性 別: 男
民 族: 漢族
職 稱: 教授
畢業院校: 香港理工大學個人簡歷
朋改非 教授,博士。 博士生導師。
朋改非,男,教授,博士,中國共產黨黨員。籍貫安徽太湖,生於1966年3月、安徽安慶。現工作於北京交通大學、土木建築工程學院、 建築工程系。
1982.9 - 1987.7 同濟大學材料科學與工程系(5年制), 獲學士學位
1989.9 - 1992.4 清華大學材料科學與工程系, 獲碩士學位
1997.4 - 1999.12 香港理工大學土木及結構工程系, 獲博士學位
1987.7 - 1989.8 北京海淀區華青特種陶瓷廠, 助理工程師
1992.4 - 1997.4 清華大學土木工程系, 助教, 講師
2000.1 – 2002.10 北方交通大學土木建築工程學院, 講師,副教授
2002.10 – 2005.10 北京交通大學土木建築工程學院, 特二崗,特聘教授
2006.9 – 今 北京交通大學土木建築工程學院, 教授
2006.9 – 2007.3 荷蘭,Delft University of Technology,訪問學者
2007.7 – 今 北京交通大學土木建築工程學院, 教授, 博士生導師
(1)國家自然科學基金項目,再生骨料缺陷演變對再生混凝土力學性能與耐久性的影響機理,項目號:51078030。2011.1 - 2013.12,主持。
(2)國家自然科學基金項目,活性粉末混凝土的抗火性及其改善機理的研究,項目號:50978026。2010.1 - 2012.12,主持。
(19)國家自然科學基金項目,纖維增韌高性能混凝土的高溫斷裂性能與抗爆裂性、抗熱衝擊性的研究,項目號:50478060。23萬元經費,2005.1 - 2007.12,主持。
(18)國家自然科學基金項目,纖維增韌高性能混凝土的抗火性與改善機理的研究,項目號:50108001。20萬元經費,2002. 1 – 2004.12,主持。
(16)深圳捷運混凝土結構裂縫控制技術研究(深圳捷運有限公司橫向項目),85萬元,2003.12 – 2004.8,參加,主持材料研究。
(12)高性能混凝土的火災高溫損傷與抗火性改善(教育部項目),2001.1 - 2002.12,主持。
(11)青藏鐵路預應力混凝土橋樑用抗凍耐久高性能混凝土(鐵道部科研項目), 18萬元經費,2001. 9 – 2008 .10,主持。
(10) 昆明-石林高速公路高性能噴射混凝土(雲南省科研項目),20萬元經費,2001.10 –2002.8,參加。
(9)鐵路隧道盲管排水系統用無砂大孔混凝土(鐵道部科研項目),4萬元經費,2002.5 –2003.8,主持。
(8) Effect of Fire on High-Strength Concrete (香港理工大學研究項目),1994.3-1995.5,參加。
(7)輕質矽酸鈣保溫材料(國家建材局項目),1992.4 – 1992.12,參加。
(6)矽鈣合成輕質材料 (國家教委博士點基金項目), 1995-1997,參加。
(4)《用於混凝土與砂漿中的天然沸石粉》編制(建設部項目), 1996.10-1997.11,參加。
(3)Characteristics of High Performance Concrete Exposed to elevated Temperatures (V496) (香港政府研究資助委員會項目), 1997.4-1999.4,參加。
(2)Effect of Fire on High Performance Concrete (Q079) (香港政府研究資助委員會項目), 1999.4-2000.1,參加。
(1)鐵路工程防水混凝土抗滲性的研究(鐵道部項目),2000.5 - 2001.4,參加。
45. 朋改非,黃艷竹,張九峰。骨料缺陷對再生混凝土力學性能的影響。建築材料學報,2011年1月,已錄用。
44. Juan Yang, gai-Fei Peng. The Mechanism of Explosive Spalling and Measures to Resistant Spalling of Concrete Exposed to High Temperature by Incorporating Fibers: A review. Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 168-170, 2011, pp. 773-777. (To be indexed by EI and ISTP)
43. G.F. Peng, P. Chen, S.Q. Cao, Q.B. Liu, Q.X. Hou, and Z.B. Guo. Mechanical properties and permeability of Recycled aggregate concrete at low and high water/binder ratios. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization (ICSU 2010), ISBN: 978-988-17311-0-4, Hong Kong, China, 15-17 December 2010, pp. 1009-1016.
42. 朋改非,郝挺宇,李保華,蔣玉川。普通強度高性能混凝土的高溫性能試驗研究。工業建築,2010年,第40卷,第11期,27-31。
41. Gai-Fei Peng, Yan-Zhu Huang, Jiu-Feng Zhang. Influence of gravel damage and mortar attached on mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Waste Engineering and Management: Construction Waste Recycling and Civil Engineering Sustainable Development (ICWEM 2010), Rilem Proceedings PRO 73, ISBN: 978-2-35158-102-5, eds. J.Zh. Xiao et al, Tongji U., Shanghai, China, 13-15 Oct., 2010, pp. 466-474. (Indexed by ISTP)
40. G.F. Peng, X.J. Duan & T.Y. Hao. Effect of steel fiber on explosive spalling and permeability of high performance concrete after exposure to high temperature. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions: Environment & Loading, CONSEC'10, MÉRIDA, YUCATÁN, MEXICO, June 7-9, 2010, pp.1029-1036.
39. Gai-Fei Peng, Yu-Chuang Jiang, Jia Zhang. Comparison between Normal-Strength High-Performance Concrete and High-Strength High-Performance Concrete Exposed to High Temperature. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on “THE CONCRETE FUTURE”, Yantai, Shandong, China, October 2008.(ISTP檢索)
38. Zhao Jie, Gai-Fei Peng, Zhan-Qi Guo, Xian-Wei Chen. Simulation analysis procedures on the damage by fire to high-performance concrete. Key Engineering Materials, 2009, Vol. 405-406, pp 322-328.(EI檢索)
37. Zhao Bo-Ming, Gai-Fei Peng, Ting-Yu Hao. Behavior of densified normal strength concrete under elevated temperature. Key Engineering Materials, 2009, Vol. 405-406, pp. 405-408.(EI檢索)
36. Peng Gai-Fei, Zhan-Qi Guo, Piet Stroeven, Ri Gao, Jiu-Feng Zhang. Advances in research on influence of raw materials on workability of fresh concrete: A review. Key Engineering Materials, 2009, Vol. 405-406,pp. 83-88.(EI檢索)
35. Peng Gai-Fei, Zhan-Qi Guo, Piet Stroeven, Ri Gao, Guang-Hua Huang. Advances in research on correlation of workability and rheology of fresh concrete: A review. Key Engineering Materials, 2009, Vol.405-406, pp. 77-82.(EI檢索)
34. 趙傑, 朋改非。高性能混凝土火災高溫模擬研究的現狀與展望綜述。商品混凝土, 2008 (02), 1-3頁。
33. 陳茜, 朋改非, 劉葉峰, 宋啟明。表層滲透試驗方法對纖維高性能混凝土的適用性。商品混凝土, 2008 (01), 27-30頁。
32. 陳茜, 朋改非, 劉同, 劉葉峰, 宋啟明。Germanns 表層滲透試驗方法對高性能混凝土的適用性。施工技術, 2008, Vol. 37 (12), 20-22頁。
31. 陳茜, 朋改非。不同冷卻制度下普強高性能混凝土的殘餘力學性能與滲透性的探討。江蘇建材,
2008 (01),24-26頁。
30. 宋啟明, 朋改非, 馮乃謙, 姜子欽, 高明。氯離子吸附劑對混凝土及砂漿抗氯離子滲透性影響的試驗研究。商品混凝土, 2007 (02), 13-18頁。
29. 朋改非。《高性能混凝土套用技術規程》CECS 207:2006的主要特徵。施工技術,2008,第37卷,第1期,1-5頁。
28. 蔣玉川,朋改非,張文斌,張佳。網狀聚丙烯纖維和PVA纖維對高性能混凝土高溫性能的影響。商品混凝土,2006年,第4期,31-37頁。
27. Gai-Fei Peng, Song-Hua Bian, Zhan-Qi Guo, Jie Zhao, Xin-Lai Peng, Yu-Chuan Jiang. Effect of thermal shock due to rapid cooling on residual mechanical properties of fiber concrete exposed to elevated temperatures. Construction and Building Materials (UK), 2008, Vol. 22 (5), pp. 948-955.(SCI檢索)
26. Gai-Fei Peng, Zhi-Shan Huang. Change in microstructure of hardened cement paste subjected to high temperatures. Construction and Building Materials (UK), 2008, Vol. 22, No.4, pp. 593–599. (SCI檢索)
25. 朋改非,沈大欽,朱海英,劉雪松。同配合比條件下再生骨料混凝土與基準混凝土的力學性能比較研究。混凝土,2006,No.2,34-38頁。
24. Gai-Fei Peng, Qiang Ma, Hong-Mei Hu, Ri Gao, Qian-Feng Yao, Ye-Feng Liu. The effects of air entrainment and pozzolans on frost resistance of 50-60 MPa grade concrete. Construction and Building Materials (UK), 2007, Vol. 21, No.5, pp. 1034–1039. (SCI檢索)
23. Gai-Fei Peng, Wen-Wu Yang, Jie Zhao, Ye-Feng Liu, Song-Hua Bian and Li-Hong Zhao. Explosive spalling and residual mechanical properties of fiber-toughened high-performance concrete subjected to high temperatures. Cement and Concrete Research Journal, 2006, Vol.36, No.4, pp.723-727. (SCI檢索)
22.G.F. Peng, Y.F. Liu, H.Z. Jiao, Q.X. Yi, G.L. Qi. Residual Mechanical Properties and Property Recovery of Fibre-Toughened High Performance Concrete Exposed to High Temperatures. Proceedings of ConMat'05, the Third International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, Vancouver, Canada, August 22-24, 2005, pp. 1-10.
21. N.Q. Feng, J.H. Yan, G.F. Peng, X.C. Wang. Application of Recycled Glass in Production of Construction and Building Materials. Proceedings of ConMat'05, the Third International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, Vancouver, Canada, August 22-24, 2005, pp.1-6.
20. Gai-Fei Peng, Guo-Liang Qi, Ye-Feng Liu, Wei-Jian Gu, Quan-Xin Yi, Yu Pan. Residual Mechanical Properties and Explosive Spalling of Fibre-Toughened High Performance Concrete Exposed to High Temperatures. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Utilization of High-Strength/High Performance Concrete, Washington D.C., USA, June 20-24, 2005, pp. 1087-1096.
19. Nai-Qian Feng, Jian-Hua Yan, Gai-Fei Peng. Research, Development, and Application of High Performance Concrete in China: A National Report. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Utilization of High-Strength/High Performance Concrete, Washington D.C., USA, June 20-24, 2005, pp. 1027-1044.
18.Nai-Qian Feng, Jian-Hua Yan, Gai-Fei Peng. Ecological Environment and Concrete Technology in China. Journal of Key Engineering Materials, Vol.302-303, 2006, pp.12-18.(SCI檢索)
17.Qiang Ma(碩士生), Gai-Fei Peng, Yong-Jiang Xie, and Ye-Feng Liu. Influence of Compound Admixture on freeze-thaw resistance of Concrete.Journal of Key Engineering Materials,Vol.302-303, 2006, pp.184-190.(SCI檢索)
16.Y-Feng Liu(碩士生), Gai-Fei Peng, Han-Zhi Jiao, and Quan-Xin Yi. Influence of Polymer Impregnating on Mechanical Properties and Permeability of High Performance Concrete.Journal of Key Engineering Materials,Vol.302-303, 2006, pp.438-443.(SCI檢索)
15.Gai-Fei Peng, Sammy Yin Nin Chan, Qi-Ming Song, and Quan-Xin Yi. Effect of High Temperature on Concrete: A Literature Review.Journal of Key Engineering Materials,Vol.302-303, 2006, pp.138-149.(SCI檢索)
14.Gai-Fei Peng, Zhang-Li Zhao, Song-Hua Bian Ye-Feng Liu. Effect of cooling regimes on mechanical properties of fibre-toughened high-performance concrete.Journal of Key Engineering Materials,Vol.302-303, 2006, pp.603-609.(SCI檢索)
13.Song-Hua Bian(碩士生), Gai-Fei Peng, Ye-Feng Liu, Quan-Xin Yi. Effect of Various Moisture Contents, Variety and dosage of Fibers on Explosive Spalling and Residual Compressive Strength of High Performance Concrete Subjected to High Temperatures. Journal of Key Engineering Materials,Vol.302-303, 2006, pp.618-623.(SCI檢索)
12. Peng GF, Chan SYN, Ma Q, Wang D. Characteristics of explosive spalling of high performance concrete under high temperatures and its inhibition. Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Concrete and Structures (ICACS 2003), May 23-26, 2004, pp. 453-460.(ISTP檢索)
11. Nai-Qian Feng and Gai-Fei Peng. Applications of natural zeolite to construction and building materials in China. Journal of Construction and Building Materials (UK), Vol.19, No.8, October 2005, pp. 579-584. (SCI檢索)
10. Gai-Fei PENG, Sammy Y.N. Chan. Characteristics of crack growth in high performance concrete subjected to fire. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2005, Vol.21, No.1, pp.118-122. (SCI檢索)
9.邊松華(碩士生),朋改非,趙章力,易全新。不同濕含量、纖維品種及摻量對高性能混凝土高溫爆裂和殘餘抗壓強度的影響。建築材料學報,第8卷,第3期,2005年6月,pp. 321-327。(EI檢索)
8.Chan Yin Nin Sammy, Peng Gai-Fei and Anson Mike. Fire behavior of high performance concrete made with silica fume at different moisture contents. ACI Materials Journal (USA), Vol. 96, No. 3, May-June, 1999, pp. 405-409(SCI檢索).
7.Y. N. Chan, G. F. Peng and M. Anson. Residual strength and pore structure of high-strength concrete and normal strength concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites (UK), Vol. 21, No. 1, 1999, pp. 23-27 (SCI檢索).
6.Peng G.F., Chan S.Y.N. and Anson M. Chemical kinetics of C-S-H decomposition in hardened cement paste subjected to elevated temperatures up to 800 °C. Advances in Cement Research Journal (UK), 2001,Vol. 13, No.2, pp. 47-52(SCI檢索).
5.Chan Y.N., Peng G.F., and Chan K.W. Comparison between High-Strength Concrete and Normal Strength Concrete Subjected to High Temperature. Materials and Structures Journal, Dec. 1996, Vol.29, pp. 616-619 (SCI檢索).
4.Gai-Fei Peng, Nai-Qian Feng and Sammy Y. N. Chan. Formation and strength of crystalline calcium silicate hydrate prepared by single autoclaving process. Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1999, pp. 191-197(EI檢索).
3. Peng G.F.,Chan S.Y.N. and Anson M. Characteristics of crack growth of high performance concrete subjected to fire. The Proceedings of International Symposium on Modern Concrete Composites & Infrastructures, Beijing, China, 2000, Nov. 30 - Dec. 2, pp. 67-76(ISTP檢索).
2.朋改非,陳延年,M. Anson。高性能矽灰混凝土的高溫爆裂與抗火性。建築材料學報,Vol. 2, No. 3, 1999,pp. 193-198。
1.作為編制組成員,參加編制國家行業標準《高性能混凝土套用技術規程》,中國工程建設標準化協會標準,《高性能混凝土套用技術規程》(CECS 207:2006),2006年11月,中國計畫出版社,北京。
趙莉弘,2001.9-2004.4,研究題目:纖維增韌高性能混凝土的高溫殘餘力學性能特徵 (Characteristics of residual mechanical properties of fibre-toughened high performance concrete after exposure to elevated temperatures)。
劉葉鋒,2002.9-2005.4,研究題目:混凝土表層滲透性測試方法及高溫後混凝土材料性能恢復的研究 (Studies on a test method of near surface concrete's permeability and property recovery of concrete exposed to high temperature)。朋改非教授與郝挺宇博士共同指導。
邊松華,2002.9-2005.4,研究題目:混雜纖維與冷卻制度對高性能混凝土高溫力學性能的影響 (Effect of hybrid fibers and cooling regimes on mechanical behaviors of high performance concrete after exposure to high temperature)。
馬 強(在職攻讀),2001.9-2005.4,研究題目:青藏鐵路低溫(負溫)高性能混凝土套用試驗研究(Experimental research on high performance concrete applied to low or even minus temperatures for the Qing-Zang railway construction engineering)。
沈大欽,2003.9-2006.6,研究題目:再生骨料混凝土性能的研究(Study of Recycled Aggregate Concrete)。
宋啟明,2004.9-2007.3,研究題目:兩因素對混凝土滲透性的影響:抗氯離子侵蝕劑和高溫作用後聚合物浸漬(Influence of Two factors on Concrete Permeability: Chloride-Ion Resistant Agent and Polymer Impregnation after Exposure to High Temperature)。
蔣玉川,2004.9-2007.3,研究題目:普通強度高性能混凝土的高溫性能特徵(Characteristics of normal-strength high-performance concrete exposed to high temperature)。
陳 茜,2005.9-2008.6,研究題目:載入對纖維混凝土滲透性的影響(Effect of Loading on Permeability of Fiber-Toughened Concrete)。
段旭傑,2006.9-2008.7,研究題目:鋼纖維混凝土的高溫爆裂行為與滲透性演變特徵 (Characteristics of Explosive Spalling Behavior and Change in Permeability of Steel-Fiber Concrete Subjected to High Temperature)
楊學超,2006.9-2009.1,研究題目:冷卻制度及聚合物浸漬對混凝土滲透性影響 (Effect of cooling regimes and polymer impregnated on permeability of concrete)
鹿少磊,2006.9-2009.6,研究題目:三大系列水泥混凝土的高溫性能特徵 (Characristics of sulphoaluminate cement concrete, aluminate cement concrete and Portland cement concrete exposed to high temperature)
寧艷紅,2007.9-2009.10,研究題目:聚丙烯纖維混凝土高溫後的滲透性能(Permeability of Polypropylene-Fiber Concrete Subjected to High Temperature)
張九峰,2007.9-2010.6,研究題目:再生骨料混凝土的力學性能特徵及其影響因素(The Characteristics of Mechanical Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete and Influencing Factors)
陳 強,2007.9-2010.6,研究題目:高溫對活性粉末混凝土高溫爆裂行為和力學性能的影響(The Influence of High Temperature on Explosive Spalling Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Reactive Powder Concrete)
黃廣華,2007.9-2010.6,研究題目:PVA纖維與鋼纖維對高性能纖維增強水泥基複合材料力學性能影響的試驗研究(Experimental Study on Influences of Polyvinyl Alcohol Fiber and Steel Fiber on Mechanical Properties of High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites)
王玉建,2007.9-2010.6,研究題目:載入對再生骨料混凝土滲透性的影響(Effect of Loading on Permeability of Recycled Aggregate Concrete)
2009年博士生,楊 娟。
2009級碩士生,袁 也,黃艷竹。
2010級碩士生,王競妍,滕 岩,李 婷。
2007年度,中國建築材料工業協會•中國矽酸鹽學會 建築材料科學技術獎,二等獎,混凝土高性能化的研究和套用,排名第8。
中國矽酸鹽學會 混凝土與水泥製品分會 理事
中國矽酸鹽學會 房建材料分會 理事
中國矽酸鹽學會 高性能混凝土委員會 副主任委員
中國混凝土和水泥製品協會 人力資源與教育委員會 副理事長
中國土木工程學會 再生混凝土委員會 委員
中國土木工程學會 纖維混凝土委員會 委員
中國矽酸鹽學會 膨脹與自應力混凝土委員會 委員
中國矽酸鹽學會 固體廢棄物委員會 委員
中國工程建設標準化協會 高性能混凝土標準編制組 成員
《膨脹與自應力混凝土》期刊 編委
《商品混凝土》期刊 編委
全國混凝土標委會 會刊《混凝土與標準化》 編委
《混凝土技術》期刊 編委
國際期刊《Recent Patents on Nanotechnology》 編委
美國混凝土學會, American Concrete Institute 會員