現為國外SCI數學期刊AML、CAM、MIA和JIA等期刊的審稿人。近幾年,在國內外學術期刊AML、CAM、MIA、JIA和AAA等發表論文60餘篇,其中36篇被SCI檢索收錄。擬Newton法圓盤疊代收斂性的研究從 L.W.Ehrlich,I.Gargantini,到王興華、鄭士明,成果豐碩,朱靈得到了單零點的二步圓盤疊代收斂性初始條件和復零點的一步圓盤疊代收斂性初始條件,前者無人涉及,後者為至今最佳結果。關於擬牛頓法二步圓盤疊代收斂性初始條件的文章在SCI雜誌CAM 2005年第四季排行榜Top25上排名第10,2006年第一季上升至第4名。Durand-Kerner法的圓盤疊代收斂性經 E.Durand, I.O. Kerner,I. Gargantini,P.Henrici, 王興華、鄭士明等不斷努力,成果已很豐富,朱靈一舉解決了Durand-Kerner法的多步圓盤疊代收斂性初始條件;另外,關於Jordan、Redheffer、Wilker 和Shafer-Fink不等式以及其他一些三角函式不等式的研究已居世界領先地位。特別引人注目的是首次將單調性的羅比達法則套用到Jordan不等式的推廣上,這方面的三篇論文作為基礎性文獻被廣泛引用。論文被引用達百餘篇次。
1、Ling Zhu, A modified Newton method in parallel circular iteration of single-step and double-step,Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 50(2005), 1513-1524. (SCI).
2、Ling Zhu, On the convergent condition of Durand-Kerner method in parallel circular iteration of multi-step,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 169 (2005) , 9–191. (SCI).
3、Ling Zhu, On the convergent conditions of Durand-Kerner method in parallel circular iteration of single-step and double-step, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 157 (2004),623–636. (SCI).
4、Ling Zhu, On the convergent condition of Newton-like method in parallel circular iteration for simultaneously finding all multiple zeros of a polynomial, II, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 168 (2005),677–685. (SCI).
5、Ling Zhu, On Shafer-Fink inequalities, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 8(2005), 571–574. (SCI).
6、Ling Zhu, A new simple proof of Wilker's inequality,Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 8 (2005), 749–750. (SCI).
7、Ling Zhu, Sharpening Jordan’s inequality and the Yang Le inequality, Applied Mathematics Letters, 19 (2006), 240–243. (SCI).
8、Ling Zhu, Sharpening of Jordan's inequalities and its applications, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 9 (2006), 103–106. (SCI).
9、Ling Zhu, On the convergent condition of Newton-like method in parallel circular iteration for simultaneously finding all multiple zeros of a polynomial, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 152 (2004), 37–846. (SCI).
10、Ling Zhu, Sharpening Jordan’s inequality and Yang Le inequality, II, Applied Mathematics Letters, 19 (2006), 990–994. (SCI).
11、Ling Zhu, On Shafer-Fink-type inequality, Journal of inequalities and applications, Volume 2007 (2007), Article ID 67430, 4 pages, doi:10.1155/2007/67430. (SCI).
12、Ling Zhu, A solution of a problem of Oppeheim, Mathematical inequalities & Applications, 10(2007),57–61. (SCI).
13、Ling Zhu, On Wilker-type inequalities, Mathematical inequalities and applications, 3(10),10 (2007), 727–731. (SCI).
14、Ling Zhu, A general refinement of Jordan-type inequality, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 55(2008), 498–2505. (SCI).
15、Ling Zhu, New inequalities for means in two variables, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 11 (2008), 229–235. (SCI).
16、Ling Zhu, Some new inequalities for means in two variables, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 11 (2008), 443–448. (SCI).
17、Ling Zhu and Jinju Sun, Six new Redheffer-type inequalities for circular and hyperbolic functions, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,56(2008,522–529. (SCI).
18、Arpad Baricz and Ling Zhu, Extension of Oppenheim's Problem to Bessel Functions, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Volume 2007 (2007), Article ID 82038, 7 pages , doi:10.1155/2007/82038. (SCI).
19、Haiping Liu and Ling Zhu, New Strengthened Carleman's Inequality and Hardy's Inequality, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Volume 2007 (2007), Article ID 84104, 7 pages, doi:10.1155/2007/84104. (SCI)
20、Lu Zhang and Ling Zhu, A new elementary proof of Wilker's inequalities, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 11(2007), 149–151. (SCI).
21、Ling Zhu, A general form of Jordan's inequalities and its applications, Mathematical inequalities & Applications, 11 (2008), 655–665. (SCI).
22、Ling Zhu, New Inequalities of Shafer-Fink Type for Arc Hyperbolic Sine, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 368275, 5 pages. doi:10.1155/2008/368275. (SCI).
23、Ling Zhu, General forms of Jordan and Yang Le inequalities, Applied Mathematics Letters, 22 (2009) 236–241. (SCI).
24、Ling Zhu, Sharpening Redheffer-type inequalities for circular functions,Applied Mathematics Letters, 22 (2009) 743-48. (SCI).
25、Wenhai Pan and Ling Zhu, Generalizations of Shafer-Fink-Type Inequalities for the Arc Sine Function,Journal of Inequalities and Applications,2009. (SCI).
26、Ling Zhu, Some New Wilker Type Inequalities for Circular and Hyperbolic Functions, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2009. (SCI).
27、Ling Zhu, Some New Inequalities of the Huygens Type,Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 58 (2009) 1180-182. (SCI).
28、Ling Zhu, A Source of Inequalities for Circular Functions,Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 58 (2009) ,1998-2004. (SCI).
29、Ling Zhu, Jordan type inequalities involving the Bessel and modified Bessel functions, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2009. (SCI).
30、Ling Zhu, A general form of Jordan-type double inequality involving the generalized and normalized Bessel functions, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2010. (SCI).
31、Ling Zhu, Generalized Lazarevic’s Inequality and Its Applications: Part II,Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2010. (SCI).
32、Ling Zhu and Jiukun Hua, Sharpening the Becker-Stark Inequalities, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2010. (SCI).
33、Ling Zhu, Sharp the Becker-Stark Inequalities for Bessel functions, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2010. (SCI).
34、Ling Zhu, Inequalities for Hyperbolic Functions and Their Applications, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2010. (SCI).
35、Qiu Yuyang and Ling Zhu, THE BEST APPROXIMATION OF THE SINC FUNCTION BY A POLYNOMIAL OF DEGREE N WITH THE SQUARE NORM, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2010. (SCI).