

擔任Multimedia Tools and Applications、Journal of Engineering and Computer Innovations、Informatica、Computers & Mathematics with Applications、計算機學報、軟體學報、電子學報、計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報等期刊審稿專家
The 19th ACS Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Program Committee Member, 2006;
The 6th International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing, Program Committee Member, 2010;
中國計算機學會、人工智慧學會、ACM Member;
2006 年獲北京市科學技術獎;
2008 年獲中國科學院計算技術研究所“優秀研究人員”稱號。




國家自然科學基金面上基金項目“希爾伯特空間以及矩陣理論在HOL4中的形式化”,No.61170304, 2012.1-2015.12, 負責人
國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目“基於視感知的圖像視頻語義獲取關鍵技術研究”,No.60903141, 2010.1-2012.12,負責人
國家自然科學基金重點項目“基於雲計算的海量數據挖掘”,No.61035003, 2011.1-2014.12, 骨幹
973項目子課題“非結構化信息(圖像)的內容理解與語義表征”No. 2007CB311004,2007.7-2012.7,骨幹
國家自然科學基金“基於感知學習和語言認知的智慧型計算模型研究”No. 60435010,2005.1-2008.12,骨幹
國家“八六三”高技術研究發展計畫“基於感知機理的智慧型信息處理技術”No:2006AA01Z128, 2006.9-2008.12,骨幹


Zhiping Shi, Xi Liu, Qingyong Li, Qing He, Zhongzhi Shi. Extracting Discriminative Features for CBIR. Multimedia tools and application. Accepted (SCI、EI indexed journal)
Zhiping SHI, Zhiquan DAI, Yong GUAN, Minhua WU, Shengzhen JIN, Jie ZHANG, Xiaojuan LI. Systematic Verification of SpaceWire Bus with Model Checking. SpaceWire2011. Accepted.
Xi Liu, Zhiping Shi, Zhongzhi Shi. Model shared semi-supervised learning for multi-label image. ICIP2011
Li Zhixin, Shi Zhiping, Liu Xi, Shi Zhongzhi. Modeling continuous visual features for semantic image annotation and retrieval [J]. Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL).32(3): 516-523 (2011)(SCI、EI indexed)
李志欣, 史忠植, 劉曦, 施智平. 混合生成式和判別式模型的圖像自動標註[J]. 計算機學報.(在審,EI檢索)
李志欣,施智平, 李志清, 史忠植. 融合語義主題的圖像自動標註[J]. 軟體學報. 2011,22(4):801-812 (EI源)2011
Xi Liu, Zhiping Shi, Zhixin Li, Xishun Wang, Zhongzhi Shi. Sorted Label Classifier Chains for Learning Images with Multi-label. ACM MM 2010. 951-954
Zhixin Li; Zhiping Shi; Xi Liu; Zhiqing Li; Zhongzhi Shi. Fusing Semantic Aspects for Image Annotation and Retrieval. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 2010, 21(8):798–805 (SCI、EI檢索)
Xi Liu, Zhiping Shi, Zhixin Li, Xishun Wang, Zhongzhi Shi. Sorted Label Classifier Chains for Learning Images with Multi-label. ACM MM 2010. ACCEPTED
Zhixin Li; Zhiping Shi; Xi Liu; Zhiqing Li; Zhongzhi Shi. Fusing Semantic Aspects for Image Annotation and Retrieval. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 2010, 21(8):798–805
李志清,施智平,李志欣,史忠植 基於結構相似度的稀疏編碼模型軟體學報2010,21(10):2410-2419,(EI源)。
李志清, 施智平, 李志欣, 史忠植. 結構相似度稀疏編碼及其圖像特徵提取[J]. 模式識別與人工智慧, 2010, 23(1): 17–22
劉曦, 史忠植, 石志偉, 施智平. 一種基於特徵捆綁計算模型的物體識別方法. 軟體學報, 2010,21(3):452−46. (EI)
Qingyong Li, Zhiping Shi: Texture image retrieval using compact texton co-occurrence matrix descriptor. Multimedia Information Retrieval 2010: 83-90
Zhixin Li, Zhiping Shi, Xi Liu, Zhongzhi Shi. AUTOMATIC IMAGE ANNOTATION WITH CONTINUOUS PLSA. ICASSP 2010. 806–809 Lecture
Zhiqing Li, Zhiping Shi, Xi Liu, Zhongzhi Shi. A NOVEL SPARSE CODING MODEL BASED ON STRUCTURAL SIMILARITY. ICASSP 2010. 4170-4173.Poster 2009
Zhiping Shi, Xi Liu, Qing He and Zhongzhi Shi. Image Features Optimizing for Content-Based Image Retrieval, in the proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems (ICIS 2009), Shanghai China. 260-264(EI)
Zhiqing Li, Zhiping Shi, Zhixin Li and Zhongzhi Shi. Image Classification Using Structural Sparse Coding Model. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Natural Computation, Tianjin, 2009: 624-628.
Zhiqing Li, Zhiping Shi, Zhixin Li and Zhongzhi Shi. Image Reconstructionby Sparse Coding and Selective Attention. The 2nd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, Tianjin, China, 2009: 691-695
Zhiqing Li, Zhiping Shi, Zhixin Li and Zhongzhi Shi. An Efficient Coding Model for Image Representation. C.S. Leung, M. Lee, and J.H. Chan (Eds.): 16th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 2009, Part I, LNCS 5863, 2009: 751-758.
Fei Ye, Zhiping Shi, Zhongzhi Shi, “A Comparative Study of PCA, LDA and Kernel LDA for Image Classification”, 7th International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality 2009. ISUVR '09. 8 July, pp.51-54, 2009 Korea (EI源)
Xi Liu, Zhiping Shi, Zhixin Li, and Zhongzhi Shi. CoBoost Learning of Visual Categories with 1st and 2nd Order Features from Google Images. ACM International Conference on Multimedia. October 19-24, pp.533-536, 2009 Beijing, China.
Xi Liu, Zhixin Li, Zhiping Shi and Zhongzhi Shi. Filter Object Categories: Employing Visual Consistency and Semi-supervised Approach. International Conference on Multimedia & Expo. June 28-July 3, pp.678-681, 2009 NewYork, USA.
Zhixin Li, Zhiping Shi, Zhiqing Li, Zhongzhi Shi. MODELING LATENT ASPECTS FOR AUTOMATIC IMAGE ANNOTATION. ICIP09 1857-1860. (EI源)
Zhixin Li, Xi Liu, Zhiping Shi, Zhongzhi Shi. Learning image semantics with latent aspect model [C]. In: Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME’09), pages 366–369, New York, June 28–July 3, 2009.
Zhixin Li, Huifang Ma, Zhiping Shi, Zhongzhi Shi. A probabilistic model for automatic image annotation and retrieval [C]. In: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT’09), Volume 1, pages 14–19, Xiamen, October 11–14, 2009.
Zhiping Shi, Qing He, Zhongzhi Shi. An Index and Retrieval Framework Integrating perceptive Features and Semantics for Multimedia Database. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer Heidelberg, 2009, 42(2):207-231. DOI:10.1007/s11042-008-0235-y (SCI: 415EY, EI 20091211969547)
史春奇, 施智平, 劉曦, 史忠植. 基於自組織動態神經網路的圖像分割.計算機研究與發展,2009, 46(1):23-30 .
Zhiping Shi, Qingyong Li, Qing He, Zhongzhi Shi. A Semantics Sensitive Framework of Organization and Retrieval for Multimedia Databases. Chapter of Artificial Intelligence for Maximizing Content Based Image Retrieval, edited by Dr. Ma ZM. IGI Global.2008:289-314
張志勇, 施智平, 石志偉, 史忠植. 基於輪廓的圖像檢索.軟體學報. 2008, Vol.19(9):1350-1362.
李志欣, 施智平, 李志清, 史忠植圖像檢索中語義映射方法綜述, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報2008,20(8):1085-1096 (EI: 083811573260)
Zhiping Shi, Fei Ye, Qing He, Zhongzhi Shi. Symmetrical Invariant LBP Texture Descriptor and Application for Image Retrieval. 2008 IEEE Congress on Image and Signal Processing. Sanya, China. May 27-30, 2008. pp825-829.(EI: 083911595778)
李清勇,施智平,史忠植綜合語義特徵和視覺特徵的二階段紋理圖像檢索方法,計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報2008, 20(04): 499-505.(EI 082011256919)
石志偉,史忠植,劉曦, 施智平. 特徵捆綁的計算模型.中國科學C輯. 2008, 38 (5): 485-493.
ZhiWei Shi, ZhongZhi Shi, Xi Liu and ZhiPing Shi. A computational model for feature binding. Science in China Series C: Life SciencesScience Press, co-published with Springer-Verlag, 2008, 51(5): 470-478(SCI 302RE)2007


