




1998年畢業於中國科技大學化學系,獲博士學位。1998.7-2000.11南京大學任教;2000.12-2005.6美國 University of Florida 和Stevens Institute of Technology 博士後。2005.7-2007.11美國 University of Florida任 Environmental Chemist。自2007.12起,任上海交通大學教授。美國化學學會會員,美國土壤學會會員,北美華人土壤與植物學會會員。






曾主講«環境化學»、«無機及分析化學»等大學學位課程。主持和參與美國佛羅里達大學資源環境中心、美國國家自然科學基金、美國農業部、美國國防部、美國佛羅里達州環保局、中國國家自然科學基金等資助項目10餘項。已在Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental Pollution等國際期刊上發表SCI收錄學術論文36篇,其中第一作者22篇。論文總體評估 H 因子為14。合作專著4本,其中英文2本。2004年因在稀土元素的環境化學行為及其對水生生態系統的影響方面的研究有突出貢獻而獲得中國國家教育部科技進步一等獎。2005年曾擔任由美國科學院主辦的第一屆國際環境科學與技術大會組委會及學術委員會委員以及土壤污染與修復分會主席,並被美國化學學會授予2005 年度 “Awarded Chemist”。2006年因在土壤重金屬污染表征與修複方面的研究具有開創性成果被美國化學與工程領域權威新聞雜誌 Chemical and Engineering News 採訪及詳細報導。


Xinde Cao and W.G. Harris 2007 Magnesium and carbonate interactive effects on calcium phosphate precipitation. Environmental Science and Technology (published online ASAP: doi:10.1021/es0716709)

Xinde Cao, Lena Q. Ma, and Satya P Singh 2007 Phosphate-induced lead immobilization from different lead minerals in soils under varying pH conditions Environmental Pollution(published online ASAP: doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2007.05.008 )

Xinde Cao, D. Dermatas, X. Xu, and G. Shen 2007 Immobilization of lead in shooting range soils by means of cement, quicklime, and phosphate amendments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (published Online ASAP; doi: 10.1065/ espr2007.05.416)

Xinde Cao, and Dimitris Dermatas 2007 Evaluating the applicability of regulatory leaching tests for assessing lead leachability in shooting range soils. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (published online ASAP)

Xinde Cao, Willie G. Harris, Manohardeep S. Josan, and Vimala D. Nair 2007 Inhibition of calcium phosphate precipitation under environmentally-relevant conditions. Science of the Total Environment 383: 205-215

Xinde Cao and Lena Ma 2007 Transformation of lead bullets and phosphate-induced lead immobilization at shooting range sites. In R. H. Plattenberg, eds. Environmental Pollution: New Research. Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 99-119.

Xinde Cao, Dimitris Dermatas, Gang Shen, and Lena Q. Ma 2005 Lead contamination and immobilization at shooting range sites, In A. Al-Tabbaa and J. A. Stegemann, eds. Stabilisation/Solidification Treatment and Remediation. Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 315–321.

Xinde Cao, Lena Q. Ma, Dean Rhue, and Chip Appel 2004 Mechanisms of lead, copper, and zinc retention by phosphate rock. Environmental Pollution 131:435-444 (One of the top 25 papers in 2004 in this journal)

Xinde Cao and Lena Q. Ma 2004 Effects of compost and phosphate on plant arsenic uptake from contaminated soils near pressure-treated wood. Environmental Pollution 132: 435-442

Xinde Cao, Lena Q. Ma, and Cong Tu 2004 Antioxidative responses to arsenic in the hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata L. Environmental Pollution 128: 317-325

Xinde Cao, Lena Q. Ma, Ming Chen, Donald Hardison, and Willie G. Harris 2003 Weathering of lead bullets and their environmental effects at outdoor shooting ranges Journal of Environmental Quality 32, 526-534

Xinde Cao, Lena Q. Ma, Satya P. Singh, Ming Chen, and Willie G. Harris 2003 Phosphate-induced metal immobilization in a contaminated site Environmental Pollution 122, 19-28

Xinde Cao, Lena Q. Ma, Ming Chen, and Willie G. Harris 2003 Lead transformation and distribution in the soils of shooting ranges in Florida, USA Science of the Total Environment 307, 179-189

Xinde Cao, Lena Q. Ma, and Aziz Shiralipour 2003 Effects of compost and phosphate amendments on the arsenic leachability in the soil and arsenic uptake by Brake fern (Pteris Vittata L.). Environmental Pollution 126, 157-167 Xinde Cao, Lena Q. Ma, Satya P. Singh, Ming Chen, and Willie G. Harris 2002 Impacts of phosphate amendments on lead biogeochemistry at a contaminated site. Environmental Science and Technology 36, 5296-5304


Dr. Xinde Cao, professor of Environmental Chemistry, member of American Chemical Society, Soil Science Society of American, etc. Dr. Cao obtained Ph.D degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 1998. After the graduation, Dr. Cao worked in Nanjing University from 1998 to 2000. He was a postdoc research associate at University of Florida and Stevens Institute of Technology between 2000 and 2005. Dr. Cao was employed as an environmental Chemist at University of Florida between 2005 and 2009. He joined Shanghai Jiao Tong University as a professor since 2008.12. Dr. Cao received several awards including the First place Award of Scientific and Technology Progress by China Ministry of Education in 2004 and the Awarded Chemist of the year by American Chemical Society in 2005. He served several International Conferences including an advisory committee and a session chair for the First International Conference on Environmental Sc ience and Technology, sponsored by America Academy of Science in 2005. His breakthrough results on the research of characterization and immobilization of lead in shooting range sites was highlighted in Chemical and Engineering News in 2006. As a Principal Investigator (PI) and co-PI, Dr. Cao has been in charge of more than 10 projects which were supported by U.S.NSF, and U.S.DA, U.S.DoE, and China NSFC. He has published more than 60 SCI-indexed research papers in refereed journals including Environ. Sci. Technol., Bioresour. Technol., etc. His research achievements are recognized by other scientists worldwide, with the SCI paper having total citation of 1322 and overall evaluation h-index of 20. Dr. Cao completed 4 book chapters including 2 in English and presented his work in 19 international conferences. Dr. Cao serves several SCI journals including Editor and Associate Editor for Chemosphere, and Editorial Board for Sci. Total Environ., Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., etc.


曾主持和主要參與完成了美國國家自然科學基金、美國農業部、美國國防部等資助項目10多項。現主持國家自然科學基金、科技部國際合作項目、教育部留學回國基金、教育部博士點基金、上海市人才計畫等項目9項。建立了電子垃圾加工回收場地、射擊場、化工廠等污染場地修復示範工程4項。在包括環境科學與技術領域頂級期刊《Environmental Science and Technology》(IF=4.825, 5篇) 等國際雜誌上發表SCI收錄學術論文60多篇,其中第一或通訊作者40多篇,SCI論文總引用1322次,他引總次數1167,單篇引用最高次數119,論文總體評估h因子為20。 合作專著4本,其中英文2本。獲省部級獎3項,其中2004年因在稀土元素的環境化學行為及其對水生生態系統的影響方面的研究有突出貢獻而獲得國家教育部科技進步一等獎。多次擔任國際會議組委會委員及分會主席並做特邀報告,其中2005年擔任由美國科學院主辦的第一屆國際環境科學與技術大會組委會及學術委員會委員以及土壤污染與修復分會主席。2006年土壤中重金屬的原位鈍化修複方面的一些創新性研究成果被美國化學與工程新聞周刊《Chemical and Engineering News 》採訪及詳細報導,2007年並被美國化學學會授予年度“Awarded Chemist”。2009年1篇SCI論文引用頻次入圍ESI世界前1%的頂級論文。2011年入選上海市“浦江人才”計畫。擔任國際SCI期刊《Chemosphere》副主編,國際SCI期刊《The Science of Total Environment》、《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》編委。





