
1993年5月研究生畢業於西南交通大學固體力學專業 (研究方向:穩定性、振動與控制),獲工學博士學位;
1986年12月研究生畢業於西南交通大學一般力學專業 (研究方向:非線性振動),獲工學碩士學位;
2006年5月至今: 哈爾濱工業大學 航天學院 教授 博士生導師
2010年2月: 澳大利亞西悉尼大學結構工程學院 訪問教授
2001年5月至2006年5月: 英國 蘭開斯特大學 科學與技術學院 物理系 副研究員
2000年5月至2001年4月: 英國 蘭開斯特大學 科學與技術學院 物理系 博士後
1999年4月至2000年4月: 香港理工大學 土木與結構工程系 副研究員
1996年3月至1996年7月: 香港理工大學 土木與結構工程系 副研究員
1982年7月至2000年4月: 西南交通大學 套用力學與工程系 助教、講師(1987)、副教
中國力學學會 一般力學專業委員會委員(2007)
中國力學學會 一般力學專業委員會非線性動力學與運動穩定性專業組副組長(2007)
1. 國防973項目“****典型薄壁構件振動及其抑制的基礎問題研究”子課題“複雜環境下****的振動―摩擦―衝擊機理研究”,2010~2013;
2. 國防973項目“****整機動力學與容差設計技術”子課題“****徑向/軸向複合碰摩機理研究與試驗驗證”,2010 ~2014;
3. 973科技計畫項目“時速500公里條件下的高速列車基礎力學問題研究”子課題“複雜氣動載荷下高速列車結構動態回響特性研究”,2011~2015;
4. 國家自然科學基金重點項目“空間新型大尺度可折展式機構創新設計理論與方法研究”子課題,2010~2013;
5. 國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫培育項目“高超聲速飛行器的非線性耦合動力學與熱彈性顫振控制”,2009~2011;
6. 國家自然科學基金項目 “細長結構非線性動力學及其在微系統工程中的套用”, 2008 ~2010;
7. 國家自然科學基金重點項目“超超臨界汽輪發電機組轉子系統的若干非線性動力學問題” 子課題,2007~2010;
8. 國防科技預研―航天支撐技術基金項目“******熱氣動彈性耦合顫振與控制”,2009 ~2010;
9. 黑龍江省自然科學基金重點項目“汽輪發電機組轉子系統的故障溯源與控制策略”,2008~2010。
1. Song MT, Cao DQ and Zhu WD. Dynamic analysis of a micro-resonator driven by electrostatic combs. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2011, 16(8), 3425-3442.
2. Deng-Qing Cao and Na Zhao. Active Control of Supersonic/hypersonic Aeroelastic Flutter for a Two-Dimensional Airfoil with Flap. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2011, 54(8), 1943-1953.
3. Dengqing Cao, Xiaochun Gong. Dong Wei, Shiming Chu, Ligang Wang. Nonlinear Vibration Characteristics of a Flexible Blade with Friction Damping Due to Tip-rub. Shock & Vibration, 2011, 18(1-2), 105-114.
4. Gong Xiaochun,Cao Dengqing, Active control of an unsymmetrical rotor system with tilting pad journal bearings. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2011, 17(10), 1582-1590.
5. 孫華剛,馮廣斌,曹登慶,毛向東. 齒輪裂紋對嚙合剛度的影響分析. 車輛與動力技術, 2010, 24(4): 53-56.
6. Deng-Qing Cao, Jin-Lin Wang and Wen-Hu Huang. A novel order reduction method for nonlinear structural dynamical system under external periodic excitations. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2010, 53(3), 684-691.
7. 曹登慶,王晉麟,黃文虎. 預估校正Galerkin方法及其在大型轉子-軸承系統中的套用. 振動與衝擊, 2010, 29(2): 94-98, 116.
8. Jin-Lin Wang, D. Q. Cao and Wen-Hu Huang. A New Fluid Film Force Model of Elliptical Bearing: Modeling and Case Studies. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2010, 224: 595-608.
9. Wang LG, Cao DQ, and Huang WH. Nonlinear coupled dynamics of flexible blade-rotor-bearing systems. Tribology International, 2010, 43(4): 759-778.
10. 王立剛,曹登慶,黃文虎。葉片振動影響下雙盤轉子-軸承系統的穩定性與分岔。力學季刊,2009, 30(1)9, 14-22.
11. 曹登慶,曾京,陳危危,陳敏。裝有MR阻尼器的轉向架動力系統的時滯輸出反饋控制。振動與衝擊,2009, 28(6), 135-138.
12. Cao DQ, Wang LG, Chen YS, Huang WH. Bifurcation and Chaos of the bladed overhang rotor system with squeeze film dampers. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2009, 52(3), 709-720.
13. Cao, D. Q. and R. W. Tucker, Nonlinear Dynamics of Elastic Rods Using the Cosserat Theory: Modelling and Simulation. International Journal of Solids and Structure, 2008, 45(2), 460-477.
14. 王立剛,曹登慶,王晉麟,黃文虎,崔穎。橢圓軸承-轉子系統的穩定性與分岔,航空動力學報,2008, 23(2), 263-269.
15. Liu, D., Cao, D. Q., Wang, C., and Richardson A., Finite element formulation of three dimensional slender structures based on the Cosserat theory. International Journal of Solids and Structure, 2007, 44(24), 7785-7802.
16. Cao, D. Q., Robust stability bounds for nonclassically damped systems with multi-directional perturbations, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2007, 49(3), 405-413.
17. Cao, D. Q., Yang Y. R. and Ge Y. M., Characteristic equation approach to stability measures of linear neutral systems with multiple time delays, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2007, 17(1), 95-105.
18. Zhang K. and Cao D. Q., Further results on asymptotic stability of linear neutral systems with multiple delays, Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 2007, 344(6), 858-866.
19. Cao, D. Q., Liu, D. and Wang, C. H.-T., Three dimensional nonlinear dynamics of slender structures: Cosserat rod element approach. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2006, Vol. 43, No.3-4, pp.760-783.
20. Cao D. Q., Liu, D. and Wang, C. H.-T., Nonlinear dynamic modeling for MEMS components via the Cosserat rod element approach. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2005, Vol.15, No.7, pp.1334–1343.
21. Cao, D. Q., He, P. and Ge, Y. M., Simple algebraic criteria for stability of neutral delay-differential systems, Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 2005, Vol.342, No.2, pp.311-320.
22. Burton, D., Cao, D. Q., Tucker, R. W. and Wang, C., On the stability of stay cables under light wind and rain conditions, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2005, Vol. 279, No.1-2, pp.89-117.
23. Cao, D. Q., Ge, Y. M. and Yang, Y. R., Stability criteria for non-classically damped systems with nonlinear uncertainties, Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2004, Vol.71, No.5, pp.632-636.
24. Cao, D. Q. and He, P., Sufficient conditions for stability of linear neutral systems with a single delay, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2004, Vol.17, No.2, pp.139-144.
25. He, P. and Cao, D. Q., Algebraic stability criteria of linear neutral systems with multiple time delays, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2004, Vol.155, No.2-3, pp.643-653.
26. Cao, D. Q. and He, P., Stability criteria of linear neutral systems with a single delay, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2004, Vol.148, No.1, pp.135-143.
27. Cao, D. Q. Tucker, R. W. and Wang, C., A stochastic approach to cable dynamics with moving rivulets, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2003, Vol.268, No.2, pp.291-304.
28. Cao, D. Q., He, P. and Zhang, K. Y., Exponential stability criteria of uncertain systems with multiple time delays, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2003, Vol.283, No.2, pp.362-374.
29. Ni Y. Q., Chen Y., Ko J. M. and Cao, D. Q., Neuro-control of cable vibration using semi-active magneto-rheological dampers, Engineering Structures, 2002, Vol. 24, No.3, pp.295-307.
30. 曹登慶、張克躍. 多參數線性時滯系統的穩定性準則. 控制與決策, 2000, Vol. 15, No.1, pp.56-62.
31. Cao Dengqing. Stability robustness measures of linear discrete-time systems with structured perturbations. Journal of Systems Science and System Engineering, 1999, Vol.8, No.1, pp.58-64.
32. pun D., Lau S.L., and Cao, D. Q., Stability analysis for linear time-varying systems with uncertain parameters: application to steady-state solutions of nonlinear systems. Journal of Vibration and Control, 1999, Vol.5, No.6, pp.925-939.
33. Cao Dengqing, Stability robustness measures of linear state space models with structured uncertainties. Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, 1998, Vol.11, No.1, pp.32-38.
34. Pun, D., Lau, S.L., Law, S.S., and Cao D. Q., Forced vibration analysis of a multi-degree impact Vibrator. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1998, Vol.213, No.3, pp.447-466.
35. 曹登慶、舒仲周.存在間隙的多自由度振動系統的周期運動及Robust穩定性.力學學報,1997, Vol.29, No.1, 74-83.
36. 曹登慶.不確定變時滯線性系統的鎮定條件.控制理論與套用,1997, Vol.14, No.1, 85-89.