards
Patent: A rapid enzymatic method of proteins mixture. Authorization Number: CN 101457247B
2007.6 專利《生物合成丙酮酸的方法》,公開號:CN 101096691
Patent: A method of pyruvic acid biosynthesis. Publication Number: CN 101096691
2004.11 獲上海市優秀碩士論文獎
Award for Outstanding Master's thesis, Shanghai(2004)
2003.1 “套用醯基激酶和醯基CoA合成酶激活劑提高螺旋黴素產量”獲上海市科學技
The Third prize of Shanghai Scientific and Technological Progress Award :“Apply
activators of acylkinase and acyl-CoA synthetase to improve the spiramycin production” (Changhua CHEN, Guohao CHEN, Youyuan LI)
2002.4 “套用醯基激酶和醯基CoA合成酶激活劑提高螺旋黴素產量”通過上海市科學
技術成果鑑定( 陳長華、陳國豪、李友元等)
Shanghai Scientific and Technological Achievement Appraisal: “Apply activators of
acylkinase and acyl-CoA synthetase to improve the spiramycin production”
(Changhua CHEN, Guohao CHEN, Youyuan LI)
2002.4 獲華東理工大學“二○○二屆研究生優秀畢業生”稱號
Award for Outstanding Graduates, ECUST, 2002
2001.8 獲上海化學化工青年科技論壇論文三等獎
The Third Prize of Shanghai Youth Science and Technology Forum Best Paper Award
2001.6 獲“江蘇華昌”獎學金
"Jiangsu Huachang" Scholarships 2001
2000.9 獲中國藥學會學術年會優秀論文二等獎
The Second Prize of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association Annual Conference Best Paper Award
論文清單/Papers List
第一作者/The First Author
1. YouyuanLi、PeiHao、SiliangZhang*、YixueLi:Feature-matchingPattern-basedSupportVectorMachinesforRobustPeptideMassFingerprinting,《Molecular&CellularProteomics》,10:10.1074/mcp.M110.005785,1–17,2011(2011IF7.398)
2. 李友元、莊英萍、張嗣良:生物信息軟體的自動化策略與實現,《計算機工程》,37(4):81-83,86,2011
3. 李友元、陳長華、顧熠峰等:“基於液質聯用技術解析和最佳化螺旋黴素發酵雜質”,《生物工程學報》21(2):275-278,2005
Youyuan LI, Changhua CHEN, Yifeng GU. LC-ESI/MS Identification and Reduction of Impurities in Spiramycin Fermentation. CHINESE JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 21(2):275-278, 2005
4. 李友元、陳長華、陶萍:“螺旋黴素生物合成中間代謝物的LC—ESI—MS定性分析”,《分析測試學報》21(3):40-43,2002
Youyuan LI, Changhua CHEN, Ping TAO. Qualitative Analysis of Mesostates in Biosynthesis of Spiramycin by LC- ESI -MS. JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSIS, 21(3):40-43, 2002
5. 李友元、陳長華:“螺旋黴素生物合成代謝流量分析“,《中國抗生素雜誌》, 27(2):101-103,2002
Youyuan LI,Changhua CHEN. Metabolic flux analysis of spiramycin biosynthesis. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS, 27(2):101-103,2002
6. 李友元、陳長華、陶萍:“高效液相色譜法測定螺旋黴素發酵液中的有機酸”,《色譜》, 20(1):46-48,2002
Youyuan LI, Changhua CHEN, Ping TAO. Determination of Organic Acids in Fermentation Broth of Spiramycinby High Performance Liquid Chromatography. CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY,20(1):46-48, 2002
7. 李友元、陳長華、李永東、李東紅:“醯基激酶和醯基CoA合成酶對螺旋黴素合成的影響”,《華東理工大學學報》,27(3):251-254,2001
Youyuan LI, Changhua CHEN, Yongdong LI, Donghong LI. Influence of Acylkinase and Acyl-CoA Synthetase on the Biosynthes of Spiramycin by Streptomyces ambofaciens. JOURNAL OF EAST CHINA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION),27(3):251-254,2001
通訊作者/ The Correspondent Author
9. 王翠華、李友元、陳長華、李嘯。溫度對丙酮酸生物合成動力學、能荷和氧化-還原度的影響。《生物工程學報》22(2):316-321,2006
Cuihua WANG, Youyuan LI, Changhua CHEN, Xiao LI. Effects of Temperature on the Kinetics and Level of Energy Charge and Oxidation-Reduction State in Pyruvate Biosynthesis. CHINESE JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 22(2):316-321,2006
10. 王翠華、李友元、陳長華、李嘯。Torulopsis glabrata在丙酮酸生產過程中的能荷變化和氧化還原度趨勢。《華東理工大學學報》32(5):552-555,582,2006.
Cuihua WANG, Youyuan LI, Changhua CHEN, Xiao LI. Trend of Energy Charge and Oxidation-Reduction State in vivo during Pyruvate Production by Torulopsis glabrata 620. JOURNAL OF EAST CHINA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION),32(5):552-555,582,2006.
其他作者/ The Other Author
12. 李為全、陳海軍、陳長華、李友元:糖代謝關鍵酶活性對林可黴素生物合成影響的研究。《藥物生物技術》, 14(6):424-428,2007
Weiquan LI, Haijun CEHN, Changhua CHEN, Youyuan LI. The Influence of Key Enzyme in Glucose Metabolism on Lincomycin Biosynthesis. PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY,14(6):424-428,2007
13. 李嘯、陳長華、李友元:紅黴素A發酵條件的最佳化。《中國醫藥工業雜誌》,37(6):381-383,2006
Xiao LI, Changhua CHEN, Youyuan LI. Optimization of Fermentation Conditions for Erythromycin A. CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICALS,37(6):381-383,2006
14. 李嘯、陳長華、李友元:金屬離子對紅黴素生物合成的影響。 《中國抗生素雜誌》,31(6):366-371,2006
Xiao LI, Changhua CHEN, Youyuan LI. The influence of metal ions on the bio synthesis of erythromycin. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS ,31(6):366-371,2006
15. 李嘯、陳長華、李友元、塗志英:鉬對紅黴素生物合成的影響。《三峽大學學報》,28(4):355-359,2006
Xiao LI,Changhua CHEN,Youyuan LI,Zhiying TU:Influence of Molybdenum on Biosynthesis of Erythromycin 。JOURNAL OF CHINA THREE GORGES UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCES) ,28(4):355-359,2006
16. 李嘯、陳長華、李友元:紅黴素發酵生產後期的調控研究。《三峽大學學報》,27(6):555-558,2005
Xiao LI, Changhua CHEN, Youyuan LI. Study on Fermentation Control for Producing Erythromycin in Latter Period. JOURNAL OF CHINA THREE GORGES UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCES),27(6):555-558,2005
17. 李嘯、陳長華、朱鳳、李友元:“紅黴素生產及其有效組分轉化的最佳化”,《中國抗生素雜誌》,30(2):65-69,2005
Xiao LI, Changhua CHEN, Feng ZHU, Youyuan LI. Optimization of producing erythromycin and transforming its efficient components. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS,30(2):65-69,2005
18. 王恆偉、陳長華、付水林、李友元:“腺苷發酵液中有機酸的代謝規律”,《華東理工大學學報》,30(2):223-226,2004
Hengwei WANG, Changhua CHEN, Shuilin FU, Youyuan LI. The Metabolic Characteristics of the Organic Acids During Adenosine Fermentation. JOURNAL OF EAST CHINA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION) ,30(2):223-226,2004