
Listen Listen Listen


出版社: 上海外語教育出版社; 第2版 (2008年4月1日)
叢書名: 普通高等教育十五國家級規劃教材
平裝: 103頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787544607865
條形碼: 9787544607865
尺寸: 25.4 x 19.2 x 1.6 cm
重量: 200 g




Unlt One I Really Enjoy...
Get the Right Sound
Listen In
Focus On
Speak Out
Listen More
Act It Out
Fun Time
Additional Exercises
Unlt Two I'd Like To...
Get the Right Sound
Listen In
Focus On
Speak Out
Listen More
Act It Out
Fun Time
Additional Exercises
Unit Three You'd Better ...
Get the Right Sound
Listen In
Focus On
Speak Out
Listen More
Act It Out
Fun Time
Additional Exercises
Unit Four In My Opinion
Get the Right Sound
Listen In
Focus On
Speak Out
Listen More
Act It Out
Fun Time
Additional Exercises
Unit Five If You ...
Get the Right Sound
Listen In
Focus On
Speak Out
Listen More
Act It Out
Fun Time
Additional Exercises
Unit Six Should I ... ?
Get the Right Sound
Listen In
Focus On
Speak Out
Listen More
Act It Out
Fun Time
Additional Exercises
Unit Seven You Are So...
Get the Right Sound
Listen In
Focus On
Speak Out
Listen More
Act It Out
Fun Time
Additional Exercises
Unlt EIght l'm Golng To ...
Get the Right Sound
Listen In
Focus On
Speak Out
Listen More
Act It Out
Fun Time
Additional Exercises
Unlt Nine May I invite You To ... ?
Get the Right Sound
Listen In
Focus On
Speak Out
Listen More
Act It Out
Fun Time
Additional Exercises
Unit Ten C'monl
Get the Right Sound
Listen In
Focus On
Speak Out
Listen More
Act It Out
Fun Time
Additional Exercises


