2008至今 中國人民大學商學院助教授

2007-2008 英國諾丁漢大學博士後研究員和寧波諾丁漢大學高級研究員
2007 英國諾丁漢大學中國政策研究所研究員
2004-2007 英國諾丁漢大學中國政策研究所助研
2004-2005 英國諾丁漢大學經濟學院助教
Yi, J., Wang, C., and Kafouros, M. (2013), “The Effects of Innovative Capabilities onExporting: Do Institutional Forces Matter?” International Business Review(SSCI), Vol.22, No.2, 392-406.
Yi, J. (2013), “Exchange Rates and Prices: Evidence from China”, Journal of InternationalTrade & Economic Development (SSCI), Vol.22, No.5, 639-657.
Yi, J., and Wang, C. (2012), “The Decision to Export: Firm Heterogeneity, Sunk Costs,and SpatialConcentration”, International Business Review (SSCI), Vol. 21,No. 5, 766-781.
Yi, J. (2012), “Firm Heterogeneity, Sunk Costs, Spatial Characteristics, and Export MarketParticipation: Evidence from China”, Journal of International Trade & EconomicDevelopment (SSCI), forthcoming.
Yi, J., Zhong, Y., and Zheng, Q. (2012), “An analysis of state-owned and private-ownedenterprises’ export performance: the value chain perspective”, Journal of ChineseEntrepreneurship, Vol. 4, No. 1, 20-34.
Yi, J. (2011), “The Political Economy of China’s Exchange Rate Policymaking in the Hu-WenEra”, China-An International Journal (SSCI), Vol.9, No.1, 164-177.
Yi, J. (2010), “China’s Equilibrium Exchange Rate Dynamics 1994-2004: A CointegrationAnalysis”, Frontiers of Economics in China, Vol.5, No.3, 375-392.
Yi, J. (2009), “China’s Exchange Rate Movements and Corporate Currency InvoicingStrategies”,China & World Economy SSCI), Vol.17, No.5, 36-51.
Yi, J., Zheng, Y., and Chen, M. (2008), “Revaluation of the Chinese Currency and Its Impactson China: A Political Economy Approach”, Issues & Studies (SSCI), Vol. 44,No. 2, 193-218.
Zheng, Y. and Yi, J. (2007), “China’s Rapid Accumulation of Foreign Exchange Reserves andIts Policy Implications”, China and World Economy (SSCI), Vol.15, No.1, 14-25.
Yi, J. (2006), “Changes in China’s Exchange Rate Policy and Its Future Policy Options”,China-An International Journal (SSCI), Vol.4, No.2, 302-313.
易靖韜,烏雲其其克. 研究中國貿易擴張的二元邊際結構及其影響因素.《國際貿易問題》,2013年第10期,待發表。
易靖韜,傅佳莎. 企業生產率與出口:中國浙江省企業層面的證據.《世界經濟》,2011年第5期,74-92。
易靖韜,趙錦蘭. 圖書出版產業結構、企業行為與企業績效.《財貿經濟》,2010年第5期,96-108。
易靖韜. 企業異質性、市場進入成本、技術溢出效應與出口參與決定.《經濟研究》,2009年第9期,106-115。
Yi, J., and Fu, J. (2010), “A Research on Corporate Productivity and Exporting from thePerspective of Self-selection”,Proceedings for the 6th Euro-Asia Conference onEnvironment and Corporate Social Responsibility: Society and Tourism Management(ISSHP), March 2010, 72-77.
Yi, J., and Chen, C. (2010), “Exporting and Firms' Performance-Evidences in ZhejiangProvince”,Proceedings for the 6th Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and CorporateSocial Responsibility: Society and Tourism Management (ISSHP), March 2010, 53-57.
Yi, J., Harvey, D., and Roberts, M. (2006), “The Equilibrium Exchange Rate Dynamics in China1994-2004”, Conference Proceedings, Spring Meeting of Young Economists (SMYE),Seville, Spain, 26-28 May, 2006.
International Business Review, Journal of World Business, Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, China & World Economy, 《經濟研究》、《世界經濟》等雜誌的匿名審稿人
2010 中國人民大學校級先進工作者
2010 中國人民大學校級優秀班主任
2004 英國教育部ORS 獎學金
2003 英國諾丁漢大學博士獎學金、經濟學院博士獎學金
2003 英國蘭卡斯特大學管理學院碩士學習優異獎
Yi, J. (2008), “Policy Options for China’s Exchange Rate Regime in the Post-reform Era”, Brown Bag Seminar, China Policy Institute, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, January 2008.
Yi, J. (2006), “The Equilibrium Exchange Rate Dynamics in China 1994-2004”, XIth Spring Meeting of Young Economists (SMYE 2006), Seville, Spain, 26-28 May, 2006.
Yi, J. (2006), “Chinese Equilibrium Exchange Rates”, School Workshop, School of Economics, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, February 2006.