出版社: 華夏出版社; 第1版 (2002年6月1日)
外文書名: Clinical Essentials of Contemporary Series Chinese Medicine:Fundamentals of Formulas of Chinese Medicine
叢書名: 現代中醫臨床備要叢書
平裝: 471頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7508019954
條形碼: 9787508019956
《方劑學基礎》內容簡介:The basic content of this Clinical Essentials of Contemporary Series Chinese Medine initiallycame from my lecture notes on Traditional Chinese Medicine prepared for Gero Missoni, an Aus-trian physician, and other doctors in 1989. The notes were supplemented during the next twoyears when I lectured at the Toulouse University in France. Later, this material was enhancedand became especially valuable when I began to work with the Goto College of Medical Arts andSciences in Japan in 1996 to train postgraduate students in a master' s degree course in TCM.
General Introduction
The Relationship Between Formulas and Treatment
1. The Eight Therapeutic Methods in Designing Formulas
2. The Sixty-Four Therapeutic Methods in Designing Formulas
Designing of a Formula——Monarch, Minister, Adjuvant and Dispatcher
alteration of a Formula——Modification of a Formula
1. Modification of Herbs
2. Modification of Dose
3. Modification of Preparation Forms